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Pine Barrens Mafia

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Everything posted by Pine Barrens Mafia

  1. What the actual hell have you been watching? *Looks at post count* Oh, that answers it.
  2. And if they win to go to 7-3 will you still have "concerns?" By the way, "concern" has become the most overused word in the history of this board this season.
  3. Thank the good Lord they're not even thinking about that jackelope.
  4. He doesn't make the "product" better. He's been out of football for THREE YEARS, and was cut for poor performance in his final season. But yeah, other than those small facts, sure.
  5. IF they pick up that clown, then they're on the clock to get shipped out of town. And rightly so.
  6. So you want this team taking a shot on THAT GUY? Pardon me if I don't take that take with any kind of seriousness.
  7. There is no universe where THAT guy is an upgrade to the roster. Period.
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