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Posts posted by yall

  1. .. stevestojan.


    Did anyone happen to read his article today about the "whine"? While I happen to agree with almost everything his "buddy" said, am I supposed to believe this is a real conversation that took place? If so, Sullivan is a first class a-hole for spouting those opinions as his own the last 2 days. I mean if those really are his friends quotes, Sullivan has been saying the very same things, verbatim, on WGR.


    On the other hand, if this is a completely made up conversation, it should be presented as such. What I mean is, if Sullivan want to opine on the Bills, try not to convince your readers that other people feel the same way as you by making up conversations that seem lend popular support to your opinions.

  2. So I guess as an Irishman I should be offended by Notre Dame's mascot as it portrays the Irish as drunk and beligerent?


    These flakes need to piss off. So what if they are offended. Its a rough world out there and if the name of a sports team pisses you off, you're going to have a hard time with some of the other curve balls life will throw at you.

  3. He's just okay at stepping up, if he has a pocket.




    I wouldn't even give him that (assuming that he occasionaly has a pocket).


    When Bledsoe tries to move it conjurs an image of a loony toons character as they first start to run, feet moving rapidly, but no actual progress.


    If he can get his throws back on track we may be ok.

  4. Thats not a fair comparison.  Drew has Eric Moulds(first round choice), Lee Evans(first round choice), Josh Reed(second round choice), Travis Henry(second round choice), Willis Mcgahee(first round choice), Mike Williams(#4 pick overall), and Jonas Jennings.  RJ had Jeremy Mcdaniel, Avion Black, Kwame Cavil, Sammy Morris, Shawn Bryson, Jonathon Linton, Moulds, Peerless, Antwain Smith, Marcus Spriggs, Jerry Ostroski, Jamie Nails, Joe Panos.


    Cant you see how much talent we have put around Drew trying to fix him?  We pour all our resources into the offense neglecting other areas of need and what the hell do we get for it?  Five games without an offensive TD last year and a whopping 20 points in two games this year.  We have a kick ass defense and squander it because our offense sucks so bad.  We have playmakers all over the place on offense.  Problem is when you blitz us and put 8 in the box our QB cannot beat that. 


    RJ did not have one tenth of the talent around him that Drew has.  RJ career 83.6 rating, Drew career 76.8 rating



    Thanks for responding with your thoughts.


    While I agree that the talent RJ had is less than what Bledsoe has, I think RJ may have had a better line.


    Both QB's have decent arms, with RJ probably being a bit more accurate (from memory anyway) on the shorter passes. RJ did have mobility where Bledsoe does not, but RJ seemed to get himself injured a lot because of his poor use of mobility and poor awareness. Bledsoe has terrible awareness also, but is less fragile.


    Two things I find that both of the share is that they both seem to be decent, likeable fellows (although RJ got a real bad rap in WNY) and neither of them seem to be able to effectively read a defense.

  5. relax yall.... ;)


    1.  I don't own one...why would I when the online ones are free!


    2. That post was directed at the padded helmet fellow, not you...since he used a "big word"...it was high brow humor.


    3.  DC's redundancy post was directed at me, for including two forms of the same word.


    4.  I too have defended both, but certainly DB is (was?) head and shoulders above RJ.


    5.  Why are you surprised and/or disappointed by derision here? ;)



    1 & 2. My quote about the thesaurus was directed at you, but was merely a joke, thus the smiley face.


    3. The apology for redundancy was for taterhill who complained about this information being posted before. I'm just not good a doing multiple quotes. It had nothing to do with you.


    4. I agree that over the course of his career, Bledsoe is a much better QB, but as a Bill, I'm having a hard time convincing myself that he has much gas left in the tank.


    5. I'm not surprised, notice the "as usual" remark. I am disappointed though. I was hoping a discussion (heated or otherwise) would ensue. Instead it was a bunch of one liners that contributed nothing to the conversation/dialogue.

  6. ;)


    While I am NOT a BA I have not noted more vituperative from them, nor any contumelious, invective, opprobrious, scurrile, scurrilous, or truculent tendencies....but the Bledsoe Bashers have certainly been more obstreperous than usual.



    Wow, someone owns a thesaurus! ;)


    If the search function was enabled, I'm sure I would have seen that someone has posted this before. I apologize for the redundancy.


    Also, if the search function was enabled, you would see that I have defended not only Drew, but RJ, back in the day. I just wanted an honest comparison between the last 2 Bills quarterbacks. When I found that the numbers were very similar, I started to wonder about the reasons behind the numbers.


    However, in typical TDB fashion, an honest inquiry is met with derision.

  7. That you wasted bandwith ?



    Is that the best you can do? I mean I understand supporting Bledsoe, but when you see how similar the numbers are, isn't a comparison fair?


    Like I said before, I can't do too much research here at work, so if you disagree with me, that is fine. But please try and back up your discontent with my post with some numbers, and not some stupid quip about bandwidth. Like, for example, what was RJ's win-loss record as a starter? After all that's what matters most right?

  8. ... same as the old boss?


    rj with buffalo:

    30 games

    27 td's

    17 ints

    110 sacks

    7 lost fumbles


    drew with buffalo:

    34 games

    37 td's

    28 ints

    111 sacks

    15 lost fumbles


    win loss - 14 - 20 (for Drew, don't know RJ's off-hand) I can't say that these are 100% accurate as I'm doing this at work with a calculator, but there are a lot of statistical similarities. Anyone know RJ's win loss record? More importantly, what does this mean? Are they both bad QB's? Has the O-Line been a problem for this long? Are our receivers overrated?

  9. then i saw him laughing on the sidelines and i wanted to punch him out.



    Thanks alot brandon... :doh:


    I was drunk and had almost forgotten seeing that yesterday. Now I'm sober and livid. I was so mad to see us doing so poorly and yet Bledsoe was acting like we were up 45 points.


    I have spent alot of time on this board (and the other one before all of the controversy) defending QB's. I'm having a hard time defending the way an NFL starter was throwing the ball yesterday.


    I don't expect that Matthews would be much better, but if we fail to do anything against the Patsies, why not throw him in to see if he can handle the system better?


    You never know, he might not be half bad.

  10. My only problem with the way that went down was the fact that they didn't run.


    It may not have been the best decision to make, but given the situation, I was for running it on 3rd AND 4th down. 2 more chances to score 6, and if you turn it over on downs, you have J-Ville pinned.


    Like I said maybe not the best decsion, but it is what I would have liked to see.

  11. Kelso = Jerry Sullivan.


    Seriously, did you read Jerry Stevestojan's arcticle today? He lifted Kelso's first 2 posts.


    Does anyone care that Bledsoe had a better day than last years CO-MVP?


    I'm no Bledsoe defender, but you cannot blame him for yesterday's loss.


    I really love Kelso's remark about needing more from your captains. So Kelso, I guess you didn't watch the game to see which team captain might have been the one to lose the game by getting a delay of penalty call huh? You are some kind of football genius for sure.


    And I don't know why I'm bothering to refute your illogical arguments, as everyone else has seemed to do a good job before me. It doesn't matter though as it seems you won't be back because you wanted to leave on a high note:


    I really hope this will be the last post in this thread. I titled it in a controversial way just to get some attention


    Once again, I say: Kelso = Jerry Sullivan.

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