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Pine Barrens Mafia

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Posts posted by Pine Barrens Mafia

  1. I understand that, Tom, but the annoying thing is that some people will regard it as a load of crap only because some idiots claim the documents are forged -- thereby excusing them from having to consider the implications of them being genuine.



    And you're ASSUMING they are genuine.


    Because of your agenda.


    See the problem, pal?

  2. What the F does Boss Tweed have to do with the authenticity of these documents?


    And as for the idiot comment, :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:



    You're making the Democrats look as if they've never cheated their way to an election victory.


    I was merely pointing out the deficiencies in that argument.


    Oh and :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: right back atcha.

  3. I'll admit the Repubs are pretty goddammned good at this.  But they had help.


    The Swift Boaters come out with a bunch of lies and it takes the supposedly liberal media three weeks to beat them down with the weight of evidence.


    These documents come out and within 24 hours the supposedly liberal media is falling all over itself to try to show they're forgeries.


    Christ, people.


    1.  Times New Roman was invented in 1932.  It is not an exclusively "word processing font."


    2.  IBM had proportional spacing as early as 1941 and it was widely available during the 1960s.  The "experts" (who, by the way, have now been outed as partisans) say things like "only a few typewriter models had this capability."  Yeah, like the IBM Selectric, which was only the fuggin Microsoft Windows of office typewriters in the 1960s and 1970s.


    3.  The Selectric had font balls with proportional spacing, Times Roman-like fonts, and superscript "th"s.  All this is easily looked up.


    4.  Who do you think might know more about what Killian was thinking about George Bush in 1973 -- his widow, or his superior?  Col. Hodges has already said that the documents reflect Killian's sentiments at the time.


    Most people in the media hate Dan Rather and would love to embarrass the stevestojan out of him.  They also hate that they got beat on this exclusive.  That's what's driving this forgery stevestojan, folks.  Not the truth.



    That's right, because Democrats never cheat, steal or LIE, right???!


    God damn you are an idiot.


    Let's just peruse a list of a few of the crooks in the Democratic Party's history shall we?


    Boss Tweed. The Daleys. The kennedys. The Clintons.


    Yeah, some party you give allegiance to, superfreak.

  4. He was the inspiration a couple years ago, but now the inspiration is the occupation of Iraq.



    Let's just assume for one second that 1% of the Iraqi population is actively resisting us.


    What about the other 99%?


    I am willing to bet that those numbers are accurate and that 99% of Iraqis are HAPPY we're there.


    But not you, no, you believe whatever you see on the TV, don't you?

  5. You know, I work with a Lebanese Christian. He told me HORROR stories about how his Arab muslim neighbors destroyed Aramaic Christian communities that had been in Lebanon since the time of Christ. It was really sad, but it reinforced my view that Islam is neither a religion of peace nor something we should expect to coexist with peacefully.

  6. Patriots had a big gut check win last night, with Tom Terrific putting up some more Hall of Fame numbers....


    Red Sox are winning and looking good for the Final drive for the playoffs (yeah I know they lost last night, but they cannot win every game like the Patriots do)


    Just one great day for Da Boneman....



    You're a dill-hole, anyone ever tell you that?


    :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:

  7. He's one of them, without question. Excluding that he's just a winner, I am most impressed with his velocity on the ball, meaning throwing it at a different speed, usually the absolutely correct speed, on each different pass. He is rather amazing at floating balls, and lobbing them, and squeezing them into tight spots. The best in the league at that, IMO. He does, however, have a penchant for making bonehead plays at the end as well as great plays. So far, the bounces have gone his way. But the fumble at the end of the game is something he seems to do a lot.




    He never panics. He's just clutch.


    In other words, he's the type of player we'll NEVER see here in Buffalo.



  8. Because he said he'd vote to give the President the power to decide what to do in the best interest of the country.  He didn't say he would have gone to war the way Bush did.  He believes in the power of the Presidency because he will need to have that power in about 4 1/2 months.  You've been watching too much of the convention and have started believing the lies.  I watched the convention too, heard all the lies and didn't believe them.



    Lies? You mean the DRIECT QUOTES taken from kerry himself?


    That would make your boy a liar, wouldn't it?


    "I supported it, but ddidn't support it"



  9. I'm always reminded of Kinison when I see these idiots.  Why don't you feed them John?  You're only 5 feet away!


    Limosine liberals are the worst liberals of all.  We care about our fellow man, just not enough to sell our other 4 opulent mansions, fly commercial air, ride in a normal sized car, etc.  I miss Sam Wahl.



    I passed a Hummer with a Kerry Edwards sticker on it the other day.


    What a f*cking joke. I flipped the guy the bird for beiing such an egregious hypocrite.

  10. Maybe not the Anti-Gore, but he's been a strong finisher in every other race.  All I'm saying is the debates will finalize this, and not some ridiculous self-congratulatory BS these parties feed themselves.



    And I think under the hot lights Kerry will wilt.


    He's spineless.


    Say what you will about dubya, he has convictions. Kerry can't say the same.

  11. The Muslims need to take heed soon.  Plan A appears to be going into terrorist/repressed countries such as Afghanistan and Iraq and providing people the room they need to promote freedom and some semblence of democracy.  If these countries fail to take advantage of the opportunity granted them, how much longer will it be until America gives Russia free reign to wipe out of the Chechans, Israelis a free pass to bomb the heck out of the Palestinians, and perhaps we justify bombing the heck out of the Syrians and Iranians with much less regard to civilian casualties and winning hearts and minds.



    Sounds like a Plan to me, The Romans obviously did SOMETHING right.

  12. Do you know what 'religion of peace' Hitler ascribed to?


    Please guess which one.  When you figure it out, think about what you're saying and see if you would blame Hitler's tactics and beliefs on that religion.


    There are plenty of nasty fighting words in the Bible.  There's a lot of good in it, too.  Islam is not perfect, just like any organized religion.  The problem is when anyone decides their religion is worth dying and killing for, and believes fundamentally in every word, rather than applying the words to a world that we know so much more about than we ever did when they were written.  Islam is not an isolated case of this.  Please read your history books before making another ignorant statement like this.



    Actually, if you knew ANYTHING about Nazi history, you'd know that Hitler was ANYTHING but a christian. He believed in Paganism.


    So try again, Hero. Islam is a wicked, vile and revolting religion that promotes the enslavement of women and the murder of innocents.

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