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Everything posted by bluenews

  1. and for the past two weeks Mort's sources have confirmed that Lane Kiffen will be fired as early as Monday. ESPN need to can his jackss!
  2. stop being so bitter about your 0-2 fantasy football team
  3. http://www.nfl.com/stats/team I would like to add +/- 1 with Baltimore being ranked ahead of Buffalo. They have only played one game due to the Hurricane in Houston.
  4. I spoke with an NFL scout with connections to UB and Drew Willy wasn't even on his preseason scouting report. His 2008 numbers might warrant a second look by some NFL teams. NFL quarterbacks are a like pick the daily number!
  5. The believe the Bills are allowing him to (1) get healthy and (2) selecting games and packages where can contribute. It also doesn't help the Jaguars defensive coverage schemes when that have very little games film to evaluate his talent.
  6. It's Sunday and he's coming in on Monday. Back up position?
  7. Lee Evans was in camp and working on a deal!!
  8. Dr. Z's Power Rankings Middle of the pack without Jason Peters
  9. I agree, however, somewhat cautious due to the conservative nature of Dick Jauron.. A good old fashion "bird beating" would be a great start to the season and could send a message to Jason Peters.
  10. Bruce Alert declared for WNY! Taking my brother to airport this afternoon. I'll be on the lookout for a unhappy, fat, out of shape, former Pro Bowl offensive tackle returning to WNY in the baggage claim area. Please help......be on the lookout at Amtrak, Bus Station and in back of taxis.
  11. "Sometimes you buy a house, ooops!" J.P. Losman
  12. On both TD catches by Royal, Hardy drew extra attention and created space for Royal!!
  13. How about... Hoosier Daddy Ochenta Uno Space Maker E2H TD Section 329
  14. a new stadium in WNY would take a miracle and thus should be named as such.....
  15. I've attended a few NFL games in "downtown" cities. The tailgating sucks!!! The RCA Dome in Indy was the worst! A downtown Buffalo Stadium would hold about 65,000 and have many Bills' stores, restaurants and bars for fans to spend their dala dala Bills!!
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