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Posts posted by Awwufelloff

  1. the actual phrase is "I couldnt care less..." but in this case, it seems you are right, there is in fact room for you to care less, as you seem to care. And it seems like you are inching towards the realization that its you, not them.


    Nope, if a gay man is allowed in a locker room full of men. Than a straight man should be allowed in a locker room with females. Prove to me how it's not a double standard. It would be considered "creepy" if a straight man was allowed into a female locker room. Well what if I am in there to just change and get out and not stare at the others in the room. The same analogy can be applied both ways.


    I am done with this discussion as it cannot be proved otherwise, back to work. Have a good day all. =)

  2. It's not acceptable to stare at naked people in a locker room. That is not acceptable behaviour. If someone did that in a locker room that I was in and I felt it was at a level where it was inappropriate I wouldn't ask about his sexuality first I would tell him that his behavious was not acceptable. I don't know about America but here in the UK we have plenty of municipal swimming baths with family areas where men and women are naked in the same area. We don't have lots of issues with creeps staring at people. If that did happen someone would make a complaint and the person would be removed. It's about behavioural standards I'm afraid. That principle does not change wheher it's a single gender changing facility or a mixed gender facility.


    I would suspect that Michael Sam will be extra aware of his need to behave appropriately in the locker room when he first arrives in an NFL setting and will show the necessary sensitivity to his team mates as I'm sure he has at college seeing as there seems to have been no problems highlighted in his college career.


    It's much different in America than Europe. Everything you stated simply would not take place in America. Great point in the bolded though. I am just saying personally for me it would be uncomfortable in a locker room with a gay guy next to me. I still could care less if someone is gay or not.

  3. So because a gay man has the opportunity if so inclined to act like a creep in a locker room (which would not be acceptable behaviour) then you as a straight man should be granted that same opportunity to act inappropriately or else it's a double standard?


    I'd think again if I were you.


    How would it not be acceptable behavior if he peaks around and looks at other guys dongs? And who or what would stop him from doing so?

  4. Looking and staring are not the same thing are they? I'm sure there are hetrosexual men who look at your "ding dong" in the locker room... you were suggesting homosexual men will stare at it (presumably because you think they will be attracted to you) and it would freak you out in some way. Staring at someone who is naked in a locker room is not in your genealogy, it's just creepy.


    If a gay guy is allowed in a locker room full of naked men than a straight man should be allowed in a locker room with females. That's my point, its a double standard and cannot be proved otherwise.

  5. As an English born, English speaking, English language graduate (first class honours no less), residing in England I can assure you that you are incorrect. Not that I think you will take any notice.




    I think the issue is you sir. Staring at people you are attracted to is not reasonable behaviour, regardless of their gender or your sexual preference. There are no double standards here.


    You can't be serious? How is that not reasonable behavior? If I'm attracted to a female, I am going to look at them. Its embedded deep within our genealogy to want to stare at women we find attractive and reproduce. Why do you think men who view porn in the USA is at like 80%. ^_^

  6. I honestly could care less if someone is gay or not gay. The thing that gets me is the locker room thing. I go to the gym 5-6 days a week and I can see how it might be rather weird for some people. I mean if your gay and your in a mens locker room with naked men everywhere with there dongs hanging out, that turns you on...I mean would you not stare at them just like I would stare at a naked women because that is attractive to me since I am straight. If its okay for gay men to be in a locker room with naked guys than I want to be in a coed locker room with naked girls. It goes both ways, but obviously a double standard is there.

  7. I am embarassed to admit, this is one of thiose stories that intrigues me...even though I realize the whole thing is a hoax..sucker for bigfoot and (especially) Loch Ness monster stories... I love the idea of them...


    Read the Les Stroud story about BigFoot. I actually believe his story. The guy doesn't joke around like these idiots or that show on Discovery, "BigFoot".

  8. wait, you're saying 35# a dumbell or 85# a dumbell? Because, if you're doing 210 on your chest press with dumbells, that's pretty damn solid.


    He was doing alternative chest press with the 85s, one in each hand. I was using the 105 lb dumbells for 6 reps, but not alternating which is harder than standard dumbell chest press. Yeah, I've been training for 2 years 5 days a week, strength has certainly come a long ways.

  9. Does anyone know how many spots we improved in our draft position because of the loss today? Has to be 5-6 better right?


    Also my first 3 rounds if management is satisfied with our QB situation:


    1.) Big Tall Physical WR/ LB that can stop the run/rush QB

    2.) Athletic TE that has great hands

    3.) Guard.

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