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Posts posted by Mickey

  1. 17 hours ago, Hapless Bills Fan said:


    Passing yards.  Where are the 300 yd games?  Plus he ranks very low in "interceptable balls" whatever that means.


    I have heard that my balls are imperceptible but I don't think that is the same thing. 

    17 hours ago, Limeaid said:

    Do sneak completion percentage count?



    Well it does but you have to factor in the DVOBS + CRP /WAZZIT + Doughnut Prices in Hamburg effect. 

  2. 2 hours ago, CorkScrewHill said:

    Info from PFF .. but it is pretty much yes/ no data so not skewed. The Bills lead the league over the past 2 years with QB sneak plays on 3 and 1 and 4th and 1 situations. The Bills in those situations have gone with the QB sneaK 48% of the time, Eagles are second at 32% and the 49ers are 3rd at 24%. More remarkably that has equated to 24 attempts with Josh making it 23 out of the 24 times. A great tool to keep the chains moving.




    Unfortunately, stats like these don't count. Nor do QB rushing yards, wins, or 4th quarter comebacks. The only thing that matters is completion percentage, or so I have been told.

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  3. 1 hour ago, Needle said:



    Jake Fromm and Drew Brees should have sexually assaulted a woman instead. They wouldnt have received any backlash from other players. 


    I think all of the players who are attacking these guys should turn their phones in. I'm sure their texts have never strayed of the righteous path.


    And do you think all of the posters who are attacking the players should turn their phones in? Are you sure their texts, including your own have never strayed off the righteous path?


    Classic distraction. Lets not deal with the issue, racism, lets kvetch and moan about those who do want to deal with it and raise the phantom of other sins. And thus, racism is dismissed, not directly but by sleight of mouth.  

  4. 3 minutes ago, Kirby Jackson said:

    I don’t mind being tagged lol. 

    Is the question, “who is the better player today?” The answer is unequivocally Dak. Josh’s story hasn’t been written yet and I’m on record as believing that he will be a star. I wouldn’t make that trade but anyone that thinks, on May 30, 2020 that Josh Allen is a better QB than Dak Prescott is INSANE.

    Please, please, please people don’t point to the one time that you watched Dak last year either. You need to look at the entire sample size.


    Yes, we can't forget how last year Dak led the Cowboys into to the playoffs while the Bills....oh wait, uh, never mind.

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  5. Great, yet another edition of an obscure podcast dudes saying that Josh Allen is a bad QB while dismissing all evidence to the contrary as a series of unexplained anomalies that do not negate their carefully crafted arguments. We have gone from not taking statistics serious enough, blown past a brief period of taking them for what they are worth and rushed in to embracing every single stat an overworked journalist, desperate for new content, can dig up. Even those whose obscurity is rivaled only by their irrelevancy. 


    If I can quote the immortal Heath Barkely from "The Big Valley", "That makes about as much sense as a five legged mule" 


    Sorry, I get crotchety on Thursdays.

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  6. Objective thinking is pretty difficult on this issue if being a football fan and especially a Bills fan is important to you. We are likely to be inherently biased towards the outcome we so badly desire. Not meant as a criticism of anyone, just an observation. Its kinda like judging a skating routine when your daughter is a contestant. Hard times, hard choices.    

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  7. 2 minutes ago, BillsFan2313 said:


    No you didn't 


    Mistakes happen. I am actively involved with MADD, so sure, throw me some numbers. 


    Again, why did the local dr get away with he did? if you are so involved? 


    My work was where I live, not Buffalo and it was between 2001 and 2009. Does your active involvement include excusing or making light of a guy drunk driving a pickup pulling a trailer with an ATV on it, an open beer between his legs and in possession of a fire arm while weaving in an out of his lane? The organization kind of frowned on that back when I was involved. 

    9 minutes ago, njbuff said:

    Hopefully, lesson learned.

    The fact he didn’t hurt anyone will give him a pass, but in reality it shouldn’t.


    Agreed. Just hope he learns from it, so many do not.

  8. 5 hours ago, BillsFan2313 said:


    Guess what Ed Oliver didn't do? Any of that. Putting him in the class as murderers, yeah, I cant agree with you on that. If you are so rah rah about it, and work in the field. Then do something about it,  to it being taken more seriously. Maybe like one our local dr who killed a girl, but got away with it. Sad that mothers against drunk driving, do more for it to be taken seriously, then people who "worked on many cases"


    The work I did was for MADD.


    No one was killed because of blind luck.  His actions were just as culpable as any other drunk driver around he just got lucky. He isn't a murderer, yet, but if the charges against him are proven, he is a criminal and again, we do him no favors by diminishing the severity of his actions by passing it off as a "stupid thing" by a "kid" who, after all didn't actually hurt anybody that night. I have the phone numbers of some moms who still grieve if you'd like to give them a shout and explain how we shouldn't be so rah-rah about drunk driving. I am sure they would be interested in your view point.

  9. 23 minutes ago, shoshin said:


    Way too early for that prediction. 


    All he is right now is a kid who did a stupid thing. A *lot* and I mean a lot of people have driven drunk. It doesn't make it right, but I'm not going to get into judging him or anyone for it. He's very lucky that no one was hurt. He's very lucky that even though this happened, he will still have the opportunity to live an incredibly privileged life and can make a world of difference in the lives of many people. Most people who pick up a DWI would not have the opportunities and support EO has. I hope the best for him. 


    I have worked on many, many cases involving DWI's and fatalities in my career. It is not just a stupid thing. I could tell you about the two high school sweethearts who were burned to death trapped in their car because of a "stupid thing". I could tell you about the disabled vet who suffered for 45 days in the hospital before death brought an end to his suffering from the injuries inflicted on him by a "kid" who did a "stupid thing". I could tell you about the 5 young people whose lives were exploded by a drunk kid who just did a stupid thing. 


    We do Ed Oliver no favors by minimizing the seriousness of what he did by shrugging it off as just a kid being stupid. Yes, lots of people get DWI's, precisely because we don't take it seriously. And yeah, he might not quite be in Dareus territory yet but he is off to a roaring start. 

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  10. "no more excuses"??? What excuses are those, something like, "excuse me for making the playoffs in my second year with two weeks to spare"?


    How about "no excuses" for those who pronounced Josh to be a bust before he was even drafted or those who still can't get over the Bills passing on Josh Rosen? They were wrong then, they are wrong now and and though they live for the day to say "I told you so" that day will never come. 


    Josh is a young, hard working, fearless QB whose best days are ahead and who will get better every game leaving the naysayers and the "he is terrible but oh, gee, I really want him to be good" crowd weeping into their completion percentage security blanket. Thumbsucking Linuses the lot of them.


    And NO, the quarantine is NOT making me cranky (&(*&*^%$$#)&!!!! 

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  11. 2 hours ago, JGMcD2 said:

    Not how I handle mine either...  but that’s what I see every time I’m out. 

    Cloth masks aren’t doing a thing... the second it gets moist from your breath you’re going to be susceptible to spreading germs. Because the masks exists to stop the spread of germs, it doesn’t actually protect you from anything. It’s just an immediate shield from coughing and sneezing... but if a person is considerate, they’d cover their mouth/nose normally.

    Have you been through a checkout line? The person in front of you touches the pin-pad... I bet you also touch the pin-pad, and it goes on. It’s not being wiped down every time. 

    You don’t think someone has picked an item up and decided they don’t want/need it and put it back only for someone else to pick it up? I’ve yet to see employees running out to sanitize an item that was touched/replace it on the shelf. 

    I don't know where you shop but the grocery store I go to wipes the pad after each use. Also, I sanitize my gloved hands on the way in and again on the way out, discard the gloves and wipe down again on my way to the car. 

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  12. 1 minute ago, JGMcD2 said:

    If I can go to the grocery store and touch things that everyone else touches, put items back on the shelf, touch the key pad at check out and then it doesn't get wiped down, breathe into a mask that gets moist and that doesn't put people at risk... I can go to a football game if I want.




    Dude, that is not how anyone I know handles their trips to the grocery store. 

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  13. 1 minute ago, MJS said:

    Then that player would get quarentined. I'm sure they will already be testing everyone involved before games. What's the issue?


    I think the issue is that the player who tested positive will have come into close contact with players on his team and others, been in the locker room, the showers, the bathrooms, etc. etc. Testing is great but there will always be time between when the disease is contracted and when it is found on a test. During that time the player is essentially typhoid mary. Tests don't tell you the instant the player has it and has become contagious. The notion that we will get through the season with one or two or a handful of people getting sick is not realistic based on the current situation which we all hope will change.  What happens if one or two teams have outbreaks where a dozen or more players test positive? So yeah, there are issues.

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  14. 12 minutes ago, bigK14094 said:

    I think 1/4 stadium occupancy might work.  Every other seat empty, and every other row empty.  Tell the season ticket holders they get two games, not 8.  No concessions open.  Social distancing in the rest rooms.  Better than turning the stadiums into TV studios, which is the more likely way this will go.


    I wish this would work but standard seat widths are 18 inches so you would need 4 seats in between to keep 72 inches apart. Also, it's impossible to get to your seat without rubbing up against or coming within inches of other people seated in the same aisle. I just don't think it is feasible.

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  15. 8 hours ago, Buffalo_Stampede said:

    All I'm doing is listening to the guy people told me to listen to. I don't think Fauci is lying to us, why would he?


    Fauci is a doctor/scientist and has advised presidents of every party during every major public health crisis in the US since HIV. He is human, he can be wrong but he is most assuredly an honest man with no political dog in the hunt. The attacks on him are simply a case of: don't like the news, blame the messenger. He said this was going to be bad and with over a million cases and nearly 70,000 dead, I'd say its been pretty damn bad. 


    Also, he is Italian so I have to believe him, capisce?

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  16. 4 hours ago, Mr. WEO said:

    What is Michigan doing that NY hasn't done?  What did I miss?


    Anyway, it's not surprising.  Universities are coming out now saying they are planning full Fall semester on time.



    My spouse and I both teach some classes to two different large universities in addition to our regular jobs and though the are planning for a full fall semester, they are also planning for 100% remote instruction and several ideas in between those two extremes. 

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  17. 20 minutes ago, Rigotz said:



    The bigger question is, has he done anything to warrant getting the job in the first place?

    Considering how Russ Brandon ran this franchise, you think his brother was given the job on merit alone?


    I think the Pegula's think he is the right man for the job but what do they know.

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