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Posts posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. God I could live off these two threads alone!


    Just yesterday, TD helped an old lady cross the intersection at Southwestern and Abbott. It happened in the morning when he was on his way to work. Seems he was walking out of the 7-Eleven with his daily "Forty Dog" when he took up such a scout-like duty!


    :devil: God bless his sole!

  2. TD kidnapped Georgia bride-to-be Jennifer Wilbanks, and lied to Dennis Green and Travis Henry's agent




    TD met her in Texarkana... Told her to shut-up... They were planning on hooking back up in Phoenix.


    It was to be called the "Henry for Wilbanks and Shelton Trade!"



  3. Its funny how when the Dems were in power they were very much opposed to the filibuster and wanted to do away with it. 


    Now its their friend.

    Just goes to show you that both sides are more interested in grabbing and keeping power than doing any real good for the very people they "serve".



    I am never against it.


    It is just too bad that the internet took off more to the end of the 1990's.


    If this message board was around prior to 1996 and I found it prior to 2002... You would see my stances against Dem/left power. But, go ahead fill your finds with wide, sweeping generalizations!


    Too bad Al Gore couldn't have had it take off a tad bit earlier?



  4. Save being naive for the "Greatest Generation."


    Take care of yourself, pay yourself first.


    I saw my grandfather die penniless.


    He worked on the RR during the 1930's... Saw his wage cut from 36 dollars a week to 18.


    Then those nice 10 dollar gold coins he was paid in? Turned 'em when the gov't scared people into doing so.


    It is about taking care of YOURSELF first... Cut through the patriotic crap.


    /end rant.

  5. But no chance of being accepted.  The biggest complaint you hear about Bush's plan (particularly from sources like the AARP - none of whose membership would be affected by Bush's plan anyway  :lol:) is that it will adversely impact the payout and schedule of benefits.  People want the benefits untouched while the solvency of the system is maintained...which can ultimately only mean "Tax everyone else so I get what I want!"



    I understand what you are saying... I agree.


    For the sake of making things better, as I said in the past, somebody is gonna get whacked.


    It is pretty cavalier to think that there are people out there that are dependent on what SS estimated sending them and still say:


    "Well, I don't care if my benefits drop drastically... Just as long as the system and country does well."


    It isn't gonna happen... I want the money and yesterday! Every person for themselves!


    We just keep pumping out magnanimous people in this country... Ya right!



  6. But how do you feel about price gouging by carrot producers?  ;)






    For me it is all about playing by ONE set of rules. Not changing them to suit your specific interests.


    Honestly, I got no heartburn about it!


    Get ADM to "shoot them up" with something that can make them taste like french fries... I think we'd would have a money maker on our hands!



  7. Yes, you're missing the fact that the market sets prices, not the oil companies.  If I grow carrots, and suddenly everyone wants carrots, the price will go up as everyone competes for them and I'll make more money even if my cost to bring carrots to market doesn't change. 


    Plus, if the oil companies WERE fixing prices, you'd expect more homogeneity in pricing arcoss the country (i.e. smaller regional differences, not considering regional tax levels).  You don't see that, you see marked regional differences and even different price swings in different regions (last year, Florida's gas prices spiked for a couple weeks when a barge accident on the Mississippi significantly reduced river traffic, on which Florida is apparently dependent on for gasoline.  But no one else's spiked nearly as much over that same time period.)  Those are all features of a free market setting the price, not a managed market having prices fixed by suppliers.





    We will always seek order to our troubles, try to pin everything on one grand conspiracy.





  8. Sibling Society


    Read this GREAT book for a good poke at the answer.


    When I was a kid we did what our elders told us to do.  Back then I always dreamed of the day I would be an adult and my kids would do what I said.  Now, the freakin kids have the power.  Thank God I'm a DINK. 


    My sister is rich as sh*t and her children were all born perfect and as beautiful as angels.  I'm the godfather of one of them.  Now, each one of them are spoiled brats who run the household from the bottom up.  It is sick to see it.


    The whole problem stems from adults wanting to act like kids and be accepted by kids on their own terms.  Wrong, wrong and worng.  Kids need boundries to sincerely feel safe.  Otherwise they "act out" to get the bad kind of attention that will finally set the limit.



    Well said.


    We have so many more resources than our parents did. This can't possibly help?




    What gets me is that the mother can't "micromanage" her spent sharps better? Hell, I take more car in disposing a spent safety razor cartridge!



  9. You will be exiled!


    First and 40 for you bucko! :lol:


    Sad thing, I knew this was posted earlier, but I had to look through the thread 2Xs to find it. :P





    Damn!!!!!... It was Ramius again!!


    1st and 40 from my own 1? What should I do? Run it up the gut to get some punting room?


    Nahh... Air it out for the whole ball of wax!


    TD was the real father of Lacy Peterson's "love child."


    Distasteful yes! Still buys an easy 20?




  10. If I had any kind of health insurance, and didn't spend months at a time away from home on buisness, I would have already gone :lol:


    Last time I was at the doctor was when I was 19, when I first noticed the recession.  He told me it was nothing to worry about.  That same doctor a few years before (when I was 17 or 18) said that Ephedra was OK to take.  Shows how much they know.





    Don't say that too loudly on this board... Because EVERYBODY that works must have good health insurance?


    The issue isn't really your hair. You should be concerned about your yearly check-ups!

  11. Nah, I just wanted to toss in another truism - for that is what I do.


    I'm not for anarchy.  I just want the federal government to be limited to its Constitutional Duties. 


    Personally, I don't think that privitization of SS is the right way to go.  I think it's a step in the right direction but at the end of the day elimination of SS altogether should be the ultimate goal.




    So you are a strict constructionist?


    That being so? How does one resolve that the nation, society, and world is a vastly different place than it was in 1789?

  12. Donahoe has been seen slipping twenties to the homeless,

    working the soup line at the city mission, and word is

    he has convinced the New Pope to give all of WNY general

    absolution.  Santo Subito!!!! Tom is the son of Santa.



    During Lent he has been granted special dispensation to eat meat on Fridays.


    Was it written that Satan will come back to earth disguised as a saint?


    The duality of these threads crack me up!

  13. You need to go back and read the thread.  :D

    BTW, Hows the fam? ;)



    I know, I know... Noticed the smilies and sarcasm?


    I guess I shamelessly grapped attention? :(


    If I knew CTM was gonna validate me, I would have done it long ago! ;)


    But, then again being validated by a "Crap Throwing Monkey" can't be all that great?




    They are doing fine... Thanks! And your's?... I bet the little one is growing up fast! I think we would all be doing better if this Northern Illinois spring warms up a bit so my AC can do its job!



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