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Posts posted by HamSandwhich

  1. I've heard opinions from the radio, ESPN, NFL Network, Yahoo Sports, etc. about where this team might be headed next season, and these scenarios seem like the most likely based on all of the rumors and potential staff/players available:


    Option 1: Aggressive Offseason


    1. Buffalo Fires Chan Gailey and Hire Chip Kelly

    - Chip sounds like he'll be available this offseason, and Buffalo has some attractive players to build around. I would rule this out as a possibility.


    2. Sign Michael Vick (or Tebow as a second option)

    - Vick could run a similar offense to Chip's Oregon up-tempo, spread style. And he would be a nice veteran player to plug in and play now. Secondary option to Vick could be Tim Tebow.


    3. Draft the QB of the future.

    - With Chip on board, this would likely be Geno Smith from West Virginia. Other potential guys Chip may like would be Tajh Boyd from Clemson, EJ Manuel from Florida State, or Colin Klein from Kansas State.


    4. Trade Fitzpatrick to Arizona for a 3rd Round Pick

    - Arizona has struggled mightily to field a decent starting QB. Fitz could be a nice option for them to get Fitzgerald the ball, and a decent stop-gap while they groom a future QB. The Fitz to Fitz combo could be lethal!!


    5. Sign veterans Ray Maualuga at linebacker and William Moore at Safety

    - Bring in some guys with experience and proven ability to shore up this defense.



    Option 2: Realistic Offseason (More Likely)


    1. Hire a Legitimate Offensive Coordinator

    - There should be some great options out there that Chan can trust to run this offense, and he can focus more on being a head coach and game day manager. To name a few: Ken Whisenhunt, Cam Cameron, and Norv Turner would all fit the bill.


    2. Draft Manti T'eo or Jarvis Jones

    - This team needs a new leader and big time hitter on defense. Either of these guys would be great options.


    3. Trade Back into Late Round 1 of the Draft and grab a Pocket Passer QB of the Future

    - Several good options here that Chanand Nix may like in Mike Glennon, Tyler Wilson, Landry Jones, Ryan Nassib, and Aaron Murray. (Sounds like Nix has hinted at a move like this).


    4. Sign Veteran Receiver Greg Jennings

    - This guy would be a perfect fit for this team. He would be a great leader, with proven big results, and has played in cold weather up in Green Bay. Looks like they may let him walk with young guys James Jones and Randall Cobb emerging next to Jordy Nelson.


    5. Draft a Tight End and Center

    - Wood and Chandler are good players for this team. But we need an insurance policy for Wood, and we need an athletic tight end in this offense to compliment Chandler as well.



    The more I think about it, the more I wouldn't mind either option. What do you guys think?


    Love the realistic one. It makes the most sense IMO. I don't want to start all over again, that's not going to solve a thing

  2. OK...I will refrain from referring to the Harbaughs / Pagano-Arians / Tomlin's of the NFL. Chan is not a first or second year coach, as you state. He is a 3rd year coach who makes a multitude of blunders on game day and has not won more than 6 games in a season here. Again, why would we want to continue that?


    Because you're assuming that's what's going to happen in the future. You can't know that, and his system is good enough to win with the players we have IMO. Great D which has finally come together and an offense that we've seen can move the ball. Upgrade at QB for the future, and we're set. Lets not tear it all down as I said. Back to the heart of the matter, what does 5 picks better gaurentee you?


    McKelvin and Willis were not in the same draft but I understand your point nonetheless.


    I'm sure there are plenty of picks that were after McKelvin that turned out to be really good NFL players also.

  3. ham please don't edit my posts......i didn't say think the qb and coach must go. I meant i am 1000% sure coach and qb should go.


    you keep shining up that dirt with gailey and #14, while i prefer to leave the dirt on them. they have failed hard and should be replaced IMO.


    you have your take i have mine, these things are allowed in the states...........don't assume you are correct..........you know what they say about people who assume right.

    thanks for clarifying my fandom :thumbdown: :thumbdown:


    i am a fan who knows the coaching and qb must go. you keep wading in sub mediocrity with these inept scrubs. I will go with the better draft pick that can help to turn things around :thumbsup: ya seeee thats what this "bad fan" would like to see.


    thanks for playing fan or no fan with the sandwich.


    ham please don't edit my posts......i didn't say think the qb and coach must go. I meant i am 1000% sure coach and qb should go.


    you keep shining up that dirt with gailey and #14, while i prefer to leave the dirt on them. they have failed hard and should be replaced IMO.


    you have your take i have mine, these things are allowed in the states...........don't assume you are correct..........you know what they say about people who assume right.


    Well, why didnt you say that then. The way you said it originoally made it sound like you were speaking on behalf of all Bills fans everywhere. Could be a problem of semantics, but that's how I took it, so I corrected it.

  4. You are correct. I do not believe the Bills can get better with the same coach we have right now. Which is why I want change.


    As for Andy Reid? I've watched Andy Reid for some time, son, and believe me: Chan Gailey is no Andy Reid.


    I didn't say that Chan Gailey = Andy Reid, what I did say is that coaches come from obscurity and do well and some come from prominant backgrounds and fail. ALL coaches were obscure or had ample growing pains (Bill Belicheat in Cleveland). Then out of no where they can be good, because their scheme has been bought into, they have the talent together, and they are putting it all together. The ball can move under Chan, and now that the D has their act together, perhaps we can win more often than not next year. Unfortunetly that's where we are, next year is what we're looking at. I'm saying, tearing it all down and starting new will not solve anything.


    Go ahead and point toward some of the RECENT success from coaches starting in their first year. Then look at the entire history of the NFL and I'll bet you see that more often than not, first and second year coaches have growing pains rather than making the playoffs. There is a lot to be said about continuity.

  5. Scouting is more important than draft position in my opinion. Too much is made of where you draft, if you draft well you can find a player of need or BPA in any slot. In 2011 we picked 3rd and got MD, who I love but the Texans drafted JJ Watt at 11. Who would you rather have?

    Drafting top 5 is great if you know how to draft just as drafting 11th is great if you know how to draft.



  6. Wrong. It does matter. And there's something called the long term view and strategic planning.


    If you are a long term view fan than it makes sense to hope your team loses out once they've been eliminated from the playoffs, so you can give yourself the best shot of improving your team in the offseason and ensuring greater success (i.e. "more winning") in the future. Long term view fans are likely educated and successful, or at least currently on the journey to achieving these things.


    Short term view fans want to win every game possible, regardless of future repercussions. They lack the ability to delay gratification for a greater future prize. They are likely less educated, less financially successful, and unhealthy/obese.


    Here's why this is false, you said ENSURE our future success. Tell me, how are you going to gaurentee that losing out is going to lead to success?


    I'd put money on the idea that these 3 or 4 picks that we might gain by losing out would have no bearing on our future success if there was a way to quantify that.

    thanks for clarifying my fandom :thumbdown: :thumbdown:


    i am a fan who thinks he knows the coaching and qb must go. you keep wading in sub mediocrity with these inept scrubs. I will go with the better draft pick that can help to turn things around :thumbsup: ya seeee thats what this "bad fan" would like to see.


    thanks for playing fan or no fan with the sandwich.


    There, fixed it for you. This is an opinion not fact, see above post. Unless of course you have a crystal ball that says "if we get the 3rd pick we will win 5 championships in the next 5 seasons". If that is true, then I'm with you 100%. Show me research that shows % of wins and how it goes up by a descernable amount the higher the draft pick.

    So what should we continue? The 6 win, double digit loss seasons? The horrible clock management? The game plan that puts your best offensive player on the sideline and has a mediocre at best QB throw 30+ times a game? The lack of passion when we seem to get screwed by a call? The defense that has improved but can never make a 4th quarter stop when needed? The offense that you know will turn the ball over or screw up a potential game tying or winning drive? The lack of vision that had us switch to a 3-4 and draft accordingly, only to scrap it, rendering some of our previous picks useless? Knowing you have a mediocre QB and drafting one 7th rounder in three drafts?


    Yes. Continuity is the answer.


    Apparently you dont believe that teams can get better or worse year after year, WITH THE SAME COACH!


    Take Andy Reid for one, a winner in many ways, but what happened this year? His team sucks, it happens, things go well, and then things can go terribly wrong. The NFL is fluid, and things can change at the drop of the hat. Regardless of what you think, it will always be that way. The Bills may just be a 15th overall pick in the 1st round away from an AFC championship, or a 3rd pick bust away from 10 more years of pain again. So go ahead and root for your team to lose. Losers mentaily folks can unite. I'll continue to root for my team to win! EVERY TIME!

  7. Again, this is just your opinion,right?


    Of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and I said this as my opinion. Did I say anything to the affect of, THIS IS FACT or IRREFUTABLE EVIDENCE? Nope, I did not, I'm not a talent evaluator, I read just like the rest of you, and I watch games and conduct my own eye tests. Barkley will be a fail IMOOOOOOOO, Smith is probably the best option, Glennon is someone I see a lot as a person who lives in Raleigh and he's not as good as the hype suggests (hes a statue who curls under pressure). Again this is all OPINION. What's your point?

  8. I'll take a winning season over any losing season...when is that gonna happen?


    That's what we're here to do, I agree. I hate it just like the rest of us here, it sucks we havent been winning, but I dont think its from lack of talent. Earlier in the year the D was horrid, they were learning a new system, had a plethora of new players, and they just werent jelling. The O was on top of it though, keeping us in games. As the season wore on, and we found that the O was taking too much risks and having too many turnovers, we started being more careful on O and the D started to come around. Now the D is a stallwort and a top 5 D recently, but the offence has not been able to turn it on again like they had at the beginning of the season. Their growth seems to have been stunted by having to turn inward with the horrbile play of the D early in the year.


    Now, since we know the D can play well together, we just need to sign our starters back, pick up a new QB that we can groom, and hopefully, after a full TC where the O can regain its confidence, all cylanders will be working next year. Another year for this D to jell will do wonders IMO! The offense will get back Nelson, and will have a new year to prove their ability. We've seen the O go at a high level, now just be consistent. Oh, and GET CJ THE BALL!!!

  9. the 2009 team won 6 games. I'm not at all confident this bunch will do better. It had better running back combo (Jackson and Lynch) judging by yards gained. The linebackers were better in my opinion. The pathetic nature of this discussion is we are arguing over which team sucked worse.


    The takeaway of all this is that we have not shown any significant progress in three years.


    Wow, really, judging by yards gained? How about by YPC? CJ is better than any of those two RBs and FJ is pretty darned good when healthy. I'll take CJ, getting the ball of course, over any of those three


    From a pure talent standpoint we are much better. It's not reflected in our record because our coaching sucks, but you can see it in the way we are able to hang and compete physically in almost every game (save the 49ers debacle). If we had a solid head coach/DC and a QB with some poise and/or killer instinct we'd likely be sitting at 9-4 right now. It's too bad Ralph is a lame duck owner that nobody wants to work for, because we have the talent on hand to attract a decent coaching staff.


    Our D was shaky at the begginning but what do you expect with all these new players and a new system. For the last 5 weeks, they've been playing top 5 and have been downright dominant. I don't think D is really a problem.


    I'm of the belief that continuity is best right now, lets not start all over again like we've done with the two previous regimes. It will be business as usual if we do that and we'll start all over again. Not what we need. At least one more year for Gailey and Co.

  10. yep label the fans! mire in mediocrity another 13 years with no more top draft picks besides Dareus!


    give it a break....losing out is debateably the smart thing to do.


    Won't give it a break, you're not a fan by the very nature of the word. Fans root for teams to win, not lose. That's it and thats all. Loser mentality. So we lose 3 games in a row, move up 3 or 4 picks. You really think that matters enough in a crapshoot that is the draft? Cmon, you're smarter than that.


    Or, we win 3 games in a row, build on someting for next year and go out on a positive.


    Go ahead though, continue on with your loser mentality. I don't take shots against any type of "fan", except for this type, which I guess is not taking any shots at a fan at all, because you're not a fan.


    yep label the fans! mire in mediocrity another 13 years with no more top draft picks besides Dareus!


    give it a break....losing out is debateably the smart thing to do.


    in life i clean the dumpsters for my local waste management so what. im not on welfare


    Its also laughble that you say THE fans, as in the royal "WE THE FANS" as if everyone that is a FAN sees it your way. Sad.


    Yes...it has come to this. I see the other side of the fence in wanting to win out, but I am so disillusioned by the current regime that I want change. Again. Rinse, repeat. Rinse, repeat. See you in 2018.


    See, therein lies your problem. We rince and repeat by firing this regime after 3 years, just like the regime before them and before them etc etc and so on and so on.


    So, what makes you think we're going to be successful this time after 3 years? No, the prudent and smart thing would seem to be to keep the current regime, maybe tweak a coach or two and continue on. There is some improvement in areas and disrupting the continuity will just magnify our problems.

  11. Lynch has been a beast this year & is 2nd in the NFL in rushing. It's quite debatable that Spiller is a huge upgrade. Jackson is still Jackson, but with more mileage on the tires and starting to show it.


    So, you think the Lynch of old would have been the same way. You have to take it in context of their own seasons, not how they're doing now.


    is the team better now than 3 years ago

    i guess we have differing interpretations of what that means.


    that doesnt mean "have we built the most efficient way" to me, it means "are we more talented" or "in a 10 game series who would win more"


    Interesting, what I think is annoying is when people decide to put monitary value compared in consideration of talent. The title of the thread is, "Better than we were 3 years ago", not how much did we pay for every player. We're talking about talent, not monitary value. So the fact that Mario cost 100 mil is irrelevant to the conversation. He's still MUCH better than Schobel, and I think Schobel was great.

  12. This thread makes me laugh, lots of trolls here. Cmon, none of you believe that this team is NOT better than 2009. The DLINE by itself is HEADS AND SHOULDERS better than any we've had in the past and that is HUGE in this day and age. This, however, is my opinion. You can't compare due to record because the teams we faced back then could have been better or worse than the ones we face this year. Its all subjective, and all this incoherent rambling is not going to convince either side of the isle to come to your opinion.


    There is such a thing as the "eye test" and anyone who sees this team play vs that of yester year can see this team is much better than any of the previous years. They ARE getting better, regardless of what the naysayers are saying, and they WILL continue to get better. But hey, that's just my opinion, take it for what it is. Just like the rest of yours, just opinoins!

  13. A day late and a dollar short. In 2012 when there may be 5 or more quality QBs emerge, he drafts no one. In 2011 he passes on a number of the QBs like Dalton. He sttle of the weakest of armed QBs in Fitz after stating he is going to target a strong armed QB who can throw through the winds in Buffalo.


    He has done a decent job with the OL and a less decent job with the DL but has completely botched the LBs and some of the DBs and WRs. Even the Spiller/Lynch situation wasn't handled that great.


    I think he is a bit out of his league honestly, specifically bc he hasn't drafted one of the numerous QBs that are currently performing well.


    I dont know where you get "less better job" on the DL...this D Line is heads and shoulders better than any other Dline we've had in years. Hes done a GREAT job on BOTH lines. Don't downplay it.

  14. TE looks like he may have gotten his confidence back, was really throwing the ball with authority during preseason, from what I seen.


    He may play well If given a chance. I think Trent understands now his best chance to play again is to be a good mentor for his starter.


    Sooner or later TE will get another shot...


    Was talking about his Fu Man Chu having a life of its own, but ok lol

  15. I'm just going to say that MD could learn a few things from Mantai T'eo.


    I get that you can be sad after a close relative dies.


    But that doesn't mean you let it affect your job so negatively. It's like when a soldier goes to war, the term is that to a large degree, they have to put their personal life in a box.


    T'eo handled his grief constructively and in a way it seems to have actually helped his game, because it was a vent for his emotions. It doesn't seem like MD was (and maybe, is) coping healthily.


    Everyone is not T'eo, everyone handles it in their own way. Obviously it took Derius a little longer, but he's come around lately. Get off his back would ya?

  16. Who cares? Seriously, who cares? Marshawn is no longer with the team. We have two very capable, and in my opinion as good if not better than Lynch. Lynch gets more carries, CJ should be getting that amount of carries. Who's got the better YPC? That's a great indicator of who's the better RB.


    I say, once again, who cares? He's not on our team, our RB position is not a problem, no sweat off of our back. Get over it people!

  17. what about 2013? we are not going to live forever, just win NOW baby!


    FA qb maybe? I can live a stopgap i guess.




    hopefully you are wrong......that would be a nightmare. 5 years ago young qb's had to "wait there turn" nowadays the plug and play frequency and success seems to be much higher.


    I hope I'm not wrong, none of the QBs coming out of the draft this year seem to be the pick and immediately plug types. We'd be in for some real growing pains. If you think Fitz is bad.


    Especailly for someone, you seemingly, want to reach on.

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