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Wayne Arnold

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Posts posted by Wayne Arnold

  1. Nope. But 20th is actually a bit below average. And that's Tyrod's passer rating ranking.


    And 26th is too. And that's Tyrod's YPA ranking.


    21st is. And that's his completion percentage.


    We could talk about fourth quarter comebacks and game winning drives and the inability to throw over the deep to intermediate middle of the field, the frequent urgency to leave the pocket while it's still holding, the reluctance to throw to receivers till they're already open, yadda yadda yadda.


    But what you have with Tyrod is a guy who keeps the INTs low and runs very well and runs a passing game that's a bit below average.


    Not sure what you mean by 10th? Total QBR, the ESPN stat that's basically opaque about how they come up with a number? That's come up with a bunch of bizarre numbers from the beginning, and this year too unless you think Dak Prescott is the 3rd best QB in the league, Stafford is only 8th and Carr is 16th. I mean, a system that has Tyrod as better than Roethlisberger this year is pretty wacky.


    Hey Thurman I'm glad to see you over here.


    The quote I responded to was "TT is one of the guys who is good enough to give you average and keep you average." So my interpretation of this is that Taylor is incapable of leading an above average offense. Which is wrong, of course. The Bills offense finished 9th in DVOA offensive efficiency in 2015 and 10th this season. I don't consider 9th and 10th to be average. And I'm sure you know that DVOA takes all factors into account, including starting field position.


    I consider 9th and 10th out of 32 teams better than "average."


    As for Taylor's individual rankings, I'm not sure where you're getting your numbers from (maybe you're including backups?) but Taylor finished 2016 18th among starters in passer rating, 8th in interception %, 19th in completion %, 11th in QBR, 21st in YPA and 18th in ANY/A.


    He's also 2nd in the league among starting QB's in Air Yard Percentage - which means his receivers don't get much YAC and his numbers aren't bloated with screens and what not.


    This after finishing 2015 ranked 8th in passer rating, 5th in interception %, 15th in completion %, 7th in QBR, 5th in YPA, and 9th in ANY/A.


    Have you taken a gander at Sam Monson's piece about Tyrod? I recommend you open your mind before reading.



    It's not an either-or. Yup, EJ sucked. That didn't make Tyrod better.


    What it did was show us all what the offense looks like when there's not a good quarterback behind center.

  2. Look....in the end: this is Whaley's baby. If he has one year so be it. He will sink or swim with this. If he's smart (for himself) he goes win now and keeps Tyrod.


    IF IF IF IF IF we go to the playoffs he's just going to drop his balls on the desk at the next year wrap up. His back was against the wall this time....all lose. No matter what he said he was screwed. I don't think he wants anything more in his life right now. He will work; and hopefully he can serve some crow.



  3. Blown out of proportion? He claims he didn't know Rex was in trouble, and that he didn't know Rex was going to to be fired.


    If you believe, you have to conclude he's beyond clueless. Who did not think Rex was doomed??


    If you don't believe him, you have to conclude he's lying (he obviously is).


    How do you blow either of these conclusions "out of proportion? That's nuts.


    And why was Whaley afraid to say what you proposed? Easy-because he was the one who convinced the naive owners to pull the trigger on Rex> You think he's now going to say "we" were wrong? He's shameless.


    I said Whaley was foolish for saying that because it was such an obvious lie that it reached the point of absurdity. That said - who cares? It wouldn't be the first time an NFL figurehead would fib to the media. NFL coaches do it every day. The media blew it out of proportion by using that fib as evidence that the team is dysfunctional.


    Why would Whaley say "We were wrong"? Not sure where you're going with that one.

  4. I have known for awhile that the Bills are a poorly run organization. The emphasis they put on drafting QB's will tell you that alone. But what I saw yesterday showed me exactly why the Bills have gone 17 years without making the playoffs, and things are actually much worse than I imagined.


    This organization has absolutely no structure. Yes the owner should have conversations with the coach, GM, etc, but there needs to be someone (football czar) that holds power over both the coach and GM and gives them direction. What is the direction of this team? Whaley is nowhere near ready to be the top football guy in an organization and it shows. Russ tried to prop him up when Russ failed as GM but it didn't work. Russ himself created the whole persona as Whaley being some up and comer but show me the baby as Nix used to say.


    Doug Whaley wasn't "privy" as to why Rex Ryan was being fired? Well, that seems reasonable. Why would the General Manager of the team be advised as to whether the coach will be fired? "I get the directive from my owner and don't ask questions." Really??? You are trying to build a winning team but the GM doesn't know when the coach is about to be fired? Even if this is not the case and the are trying to frame it a certain way, why in the holey hell, would you want the fans and media to think the GM is out of the loop when it comes to the firing of the head coach. Poor communication is part of the problem.


    What happened yesterday was one of the biggest **** shows in the history of sports press conferences. Our worst fears confirmed. The Bills are as incompetent as the continuous failure would lead you to believe.


    This team needs a purge in the worst way. Say what you want about a new regime, but all of the upper management of the Ralph Wilson Era is still in place except for Jeff Littman. Russ Brandon, Jim Overdorf, Scott Berchold, etc. All the guys who have been there forever, all the guys the saw over the drought and made sure it was running strong.


    Doug Whaley is the top football guy in the organization. How crazy is that? We don't have anyone in an advisory roll to Pegula that has proven anything in the NFL. Just all the former Ralph guys and a proven average GM at the very best in charge of everything to do with the team on the field. It is freaking insane and Pegula is telling us this is not dysfunctional.


    Pegula is about to wast 2-3 years. We need a purge from top to bottom, and if Pegula decides after he fires Whaley in 2-3 years, that he still wants to keep wonderboy Brandon, he needs to bring a football guy with a proven track record into upper management, who can tell Terry and Kim when the old regime has no clue what they are talking about.


    What the Pegula's are doing with Brandon is insulting. They are trying to wash away the Brandon stain and pretend like he has no responsibility for the drought and it is insulting to fans. Sal Cappachio flat out said on the radio yesterday, that Russ Brandon was the GM of the Buffalo Bills for a 1 1/2 years to 2 years. Whaley is an extension of Brandon. I have no confidence that he is going to field a winning football team. We are about to waste 2-3 years because the Pegula's are not willing to do what needs to be done. Before they figure it out we will be trying to keep it from getting to 25.


    As GM, Whaley has to be good at exactly two things:


    (1) Acquiring quality personnel via the draft and free agency

    (2) Hiring a good head coach


    Is kissing the butts of the media on that list? Take another look if you're not sure.


    Is speaking well on that list?


    No? Okay then.

    Thank you for your post. You captured the situation and the thoughts of us Bills fans perfectly.


    Yes, that Pegula is doing is insulting to us Bills fans.


    So many drama queens within this fanbase.

  5. It clearly was BS. And just stupid for Whaley to say. That was by far the worst part of the press conference.


    Yes it was blown out of proportion by the media but Whaley was foolish for saying that. What's wrong with saying "We all decided to fire Rex because the defense wasn't good enough and we just didn't see a light at the end of the tunnel." ? Why was Whaley afraid to say that? So frustrating.


    It was more than just the Miami game...but lets address your last statement. You said he wont be calling plays anyway...so what value does he have as a HC? The only thing he really has going for him is the offense...if he isn't going to be installing the offense and calling the plays, what else does he have on his resume that says he should be a HC?


    Don't get me wrong, its not unusual for a HC to not call the plays...I am just saying I haven't seen enough to just feel he is the best guy for the job by default. And lets go back to the Miami game...in his biggest moment of the season, with the season and the playoffs on the line, he absolutely blew it. When you don't have a long resume, these moments stand out more. And it wasnt the first time this season where the game was on the line and questionable play calling came out at the end of the game. These are things I look at when seeing if I feel this guy is ready to lead a team and be in charge of ALL decisions.


    It's going to be the same offense we saw this season. Which is a really good thing.


    Play calling is so terribly overrated. If the players execute and the play works it's a "great play call!" If the players don't execute and the play doesn't work it's a "horrible play call!" Play-callers are a dime-a-dozen. The system and scheme and gameplan/adjustments are tremendously more important. Kromer will be just fine calling the plays.


    So where did you read me post those guys were my choices because I never posted them. I have said I would rather see us find a proven HC over an unproven coordinator, but thats always easier said than done.


    And again, all my point was is that if you add Lynn to that list, he has had the least experience of anyone. And while I do think Lynn did a good job as OC considering he was thrust into it in week 2, I was also concerned of some his play calls with games on the line and even the season on the line in Miami. By no means did he blow me away as a guy to not let out of the building. Would I be pissed if we hired him...of course not, but he would not be a guy I would just give the job too. If I was Whaley, if I had a list of 5 guys, I would pencil him as #5 on that list until I conducted all the interviews and he would need to convince me he was the right guy.


    Those are the candidates. I'd be surprised if any more than one or two are added, and I doubt we see anyone on the list with prior HC experience.


    Lynn has been a player or coach in the NFL since the early 90's. Has worked with and under a large number of very accomplished coaches. Least experience of anyone?


    You keep talking about Lynn's play calls as if they're a negative - first of all, it was one bad play call vs. Miami in an otherwise brilliant game by him. Secondly, he won't be calling plays as the head coach anyway.

  8. Polian did find reason to be positive about the Bills situation when hearing Whaley has been empowered by ownership to pick the next head coach. It could be a sign of a power structure change creating a ladder of accountability.


    “Doug Whaley said, 'The ownership has confidence in me,' ’’ Polian said. “If that’s the case, he’ll make the decision and he’ll own the decision. He’ll own the coach, he’ll own whoever the quarterback is going forward. I would argue that the waters have probably been sullied enough with Tyrod Taylor that he might not come back, but whoever the quarterback, he’s going to own him.


    Hey, Bill - it's not up to Tyrod.


    The goal the team needs to have is to assemble a team that can win the Superbowl, not assemble a team who can sneak into the playoffs. IMO we are the latter and that is what we have clearly said we were trying to do, get to the playoffs. Once we get there than what? Get smoked by the same teams we can't beat during the season is what. TT is one of the guys who is good enough to give you average and keep you average. Best bet is to acknowledge that and move on, if you have to take a few steps back to bottom out for a season or clean up the roster by letting a few players go, fine. Build a contender and not a team that is built to sneak into the playoffs and get killed by teams you just can't compete with. That is simply the reality of where we are and have been for the past 17 seasons and most likely the next 3 at least...


    Top 10 is average?

  10. Being saying it since the Rex firing rumors started. Whaley is admittedly a scout at heart, he appears to be over his head in front of the media and doesn't come across as a leader his men get behind or a coach with any track record would immediately respect. He obviously is out of the loop between the head coach and owners. And I have zero faith in ownership to make football-related (personnel, coaching) decisions. Sure, the guy fracks a mean well and Kim can market well is appears but just because they have a few billion doesn't make them qualified to make football decisions. Yes it's their team, and if you want to fall to that default, great, but you can't expect anything other than a repeat of RCW's ownership. And if the the story is true, that Rex asked about his future and also wanted to play Tyrod and was fired on the spot, that doesn't give me the warm and fuzzies about Pegula(s).


    I just think someone who they trust with a football pedigree should oversee the coach and GM and that person should report to the Pegulas. I think this is what this organization needs, a restructuring to clean up the mess.


    They tried that with Polian but he didn't want to do it.


    In the end, Pegula is doing what he needs to be doing. Trusting Whaley to find a quality head coach and letting them work.


    The only thing he needs to do differently right now is to replace the current communications director because the PR is a train wreck and it affecting the perception of the franchise.


    Fair points, and I understand why you feel that way. But for me, none of that means he is ready to manage a team, a roster, a game clock, game situations, etc. He has been a RB coach until this year where he was a partial season OC. While I definitely think he did a very good job overall as OC, some things that concerned me is the poor choices he made with the season on the line in key games down the stretch. Then his week as interim HC didn't do anything to help his cause. I wouldn't say it ruined his case by any means, but it definitely did him no favors.


    One thing I always find interesting is that people harp on the HC all season long about all things they don't do right on and off the field...but when it comes time to choose a new coach, they grossly over look how much responsibility that person will have and ignore the lack of experience handling it or previous failures at handling it (regarding coaching retreads). Im just not sold Lynn is ready for that yet, just my personal opinion.


    So what have Reich-McDermott-Joseph-Goodwin-Richard done that makes you think they are ready to manage a team, a roster, a game clock, game situations, etc.?

  12. So not much to see here...and honestly, while I would consider him, he would be far from my first choice. He would be the biggest gamble of any candidate given he has no where near the experience to be confident in, hasnt even been an OC for a full season, often made a lot of questionable calls, and had his team utterly embarrassed by a bad team in his only game as a HC. I know its a bit unfair to judge him on last week, but its not that we lost, its how embarrassing we lost and when you don't have much of a resume above being a RB coach, every thing matters.


    I couldn't disagree more and in fact think just the opposite. Hiring a Reich, McDermott, Joseph, Goodwin, or Richard would be a MUCH bigger gamble. Because not only are you hiring an unknown entity but you'll have to blow up the best offense we've had in well over a decade.


    Lynn is the smart choice. I'll be extremely disappointed if he's not this team's head coach in 2017.

  13. I listened to the presser live and quite honestly, never questioned his speaking ability or thought he had an impediment. To me, it sounded like he was nervous and trying very hard to not lose his composure to the guys he knew were going to be Dicks in coming after him. In that sense, I thought he did a good job holding his schitt together and not losing his composure.


    Impediments and verbal communication are completely different things. A person can have a lisp or a stutter and still do well quickly translating logical thoughts into words.


    The road from Whaley's brain to his mouth is full of crater-sized pot holes.

  14. Put it in the end zone. Don't stall at the 30 yard line then blame the kicker.




    Tell that to Jim Kelly and Tom Brady. Both drove their offenses to the opposing 30 yard line with seconds remaining. One is perceived a champion and the other is not because of two kickers. Seems like a fair sport.









    Nobody's saying he's a clutch player.





  15. Defense is why we didnt make the playoffs. I cant believe people are blaming Tyrod for not putting up 40 points a game when he gets us to at least 20-30 points and we still lose.


    Because people actually think that "real" quarterbacks will win games no matter how many points the defense gives up. If the defense let's up a touchdown, well then the quarterback will just pass for a touchdown in response. Defense gives up a field goal? Well then our real quarterback will just pass for a touchdown in response.


    That's what a "real" quarterback does!

  16. Whaley's presser was a complete disaster. I almost wish he were replaced as well. I guess we'll see what happens. That's all I have for now.


    The entire Whaley PC situation is an interesting human experiment on how valuable a person's verbal communication skills are with regard to how his/her competence and/or intelligence is perceived.


    Whaley is a nervous nelly who can't string two words together without stumbling. Because of that not only is he seen as inept but the local and national narrative is that the franchise is one of "dysfunction".


    Never mind the fact that public speaking skills are basically irrelevant for a General Manager (unlike head coach).

  17. Because last evening we saw a fantastic game between a conference winner and the team many said was the team that wanted to play. Exciting football...as a Bills fan I understand that this is a foreign concept to you.


    Thank God the school/program that enables child rape lost.

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