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Wayne Arnold

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Posts posted by Wayne Arnold

  1. There aren't many interviews or press conferences out there with McDermott. This one is from six years ago when he was the Eagles DC. He would be fired by Andy Reid just a couple weeks later.


    Seems like a smart guy and obviously a talented and successful defensive coordinator. I'm luke warm on him as a HC though. But who knows.



  2. I really like this guy a lot. You can tell by interviews that he's very quick-minded and sharp. I think very highly of Arians and Goodwin has been his right-hand many for a number of years now. Could be wrong but I think his style of offense could work with Taylor.


    If he brings a good 4-3 defensive coordinator with him then I think he'd be a great hire.



    Oh and by the way both Goodwin and Whaley worked for the Steelers from 2007-2009. Goodwin was the offensive line coach and quality control coordinator.


    The fact that the Bills have so few of their own draft picks on the active roster is evidence of consistently poor drafting.


    I don't think that's necessarily true. The Bills had to add quite a few players from the outside that fit the Ryans' scheme - Douzable, Alexander, Zach Brown, Ramon Humber, Lerentee McCray, etc. Then a number of internal players went down with injury (Ragland, Gragg, Easley, Aaron Williams, Wood, Henderson) and more often than not those holes are filled with street FA's, and most of the free agents on the roster are depth guys (Worthy, Coleman, Spikes, Corey White, Roberson, Ihedigbo, Sergio Brown, Tate, Bush, Hunter, Groy, Lewis).


    So that can be misleading.


    Our GM is black. Our OC was black. Now our HC is black. All our QBs are black. I'm not sure why you think Tyrod is being short-changed because he's black.


    I think you can make intelligent, rational arguments why Tyrod should be our QB going forward, and why he shouldn't. Like every QB, TT has his strengths and his weaknesses. How you weigh those against each other will vary from fan to fan, and from coach to coach. His particular profile is fairly unique.


    Then there's the issue of his future potential. Perfectly rational people think he's hit his ceiling. Other rational people expect him to get better yet - maybe with better coaching.


    At this point, whether it's fair or not, there are probably some head coach candidates who believe you cannot build a winning franchise around Tyrod's unique skill set. That's just the reality we have to face.


    Good post, hondo. I don't disagree with anything you said. Although I do think there is a tendency maybe not on our team but throughout the league to short-change quarterbacks of certain styles.

  5. Quarterback Quarterback Quarterback Quarterback Quarterback Quarterback Quarterback Quarterback Quarterback Quarterback Quarterback Quarterback Quarterback Quarterback


    Who is the Broncos' quarterback?


    Who is the 49ers' quarterback?


    Can the Jaguars' quarterback throw a spiral?


    The Rams' quarterback situation is a gamble because you have no idea what you have with Goff. 5 TD's and 7 INT's at 5.3 ypa and a 63.6 passer rating. Even Manuel had a 77.7 rating as a rookie.


    If only Taylor were a #tallwhitequarterback then he'd be given a constant benefit of the doubt and have all the chances in the world.

  6. since my name happens to be on this one, i'll chime in.


    i did ask the first question to Whaley in regards to the team seeming to be in a state of dysfunction.


    it's clear Whaley either wasn't prepared to provide answers or was busy sticking to a script or was merely not interested in providing anything of merit to the discussion that he helped prompt with his lengthy silence.


    it wasn't a good look.and it didn't sound any better.


    i'm well aware some Bills executives were not happy with how that went down with Whaley saying he's speaking for ownership and then making everyone in the operation look bad.


    that it took the Bills to resort to getting Terry and Kim to explain a thing or five does not reflect well on Whaley. he was supposed to help by start putting out the fire, not add more kindling to it.


    it became imperative for the owners to speak. and i know a lot of people are glad they finally did.


    whether i was "used" or not, i can't judge that. all i know is that i sent a text to both Terry and Kim and Terry responded within 15 minutes.


    the fact is, some clarity was required, and finally provided.




    Thanks for all you do, John. Keep up the great work.


    BTW - do you agree with the local (and in turn national) media narrative that the Bills are an embarrassment and dumpster fire? Or do you just think Whaley is a poor public speaker and the PR department needs improvement?

  7. The biggest statistical "yardstick" to success in the NFL is turnovers. There are always outliers, no doubt and to a degree, the Bills were one of them this year. 7th in turnover margin and no playoffs. Historically, there's no better correlation to winning than turnovers. Teams going +1 in a game have won 90% of the time. +2 and teams have won 95% of the time. +3 and it jumps to 98%.


    With that said for me, I don't need to see a team throwing all over the field every game. What I need to see is a team that CAN throw the ball when they have to. That is what's missing from this team IMO. Give them 2m to go 50 yards for even a field goal and they can't do it.


    I take it you missed the Dolphins game.


    Good post! I 100% agree on retaining Taylor as the best current QB option. Try to improve from there, if you like.


    What I would like to see the Bills do is similar to the option you suggest Whaley favored - bringing in an offensive-minded HC and trying by every means possible to retain Schwartz.

    I would like to bring in a defensive-minded HC or a neutral HC (like ST coordinator Toub) and try by every means to retain Lynn.


    I am concerned that it's difficult for the HC to serve as de-facto coordinator on one side of the ball and often seems to hinder their performance in both roles.

    I am also concerned that it might be too big of a step to go from RB coach to HC in 1 year, which would be bad for Lynn as it would hinder him getting another shot.


    I believe that by hiring a defensive-minded coach such as Sean McDermott or Teryl Austin or a coach who is more of an executive type, like perhaps Toub, retaining Lynn as OC, and picking up Tyrod's option, the Bills would grow Lynn's career by letting him take a step that would help him become a HC, and the Bills would have the best chance to take that next step themselves.


    Anthony Lynn has been an Assistant Head Coach for five years. That's more experience than anyone on the list right. He understands the intricacies of being a HC in the NFL.


    Yes, and you should thank the O line, McCoy and Gillislee.


    The passing game sucked.


    The offense, in tight games/late in games ... sucked.


    But yeah ... let's keep going with that. Great idea.


    Tell me how the OLine, McCoy and Gillislee did on Sunday.


    Also, provide real information that proves that the offense sucked in tight games/late in games using the other 31 offenses as a comparison.


    I don't care about your own personal preferences or agendas. 10th best is 10th best.

  9. I don't understand how our RB coach from last year, who was promoted to OC after a bull **** firing, who then proceeded to use a dumbed down version of said fired OC's offense ... becoming the HC, would be considered continuity.


    What are we looking to continue, exactly?


    A top 10 offense - which is a rarity for this franchise.




    2016 - #10

    2015 - #9

    2014 - #26

    2013 - #25

    2012 - #20

    2011 - #16

    2010 - #26

    2009 - #29

    2008 - #24

    2007 - #23

    2006 - #22

    2005 - #30

    2004 - #21

    2003 - #29

    2002 - #18

    2001 - #21

    2000 - #14

    1999 - #7


    First Top 10 offense since Bill Clinton was POTUS - but let's throw it away like we did with the defense two years ago.

  10. As a QB he had to know every play and where every player was supposed to be going on every play. So likely that makes Frank a good candidate for an OC at least. With that part down and a good ST and D Coordinator, he likely could grow into a decent HC. That doesn't mean he will, but he's got 1/3 of the team down.


    The head coach will choose his OC and Reich isn't an option anyway because he's the OC of the Eagles.


    I think the key, here, is that Whaley appears to have one foot out the door.


    A new coach and a (presumably) new QB, historically, means no playoffs. I think it's safe to say that if the Bills miss the playoffs again, Whaley's done.


    Whaley was just given full responsibility of hiring the next head coach. I think that's the complete opposite of "one foot out the door."


    If the new head coach is dumb enough to install a system that doesn't fit Taylor then he's not a good head coach.

  12. Great point brought up on Mike and Mike this morning:


    Chip Kelly took the SF job with a lame duck GM. With a new GM likely comes a new coach, which is why Kelly got canned after a year.


    Whaley is clearly hanging on by a thread. Any coach who comes to Buffalo would be a dead man walking.


    This is looking more and more like a tank season coming up.


    It might be exactly what we need.


    But this doesn't make much sense because if the coach is good and successful, then Whaley will stay as will the coach.


    A coach who knows he sucks won't come here. Is that bad?

    If you look at average he is about 20th, but I doubt looking just at 2017 that 27.5 for that single season is 20th.

    Or, Polian thinks that TT is overpaid even at 20th.


    Polian is old school. Only #tallwhitequarterbacks are worthy of Top 20 contracts, regardless of results.


    The coach who punted from OUR end of the field and also needed to win that game as well to control his own destiny - unless he got help the next day. The fact that they got beat against the Pats emphasizes why the Dolphins would not have wanted to take their chances trying to beat the Pats or hoping to get all of the help that needed from other teams.


    Yes, that coach.


    Should they have fired Gase this week or should they wait until after the Steelers game?

  14. On ESPN Radio Polian said the the Bills head coaching opening is the least appealing. He reasoned that we either have a QB problem if Taylor is released or a QB with too large of a salary if he is kept. He also said that several of our defensive players only fit one scheme. I apologize if this was stated earlier, but I don't have time to read all 9 pages of this forum.


    The old man has gone senile.

  15. I'd be okay with keeping Tyrod at a reasonable contract as a bridge, but I don't think he would go for that. He will want to test the market.


    You don't consider the 20th highest cap hit among QB's to be reasonable for a quarterback that has finished 8th (2015) and 18th (2016) in passer rating for an offense that has finished 9th and 10th respectively in DVOA in his only two seasons as a starter?

  16. Reich was on the coaching staff in Indy when Polian was there. Then he was a QB coach and OC in SD for Polian protege Tom Telesco. He's still part of the Polian tree. I'm not at all surprised he would pump him up.


    This is my worry about Reich. Being a great guy and great QB isn't the criteria I'm looking for in a HC of the Bills. He was just fired one year ago because he wasn't even a good enough OC . He's not calling the plays in Philly and I think he's a glorified QB coach. I'm not sure what makes him HC material but would like to hear if anyone has heard?


    Because he was on the Super Bowl Bills teams! Isn't that reason enough to be head coach?

  17. Didn't you hear? Russ Brandon has turned it all over to Whaley...in terms of accountability.


    Meaning that in the next two years if the team still isn't winning more than losing and not in the playoffs all the blame is ALL on Whaley's shoulders!


    And yet, the owners will have the last say in who ultimately gets hired and who do you think is still advising them? http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2017/01/03/russ-brandon-still-looms-over-bills-football-operations/


    Nothing on the Buffalo Bills has changed in any way shape or form except Whaley gets all the blame and will get fired should the team not succeed. Then, Jim Monos gets hired to replace Whaley and becomes Brandon's new yes man!


    The ONLY way this thing gets blown up and Brandon will be shown the door is if the team goes into the toilet at 4-12 or worse and even then Brandon will probably dodge all responsibility. Previously I didn't want the SOB gone from the team, just away from the football side. Now I realize that this man is a such a selfish bastard that he refuses to allow the owner to bring in a team president of football operations to help build a super bowl contender because it would mean he would need to give up some power.


    Let's hope that at some point Terry wakes up from Grima Wormtongue's spell and cleans house!


    Russ Brandon rubs me the wrong way too but let's think logically about this just for a second then you can resume the insanity if you'd like.


    Do you really think Brandon doesn't want the Bills to be a Super Bowl contender? And do you think this team is a "team president of football operations" away from being a Super Bowl contender?


    I just think in the end it comes down to good players and good coaches working well together. We haven't have a good coach. If Whaley can find a diamond in the rough then the team will be fine and Whaley will be GM for a long time.


    But I do find the "Russ Brandon is pure evil sworn to destroy the mental well-being of Western New York sports fans forever" theories to be entertaining.

    I believe we have great ownership. The Pegulas will, ultimately, restore glory to this franchise. But they're going to do it their way, patiently and methodically. It's going to take time.



  18. For the life of me, I don't understand why Pegula does not fire Whaley.


    It is obvious to us fans, the rest of the NFL, and the common person that Whaley is a horrible GM and will lead the franchise deeper in ruin.


    I know it's not as simple as I stated, but is Terry that blind?


    Also, how can Terry be so blind about Russ Brandon while the rest of the world can see so clearly that Russ and Whaley needs to go? What incentive does Terry have to keep Whaley and Brandon?


    I've been a fan for 25 years, and this time around, I just don't get it.


    As GM, Whaley has to be good at exactly two things:

    (1) Acquiring quality personnel via the draft and free agency

    (2) Hiring a good head coach

    Is kissing the butts of the media on that list? Take another look if you're not sure.

    Is speaking well on that list?

    No? Okay then.

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