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Everything posted by angryfan62

  1. Dwan Edwards back for revenge that last play.
  2. Would have liked to see some play action there but maybe they don't want to show anything this game.
  3. From what I understand if the D lineman tries to stop his rush and get his hands up the O lineman is to "block" (actually strike) with both hands to the midsection of D lineman. Hands come down quite quickly then.
  4. My best memory of that game was Belichek pissed off and screaming at the refs to give us the TD at the end. How incredibly ironic . Watched that Cowboy game in a room full of Dallas fans. Tons of crap talking from them at the start, absolutely none at the end. That game made them better human beings.
  5. Haven't really heard many bad reports on Shaq. Did I miss something?
  6. That would actually be her right to call him names but hey, I get your point. Let's try it this way, I used to work at a pretty large restaurant way back when I was a teenager. One of my job duties was to assist the actual wait staff when we were really busy. If I walked up to a table and said "Welcome to _____ what can I get you girls?" and one of the ladies looked at me and stated "We are women not girls" I would probably apologize and not refer to them as "girls" again...Even if I didn't really understand what their beef was with it.
  7. According to Sapp, she "repeatedly called them boys" and this after being corrected once. He has every right to keep his tip.
  8. I am not sure if I understand the mechanics of this chart. I mean who the heck has 3.6 seconds to throw in the NFL these days? I mean, on the very portion of the chart that your referring to he's better than Drew Brees and Eli Manning, and if you go to 3.1 to 3.5 he's better than Tom Brady. The author makes no attempt to define what he means by "Time to Throw". Does he mean time in the pocket waiting for someone to be open? Or hanging on to the ball because you're running for your life?
  9. I don't know mb, I watched those plays over and over, especially the 1st one where we all thought he never saw SJ beating the coverage deep. He DID see him, but realized at once that it was impossible to get the ball there. If he stops to set his feet and throw he gets destroyed by one or both of the linemen running free in pursuit, and if he tries to sprint right and throw on the run he violates a core NFL QB fundamental: "Never throw the ball back across your body over the middle of the field late". That's a classic rookie mistake, the only guy who could do that was B. Farve back when he still had a rocket motor attached to his arm. He did exactly as he should have done, pull it down and run for what you can get. If I had to pick I would rather see a rookie being a bit too cautious with the ball than being a bit too careless with it. I can agree that the designed plays to Woods may not have been things of beauty (except for that awesome block on a charging LB on one of them. Dang who was that? Summers?). But they were all 1st downs I believe, Simple plays/easy yards for the rookie. I guess we just see it differently.
  10. Came across this today on WGR's site, and I don't believe it's been posted before, sorry if it has. In my opinion the author does a pretty good job of explaining why sometimes E.J. sometimes doesn't make the throws we believe he ought to. LINK
  11. OT I know but I am just curious, were those Braves games not well attended by fans? Is that why the owner "was doing all he could to sell the team."?
  12. Let me clarify...When I said that it looked "intentional", I meant that it looked like a designed play to block the defender. That being said I didn't see Welker go low or high, just blocked the crap out of Talib. It was while the ball was still in the air though so I guess the makes it illegal by rule (pick).
  13. Sore Loser?, Crybaby? Or Justified? What do you guys think? Looked a little bit intentional to me, but on the other hand it's not like the Pats have a reputation for dirty play themselves or anything like that But hey, that's just my opinion... Link
  14. I don't believe that the "line of scrimmage" actually changes until the end of a play (postive or negative), so if the ball was not heaved back to behind the original line (before the play) the kick would be ruled illegal IMO. Even if it wasn't, isn't someone going to have to catch that backwards pass and hold for the kick? That would be asking one hell of a lot from our O Lineman, or a lot from Carpenter if you are wanting him to "drop kick" it 50+ yds. I think you'd be better off throwing that backwards pass to someone ridiculously fast like CJ (who convieniently slipped and fell at the beginning of said play and is now being ignored by the defense since the QB is running with the ball. Now pretty much the entire team including the QB and Carpenter can block, sort of a "super screen play" lol. I mean why not as long as we're making up crazy plays?
  15. Just got an email from the Bills saying that Marrone would be taking fan questions tonight on WGR and on the Bills mobile app from 7 to 8pm E.S.T. Just thought I'd post this since everyone here seems to be wondering what the heck is he thinking lol.
  16. It would have to be a catch...No way refs are gonna give us a PI today.
  17. That was actually a foul but I'm glad it's finally N.E.'s turn to deal with a crazy "no call".
  18. Agreed...Tannehill isn't even that good. We should be crushing these guys.
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