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The Tomcat

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Everything posted by The Tomcat

  1. I just got to the 1000th post level!! I've been waiting for this moment my whole TBD life.... I didn't realise the official 1000th post was about how my mouth was watering over some guys meat!! .....I thought I should add this to prevent any confusion..(not that there is anything wrong with that) http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showtopic=17550 Do I win a toaster or something? Happy Superbowl!! Go Bills
  2. OHHHHHH my mouth started to water reading that!!!!
  3. I've told this story a few times to my 10yr old son and the other day he was wrestling with his little brother and said to me "Dad remember this one.....(he pretends to start pounding on his brother).......He's giving him the business!"..... Oh how proud I was at that moment......this is great, I'll play it for him......I would love to get the video of that if its possible..... Thanks for the link
  4. Wow.....very interesting....thanks for the article.
  5. Labatts Blue Light bottles.....mmmmmmmmmmmmm Ice Cold...very yummy
  6. Thats good....I've been burned once and will remember that..... why don't you use your powers for good instead of evil???
  7. I've got it.....My son is better then me though....I never thought that would EVER happen but it has.......good times..... I've never used Live before.....It came with a 2 month free sample... I've got DSL.....how does it work? I've never even looked into it....I played Unreal Tournament online but that was for my PC....Do I just hook a cable to my computer??? Let me know and I'll try it tonight......LOOK OUT PEOPLE!!!
  8. Call the police...especially on weekend nights...let the neighbors in on it and have everyone call the same evening.... You can't talk sense into the owner so unless your ready for a physical confrontation you really dont have a choice.... hopefully 1 visit from the cops will make them wake up and smell the coffee. Cops are there to protect AND serve.......let them handle it. good luck...let us know what happens. Don't do anything stupid that will only get YOU in trouble.
  9. Put Bag-Balm on it.......that stuff cures EVERYTHING!!!! (if that doesn't help....use windex!) Just kidding...but Bag-Balm IS AWESOME!
  10. I believe it was TI-99 4A.........man these bring back alot of memories.... I got GEOS (graphic environment operating system) for my C-64....I was so excited for that program.....eventually leading to windows as we now know it...
  11. I'd love to get this kid.....he will not be there in the 4th.... possibly low 2nd high 3rd...... If we could swing a deal, I'd pick him with a second 2nd rounder....I don't want my first pick to be a kicker.....
  12. Ah...the Vic 20 I had the commodore 64 and then the top of the line 128!! Load Runner was my favorite game.... I also had a 300 baud modem.......Man was I jealous of the kids with 1200 baud (its soooo fast!) those were the days....
  13. Which one? The chick or the NAKED GUY IN FRONT OF HIS COMPUTER??
  14. I was best man once and booked a bus from Jamestown (1 1/2 hrs from Buffalo) with keg to Fort Erie and the clubs.....I had to buy lunch meats and made subs for 30 guys.....along with pop, cups, tipping the driver etc... IT WAS A REAL PAIN IN THE ASS!! (But EXTREMELY fun) I think the idea could fly.....I'd go to Vegas with a few guys to research what they do....at least it be a "Business Trip"... I'm sure you can get info from the internet what these type of "planners" do. I wouldn't limit my focus on just men. I drove limo for a number of years and the women are crazier then the men. I loved being a limo driver That way you get the groom one week and the bride the next. When I was a driver, we took 5 limos to Canada for my Bach Party and a week later my wife took 2 with her girls to Canada ....a word of advise however, make sure the driver can keep his mouth shut!! Good luck....I would think this could be a fun and somewhat profitable business around here.....But your young....AND THE STORIES YOU'LL BE ABLE TO TELL.......you'll be a legend!!! Let me know if you need someone to research the strippers for you...I'd be happy to "SCREEN THEM" for you!
  15. I watched it........you gotta love it!
  16. I thought the day before the superbowl is played is the most depressing...by that time I've seen hightlights of the Superbowl loses way too many times.....
  17. I have a new found respect for Brady....he's nails.......
  18. I saw Jim also...I loved it! Check out my photo to see if I love #12!!
  19. I'm trying to locate the offense, defense and special team rankings of todays games..... Can't find it in USA TODAY,NFL, CBS.... HELP!!!
  20. He doesn't kick off either.........my 2 cents....
  21. I love it! I love it! If this isn't exciting, I don't know what is.
  22. A buddy of mine who was in the marines said people would walk down the streets selling these at night....... he also was able to "rent" a girl for a month for $50 who would cook, clean and take care of all your needs!!! I told him I would have gotten 2!
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