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Posts posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. It's just one of the battles we regularly lose.   Tough to change hearts and minds with today's "instant media" and the all to willing followers they garner.



    You ain't saying!


    It is really the double message that the US sends.


    Instead of emphasizing the great things about our society... What the world sees is Tide and Pepsi being hawked accross the globe while a Disney cruise ship pulls into the port of Venice blarring "It's a Small World."


    It is nice to love a guy like Al Czervik (CaddyShack, Rodney Dangerfield) since he breaks down the stuffy elite... Yet, it is hard not to hate him when he acts like a horse's ass!

  2. Yeah, your prediction that the Dems will take both houses in 06 will probably pan out just like your Mock Draft predictions. Bum.


    It will only get worse for the lefties in the coming elections, no one wants American-hating Americans running this country.



    So what you are saying is:


    Hate sells but doesn't sell?


    Quite a quandry for the left when they are painted un-American?


    Time will tell.


    The American people are not ripe yet to see the mistakes of earlier generations.

  3. Which is one reason she's going to be doing time, though no matter how much it is it won't be enough for the "Muslim Street."



    Your reply sounds so defeatist!


    Don't be so negative... Think positive and never give up, no matter how monumental the task appears with regards to the "Muslim Street."



  4. The original screenplay and theme to Shaft was written for TD!


    Loosely translated: Donahoe = Don of the Hoes!


    No lie! Isaac Hayes originally had the theme:




    Who's the white private dick

    that's a sex machine to all the chicks?


    You're damn right

    Who is the man

    that would risk his neck for his brother man?


    Can ya dig it?

    Who's the cat that won't cop out

    when there's danger all about


    Right on

    You see this cat TD is a bad mother--

    (Shut your mouth)

    But I'm talkin' about TDt

    (Then we can dig it)

    He's a complicated man

    but no one understands him but his woman

    (Tom Donahoe)

  5. I'm new to this board....just trying to figure out what this is all about.  And.....I'm a woman....not a man.  :D  :P



    Kinda like when someone laughs at an accident scene. It is not that they are an uncompassionate, unsympathetic mean person... It is a defense mechanism in dealing with the situation and stress of the incident. By laughing, they are saying... Ha, gee I am glad that wasn't me!


    Boy! Am I glad I'm not TD!



  6. Most building codes require that firebreaks be installed within the walls - essentially a piece of 2 x 4 that spans the studs to inhibit fire from spreading within the walls. When trying to route cable, you run into them so yes, if you can't locate/tap into an existing cable run, you might have to break through the drywall.


    Those folks who route cable professionally may well have tricks to avoid such.



    Drill a small hole above and below the firebreak.


    A rigid fish tape helps... Even if you have to work backwards, bottom to top... Might be able to grap the tape better?


    Then cut a channel between the two holes, drop a piece of EMT through the channel... Run the cable... Tape and plaster over the passage.


    Too much work?


    The Bohemian method:


    Drill the two holes and run the cable... Put something in front where the cable enters and leaves or hang a picture!



  7. 48 years old

    Put a lot of effort into everything I do

    drink twice a week

    work out six days a week

    Still have six pack abs

    Still get hangovers twice a week.

    Best cure for the hangover is vicaden(?sp)



    I shouldn't over analyize this?


    All that positive stuff and then the last line! :devil:


    Good luck!

  8. I don't know if this was brought up? Pretty lame I know!


    ALL Star Wars movies were released in May.


    I also noticed that there were 3 years between each episode in the two trilogies.


    Episode IV: May, 1977

    V: May, 1980

    VI: May, 1983


    Episode I: May, 1999

    II: May, 2002

    III: May, 2005


    My source is even lamer! My 6 year old son's Boy's Life magazine!



  9. I think you have the wrong thread, you need to go

    to TD son of Satan, this is TD son of Santa,

    Son of Santa would never shoot anybody up at the

    Ralph. This TD drives my cousin to his Narcotics Anonymous meetings.



    And throws his body between feral cats and hunters in Wisconsin!


    That's the kind of guy TD is... Willing to take a "hit" for any "wild kitty" out there!



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