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Wayne Arnold

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Posts posted by Wayne Arnold

  1. You forgot one key word that I said. ....usually.


    Public Relations people develop these say nothing answers and talking points, then instruct you to go back to them at every possible opportunity. The end result is nothing new is let out and nothing bad is said. And..usually..the media peoples will walk away thinking what a waste. For a variety of reasons, this time, they circled the wagons and went for Whaley's head afterward.


    But if you listen to what he said... He gave no indication of dysfunction, as others have said... Rex did not report to Whaley; he reported to Pegs. So why is it dysfunctional for Whaley to not know what Pegs and Rex talked about? He gave no indication that Russ was in any way involved or would be in the new search. Yet, people are still bringing his name up as being involved. And so on.


    I'm not saying Whaley did a great job because he answered all the questions and clarified the machinations at OBD. I'm suggesting that he said exactly what was instructed by the PR dept, which is his job in this situation. The fact that it has blowed up into all this dumpster fire talk, IMO, is people projecting the past onto the present and being stirred by a media core that are loving the added interest by it all.


    I agree with you that the "dysfunction" reports are overblown and a result of emotionally-charged rants from the frustrated Buffalo News sports reporters.


    However, that doesn't mean Whaley did a "great job." Far from it. You don't want to use those "say nothing answers" when all they do is ignite flames. "Ownership issued a statement." "I wasn't privy to that information." Those answers may have seemed like "say nothing answers" to Whaley and the Bills before the press conference, but they were far from that. They helped build a perception of incompetence.


    And that's not even mentioning Whaley's passive aggressive "media narrative" takes.

  2. I disagree. Whaley did a great job. Many people think he didn't because he gave a lot of BS answers. But that was almost certainly his intent. I do alot of press events. And for the big ones, you always have a PR person give you your "talking points". These are the answers they want you to give, and tell you at every opportunity...go back to it. That's what you say. And then sit and wait for another question. Then give the same answer. Repeat until someone tells you that to leave.


    The answers I bolded are almost certainly PR-provided responses that he continually came back to. There are a few others he had as well. But, I guarantee he was given these answers and probably even rehearsed types of questions and when to use them. Does it give the press the answers they want... No. Does it give the public the answers they want... No. But, it gets him out of there without doing any addtional damage... Usually. And its how all big organizations typically handle press conferences, especially likely combative ones.


    This contradiction just blew up right in your face.


    You can't say Whaley did a great job by using scripted answers designed to get through a press conference without doing any damage as your example when Whaley's scripted answers set off a dumpster fire as big as anything we've seen in recent years!

  3. Kris Richard is a 37 year old. I prefer him over McDermott personally due to his energy and demeanor. But who knows.


    Career history As player: As coach:



  4. As physically talented as he is I think Cardale's ceiling is as a backup. Nothing wrong with that.


    But you never know.


    He really should have kept his grades up and transferred somewhere for his final year of eligibility. He never fit Meyer's offense and he would have had programs lining up to take him. With a big year he may have been a first-rounder.

  5. The way Vic plays both sides is hilarious.


    I'm hearing Lynn has taken himself out of the Bills job because "dysfunctional" and "embarrassing"!


    The next day...


    I wouldn't be surprised if this "search" is over after Lynn's interview today.


    The guy is such a hack.

    Just to clarify things on behalf of Vic: all he said was that Lynn was a shoe-in, who didn't want the job and will now probably take it. I mean, if that definite-doubtful-probable timeline is not consistent I don't know what is. :D



    He's right either way. What a brilliant strategy by a journalist.

  6. Never heard of the guy until now . Arians did most or all of the play calling in the game so is that a red flag ?


    Rex was the master mind of the D & called the plays but Thurmon was the D coordinator .


    How did that work ??


    Head coaches shouldn't call plays. They should concentrate on the HC duties on their plate. By not being able to delegate the (overrated) responsibilities of play-calling they're just being a micromanager.


    As HC Goodwin won't need to call plays. And he'll be better for it.


    EXACTLY! I can not believe the non sense going on around here about the Press Conference...I don't even think many even watched it, they just ran with what ever BS theory or story they had in their head based on their biased hatred of him. Thats the only explanation because literally NOTHING that is being whined about actually occurred in the Press Conference. I thought Whaley did a great job actually.


    The press exaggerated and much of the public ate it up and blew it completely out of proportion.


    However, we can't claim that Whaley did a "great job". In fact, he did an awful job.


    Whaley's problem is that he goes into each press conference as if the media is the enemy and he's there to be interrogated and to keep everything close to the vest. He looks like he's ready for a fight and answers like he's a defendant on the stand answering questions from the prosecutor.


    But that's not so much on him as it is Russ Brandon, Scott Berchtold and the Pegulas. I feel like that hatred/awkwardness with the media has been going on for way too long now. I was hoping that the Pegulas would put a stop to it but they haven't. This obsession with controlling the narrative and making sure no information that might lead to proven accountability of mistakes is not working. In fact, it's blowing up in their faces. They have to change how they conduct PR.


    You can blame the Buffalo News all you want but they're not going to change. The media is the same everywhere. So you can either keep fighting it and look like dysfunctional incompetents...or you can play the game and just open up and let them in.


    Why does Whaley have to blatantly lie about never giving Pegula any input about Rex? Everyone knew it was BS to the point of absurdity. Other parts of the PC he acts unnecessarily cagey and answers questions in a passive aggressive manner.


    Why was Rex fired? - "Ownership issued a statement."

    "I wasn't privy to that information."

    What was your role in Rex's hiring? - "I will not get into that." (deflects blame)

    "Again, I was not privy to that conversation."

    "I understand the narrative out there, Anthony and I have talked and we're fine"

    "We are fine."

    "The ownership put out a statement."

    "I will have to disagree with you on that."

    "Can I answer?"

    "There was going to be a narrative no matter what we had done that day."

    "That painted us in any picture you guys wanted to paint us."

    "They put out a statement. You have it."

    "Well that is the way you think."

    "You can write how you want."

    You didn't know that Rex might get fired? - "No." (throws owner under the bus)

    "I had no reason to talk to them about Rex, we were focused on the season." (what?!)

    Did you agree with the decision to fire Rex? - "I haven't even thought about it."


    This team needs to come to the realization that going to war with the local media is not a war they will win. It's better business to stop being so guarded and mysterious and just be more open and tell it like it is.

  8. Whaley and the Pegulas can spend most of the interview profusely apologizing.


    Schwartz came into Philly and it took a single season to improve their defense from 17th in DVOA last year to 4th.


    I'm skeptical of him as a head coach but he can construct a defense and I think the players who were on that 2014 team would be fired up.


    Depending on who he brings as OC, I think he'd be someone worth giving a shot. Why isn't he a candidate?

  9. A first year cap hit is pretty meaningless. You are really resorting to some major deception. Tyrod is guaranteed $30.75M in March if he's retained under his current deal. Then another $9.75M the following March. That's $40.5M for two seasons. He's not worth close to that.


    It's not deception, it's fact.


    Cap hits


    2017 - $15,913,334 (20th)

    2018 - $16,780,000 (17th)


    So you'd be committed for two seasons where he'd be paid the 18-19th on average. Then if you've got something better after the 2018 season the remaining $8 million of dead money trickles over the next two or three years.


    More than reasonable and well worth it.

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