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Posts posted by 34-78-83

  1. The Pats did blitz on a few occasions in the first half. The early success of our WR's in one on one matchups probably kept them out of doing a few more of them.


    Re: the question about 10 points-

    That's a tough question. I see it as a combination of missed assignments, misreads by both QB and WR, untimely false starts and a phantom hold, dropped passes, a high pass or two, and a questionable call or two.

  2. I noticed that.  When he WASN'T in there our offense stalled.  That's the honest truth.  I think he needs to be in there the majority of the time.


    Josh Reed was a bust.  It's time to move on.





    I must agree. I thought for sure Josh would step it up this year, and all he's done is drop passes just like the beginning of last year. He is not a pressure player ( based on his dazzling performances in training camp ONLY)

  3. I still can't figure this one out.


    So the call is a QB bootleg to the left. Leaving the utter hilarity of the call aside for a moment, I noticed four things:


    1. The right guard (Villarial), who was situated right over the blitzing Bruschi, pulled immediately to the right.


    2. The center (Tucker) blocked down to the left.


    3. The right tackle (Williams) just kind of did his usual thing with the defensive end in front of him, whatever that usually is.


    4. Henry immediately ran to the left.


    Now, one thing I am not sure of is if Henry ran to the left in order to block someone, because one of the Buff News stories today (Gaughan?) mentioned that someone was coming in on the left of Bledsoe, who would have disrupted the play anyway. I certainly would have expected Henry to take the blitzing gentleman directly in front of him, but maybe that's just me.


    The other thing I'm not sure of is why Villarial was pulling out to the RIGHT. What is that all about? Was this designed, or a screw up on someone's part?


    So this is a play that is, by design, leaving a gaping hole between the center and right tackle, a hole which must have appeared dangerous to anyone lining up before the snap, since there was a linebacker ready to sprint his ass right into that hole. And this is on a designed QB bootleg which, undoubtedly, is going to take an eternity to run given the primary ball carrier.


    So who blew it? Who knows. Probably Henry, but I'm getting the impression that there were at least three or four guys out there who really didn't know what the play was supposed to be.


    I put this one completely on the coaches.


    After all, when you take a timeout to think things over, and the game is clearly on the line, and you not only come up with an incredibly boneheaded play call, but one that clearly shows the lack of preparation and discipline on the part of the players, then I blame the guys who were calling the shots.


    Does anyone here doubt that if Bledsoe were still the Pats QB, that Belichick would have even considered calling that play? And if he did somehow have a stroke right before the play and told his team to run it, that they would have been completely unprepared to run it or execute it? Or to recognize that a big ol' blitz was coming that was gonna wreak havoc on it?


    I don't.



    If the LOLB was indeed coming on that play as you say, then yes it would have been blown up anyway. It may have been a bad call considering Jennings and Teague were out alrerady, and maybe they should have just told Henry they were going to run the scissors play between guard and tackle again :(

  4. on a highlight show.  What I'd like to know is who blew the block that allowed the patriot to come in, strip Bledsoe and steal the game?



    The Pat LB is allowed to come in on that play, due to a pulling guard. On the actual run play that the bootleg was based off of (which worked all day long), the Pats LB was attacking the HB (Henry) and leaving the QB free. The problem that happened was that Henry ran the fake to the wrong side like an idiot, which busted the play before it got started.

  5. Numb? Nope.


    Rage filled at about 3:45 - 4:30 every Sunday, followed by that kind of desair filled laughing, followed by rage again for several hours, then sadness for the rest of the night, followed by two days of pure confusion mixed with anger, followed by a thursday of some sort of limitied hope, then a friday and saturday of nervous tension, a saturday night of excitement, followed by sunday morning with nervousness, excitment, tension all rolled into one?


    Nope. Numbness doesnt quite describe it.



    That about perfectly describes me as well. :)

  6.   That's right , keep defending these fan favorites. The losses keep mounting but it's always " Somebody else " .  :)



    Players I will not defend from yesterdays game:


    Coy Wire

    Travis Henry

    Josh Reed


    Also, the overall discipline has been poor for 3 games now re: penalties. I guess that falls on the coaching staff.

  7. The title of this thread says it all.  Time to gut this team. 


    Keep Milloy, Spikes, Adams & Williams, McGahee & Evans, Moorman & McGee - that's it.  Possibly Clements if the price is right. 


    This would be the perfect time to trade Moulds because we can still get value for him and he'll be past his prime in a couple of years.  We can probably get a couple decent OLmen with his salary.  Fletcher, Henry, Schobel, and Bledsoe are just losers.  By now we all know Wire doesn't belong on a Pop Warner field.   


    It sucks that next season is 11 months away    :(



    This is not fantasy or Madden football fellas.... :P Hellooooo.... :)

  8. Fact, my ass. I was there and taking notes. He cut inside twice when he was supposed to release to the outside and took off twice long , when he was supposed to shorten his route. Seemed to be lots of reaction from Bledsoe and the coaches after each mistake.


    That's right , keep defending these fan favorites. The losses keep mounting but it's always " Somebody else " .  :)



    1- You do NOT know what he was supposed to do (based on their site read adjustment).


    2- Moulds was involved in 2 miscommunication plays, not 4 (I have access to the game as well)


    3- When asked about the TWO plays, Moulds and DB both agreed that one was Drew's fault, and one was EM's.

  9. He is a failed experiment, not big enough to be a LB, too big and slow to be in the secondary.


    Travares Tillman is playing for Carolina, do you know if he starts?  He was drafted by us in the second round four years ago to be our safety.



    I'm not sure if he starts there but I know he sees a fair amount of playing time. All I can say is I can't wait til Milloy returns.

  10. It was 4th down anyway.  Given how the play was blown (apparently by Henry), he wasn't going to make the first down so what is the difference?  The Pats would have had the ball at about the 25 yard line with 2 minutes left and we had only one time out.  Best case scenario is we hold them 3 and out and get the ball back with no timeouts, less than a minute to play and needing to go about 75 yards to tie it. 


    Bledsoe had a mistake or two today but he also made some great passes and was smart with the football.  What few mistakes he had pale in comparison to:


    Henry falling on 3rd and 2 with a gaping hole in front of him.

    Baker jumping off sides on the FG attempt that gave the Pats a TD.

    Moulds dropping one pass and drawing a 15 yard PF.

    Henry blowing the 4th down play on the fake handoff.

    Wire getting burned repeatedly.

    Fletcher's two PF's.

    Smith's holding call on a 3rd and one that we had made deep in Pat territory.

    Reed dropping what would have been a first down pass on 3rd and whatever.

    Coaches calling a naked bootleg for Drew.

    Referees who blew several calls, most notably Dillon's second fumble and several late hits by the PATs that didn't draw flags.


    Drew is not the problem with this team.  Stupid mistakes, a safety that might as well be invisible, zero pass rush and continued blown assignments on the O-line are killing us.  At least once a game, our best players (Moulds, Fletcher and Henry) do something that hurts bad.  Remember Moulds' fumble against the Jags?  How many has he dropped this year?  Twice yesterday he cut the wrong way, he drops another and pulls a 15 yard penalty.  If your leaders are screwing up like that, what do you expect from guys like Baker and Smith?




    Well stated Mickey. Let me reitterate that Coy fuggin' Wire cost us atleast 14 points alone :lol: (of course we knew that was going to happen)

  11. Moulds ran the wrong pattern 4 times, 3 on 3rd down. 1 resulted in a INT. Dropped 2 easy ones. Glad he did well in someones fantasy league. I'm talking about making key plays in the REAL game. Was getting his @ss chewed on the sidelines by both Bledsoe and the Coaches. Remove the blinders. 8.75 Mil for this guy in 2005. We could get 3 starters for that salary. Twice the athlete Andre Reed ever was... Too bad Reed was twice the player.






    Moulds ran the wrong route ONE time out of TWO (not 4) times he was involved in a miscommunication.


    Nothing like a little exaggeration to help a point. :)

  12. Maybe it came out wrong/cold but, it is true.


    I also don't trust anybody RW chooses.


    If anything, I see the Bills pulling a "Bears" after Halas past on.


    The pieces are in place.


    Does anybody "bend" Ralph's ear?


    What exactly does the "assistant to the coach" (Rusty Jones) do?  Is he just a secretary or "go-for"?  I noticed (in the opening day program) he has been around since 1984?


    I know RW is reagarded as a saint.  Should he be immune to criticism?


    In the salary cap era, there should be nop excuse to field the best team possible.



    Hoping somebody dies is a little bit different than criticism :)

  13. Point:


    All of those fans who have called for DB's head ad nauseum (which is like 80% of this board) cannot also at the same time B word about next year's draft and state that TD "squandered" a first round pick on JPL, getting him basically a year early and training him within the system a year early.


    You can't have your cake and eat it too....

  14. Wow. I'm depressed that was the best play we had. From the replay, the play doesnt look like it had a chance as Brushi was in there in a second.



    I can see how it would look that way too. Although if TH would have run the right way (as in faking the scissors play off RG that worked all day) that would have been the focus of the LB.

  15. TH still weighs about 205- 210. His mental deficiencies should the cause of your frustration regarding his play this season. Going the wrong way on 2 important plays today was inexcuseable. Slipping on the turf on 3rd and 2 was likely also a mental error as he couldn't contain himself seeing that huge hole infront of him between RG and RT.

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