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Posts posted by JerseyBills

  1. Randomly came across this on YouTube. I said it when we signed him, that he's going to be a steal and just look at him in this highlight reel. His awareness is off the charts. His ball skills are top notch and he was a leader on a SB contending team. I love that we signed him and other pieces rather than retain Gilmore. Also, look at the competition and games he made some of these plays, he's a plyer! Glad he's a Bill. Enjoy fellas.




  2. I'm always amazed how our fans put Gilmore down.....you read this thread and for the most part, you'd think he was a complete disaster.......The best coach in the NFL just gave him a huge contract and we tell ourselves that Gilmore sucked.....


    Doesn't make any sense....

    He certainly has never ducked but for the amount of money he cost and the new scheme being mainly zone forDB's + strong tackling, I am very happy we did not keep him . I'm loving the Hyde pickup.
  3. No Watkins, Dareus, Lawson and Ragland injuries/suspensions (HOPEFULLY!) before they even take a snap. We were EXTREMELY injured last year. Dareus/ Watkins missed 16 games combined last year!! That is a massive loss.. Lawson missed 8 , as a rookie , Ragland 16.. Both have serious potential to be impact players in the NFL.


    So I couldn't disagree with you more that losing Gilly, Woods and Brown equates to this team having no chance....

  4. This sounds like a really good thing. But without knowing who's on it and how it works, who knows?


    And regards to Sammy... I can see how he plays and I know what he says to the media. That's it. I have no idea what kind of influence he has on the sidelines, on the practice field, in the weight room or locker room. So I have no idea if he should be on the Leadership Council.

    Watkins has made several comments about a lack of leadership under Rex and guys stepping up, including himself. So Sammy has that desire to be more than just a great WR on the field. He truly sounds like he wants this team to win and be a leader in the locker room. I think the injuries have frustrated him but I love his desire to be a leader, if he stays healthy , he's the total package.


    And it's well known that Taylor demands the respect of the rest of the offense, many teammates have publicly stated this. These things matter , it takes more than talent to win in this league.


    Man, how can you not be impressed by McD so far, I have a Gut feeling he proves to be a steal and a coach for a very long time here...

  5. I save all the games and watch them periodically in the offseason so I can keep up with some of you genius level football guys here. The two that stick out as the most heartbreaking but still fun to watch are the Seahawks and 2nd Dolphins game.


    Anyway, here a few thoughts from Miami:


    Filling in for Cordy Glenn, Kujo really did a nice job. He has such a perfect OT body, reach, light on his feet, strength etc. Man I wish he could play RT.


    The Brown Brothers had a poor showing. Zach slower than I remember him, Preston as slow as we all remember. Im now convinced we are drafting a LB early, even with Ragland back.


    There were two situations where the play call from Lynn came in too late and hurt us badly. One led to a penalty which cost us a 1st down on the fins 20 and eventually we missed the fg and got zero.


    Gilmore's poor tackling directly cost us points in a game that eventually went to OT.


    Douzable, Dareus and Kyle played remarkably well. (Pouncey hurt, Urbik playing center that game)


    Touchdown Mike so fast out there, three runs around the edge just blowing by defenders with speed. Pretty rare to get around the corner like that in the pros. He also returned a kickoff which I forgot, wonder if he'll compete for that in camp?


    Last thing that stood out was Tyrod's versatility. Kiko was sort of stuck between being a spy and trying to figure out if he should drop, rush or just stay put and play the scramble. It's like TT took him out of the game and they only had 10 defenders out there. Clay and Sammy had monster games on some really nice throws.


    Nice job by the 12th man as usual. Place was rockin. I turned it up loud to drown out the pain of this offseason.

    I re watched that game maybe a month ago. Agree on all points. Taylor really stood out to me . And I kept thinking, if he didn't have WR he barely knew , let alone can gain real chemistry with, for alot of the season, that we would have seen many more games like that.


    Remember, Watkins and Clay were finally looking healthy and those 2 are now going on 3 years with Tyrod. If we can stay relatively healthy on O, I can see us really causing defenses headaches and Taylor being much more consistent.


    McD has stressed CB tackling as a big deal in his defense and you are right ,Gilmore cost us big in that game with very poor tackling. I'm in the minority and I know technically they play different positions, but I'm happier we got Hyde and let Gilmore walk.


    I think Preston had too much on his plate and wouldn't be surprised to see him look like he did as a rookie , in a 43. Also , I feel Ragland plays much faster than his 40 will tell you and has some amazing instincts, I believe his game will translate very well at this level.


    Lawson and A Washington too, I feel are much much better suited for this scheme and both have big impacts this year. The improved defense will also allow Tyrod more success and more games like Miami and @Sea

  6. Perhap he wasn't comfortable with McD's culture change and expectations

    Apparently hewasn't happy with the role McD envisioned for him. Which was just sub packages, which is a good thing because they must be satisfied with what they got for the starting roles.


    Remember guys, Preston looked great his rookie year in a 4-3 , in both the run and pass coverage. I'm sure the coaching staff


    People will say Ragland is slow and can't cover at this level but I argue that he plays much faster than his 40 time and has terrific instincts, he can be a force and the coaches must like him in some role.


    Finally Zo was re signed , so coaches must feel he's a better fit than Brown . They apparently discussed his role and look at him as a good fit out there.


    Zach didn't look so hot in a 43 for the Titans. I'd love him as depth of course but he obviously isn't valued much in this scheme...

  7. Really? The last thing you want on your team is Revis. You crazy. I like you, but you crazy.

    Are you serious? We all know he isn't in his prime but like the OP said, it's a primarily zone defense ,so he can make up for the step he lost with his excellent technique and football i.q...


    Jets ran a primarily man D, so whether Safety or CB , I'd love to add Revis for the right price of course, not sure what you find so crazy about that?

  8. It probably makes sense in the context of McD's predominantly Cover 3 scheme to not spend big on CBs. From a difference maker standpoint we lost one in Gilmore and didn't replace him with another player of that caliber. The Hyde signing was our best get in FA. He rates between Gilmore and Woods. Beyond that it's mostly depth and stopgap players. Still, they'll be some of this sort of thing when a new scheme is implemented and the cap is pretty tight. Definitely some holes left to fill, but Whaley did a good job for the situation he (at least partially) put himself in.

    Good post.

    I personally loved this FA class, including retaining Tyrod, Zo,Groy,Mills, etc... I feel like we got tremendous VALUE in our signings. Then you look at the contracts Gilmore and Woods got and I feel NE and LA both overpaid by alot. Talented players but I'm very happy we didn't sign em for that amount.


    I don't know, it felt different this year, like it was all business , no signings that made you feel like it was 'a marketing ploy.

  9. Hyde was a tremendous signing, he can not only play S,nickel and outside but he can excel at all 3. I'm much happier we signed him than Gilmore for 14m a year.


    I also think Darby/Seymour can grow to be an excellent duo. Rex put so much pressure on CB's in particular, I expect a big years for those 2


    Back to Hyde, he really is just a complete football player. He's maybe not elite at any 1 aspect of being a DB, but very good at all aspects- coverage, tackling , forcing turnovers. Suprised GB didn't re sign him, always respected his game when watching the Pack play.

  10. It actually crossed my mind after those signings. I could see it sprinkled in. You might see a little of that Navy triple option as well. I don't think that you'll see a ton of that stuff but you might see some.

    That's exactly what I mean.

    I'm talking 5-10 plays a game, maybe more on poor run D's. We certainly have the perfect personnel for it. It would all come down to execution but I could def see it being a trademark, especially in the RZ. We were quite successful last year with RZ option plays.

    I like the art of the run game. I would like to see the wishbone run. How many times a game do you think we could see that formation?

    I think it'd be extremely effective in RZ scenarios. Let's go all in on Taylor's positives, one being running the ball. Lynn ran alot of 2 back option stuff in the RZ that resulted in Walk In Td's. I think that's something this coaching staff might be trying to expand on with these signings.


    You got Sammy and Clay out there too guys when the D gets too greedy.

  11. If you're a BBMB refugee, you may remember me as a Wishbone guy. It will take the league by storm, just like the Wildcat in 2008. Time to get in on the ground floor on this one. Get it done, McDermott!

    Not sure of there was sarcasm there but the Wildcat was a gimmick. This is a legit strategy. When you have the Top running QB, top 3 RB, best blocking FB and anot her veteran,heady,versatile FB, you have a good chance in executing this type of offense with consistent success. Then The deep PA to Sammy. Two arms up, TD

  12. First off, I'm a BBMB refugee. UnBilleviable for those that n might know me.


    Just wanted to chime in on these particular signings, as well as Taylor. We all know Kubiak and Dennison offered Tyrod more money 2 years ago to come to Denver, so when I heard McD bringing Dennison in, I immediately figured he already had a vision in place for what this O would look like. Well folks, I believe we just saw the best rushing offense get much better.


    I believe with Dimarco, the best blocking FB in the game and Tolbert, a great blocker, but also extremely versatile,will add an extra element and that is the Wishbone.


    On any given play you are going to have 3 runners possible, Taylor,Shady/TD Mike, and Tolbert, along with a beast of a FB leading the way. I just wanted to voice my excitement for all 3 of these signings and feel the run game will only be better. Where Tyrod might not have to throw 30 times to win. Add in an improved D, which I think is expected, and I see no reason the Bills can't get in the dance.


    Despite what anyone says, once you're in the dance, anything is possible.



  13. ESPN ran a documentary prior to the season opener on the Wisconsion football team and the kid truly is a PLAYER . He gets respect, and his focus and will are bar none. I know he has the height issue and maybe not the greatest skill set but as far as being a flat out football player who will do whatever it takes to win, he fits that perfectly. I'm sure the documentary is available on youtube and since that aired, I been a fan of the kid. I wouldn't mind grabbing him in the later rounds at all! Get er done Buddy!

  14. I totally agree with you man. The Giants proved it last year, I think with any team, you need to build on your strengths and right now our Dline is a huge strength, if we added another formidable pass rusher, the impact that would have on the rest of the D would be priceless and we could seriously see this team be contenders to WIN an AFC championship. I am crossing my fingers that we select the best pass rusher available with the 10th pick in the draft.

  15. You're preaching to the choir at this point. The bandwagoners left after the home Jests game. The fair-weathers left after the Dallas game. The veteran fans who know when to emotionally detach from a sinking season left after the Miami game. And the dreamers all went home on Sunday. The only ones left are the die hards and the pissed off.

    Haha, well very well put. I'm def a die hard and i'm def pissed off as the next man, but my overall point is we are 1 year away from getting to the playoffs, and i'd bet the farm on that, so as disappointed I have been the last month, just knowing that makes me happy and proud to be a bills fan

  16. Great game plan vs Jets. I liked how Chan and Fitz spread the ball around Sunday.


    I think Chan put too much pressure on Fred in the first game against the Jets. This is what we should have done the first time we played them . The Jets were keyed up to stop Jackson . This game proved to me Gailey can adjust. Was happy to see them play well without Jackson.


    A couple of calls I did not like the squib kick but they used Brad Smith nicely , Chandler also. They weren't scarred to go to Revis Island , Man Fitz does have some guts going that way so often.


    Maybe they should keep Smith as a WR. He showed his sneaky Speed and has above average concentration.


    Fitz impressed me alot playing behind a patchwork line.


    Once Stevie matures he is going to be a great WR. I bet he took his eye off the ball knowing he had a shot at the end zone. He will get a fine. Let it go. But if it happens againn ( a dumb ass celebration) we might have a problem. Think like this about Stevie if Revis cant check him.....you get my point. Just catch the ball next time Stevie.

    Agree with pretty much everything you said. I really think Stevie can be special , his footwork is bar none. Makes ya think how much that groin was bothering him.

  17. The reality is we haven't competed in a game in over a month and our QB and others stepped up. We have gone 2-6 since our awesome 3-0 start. We have once again found another way to lose, we are getting no consistent pass rush, we are giving up too many rushing yards, leaving receivers wide open, our right tackle was owned by Aaron Maybin, our guys continue to lead NFL in injuries and players sent to IR.


    Getting compliments from opposition is pointless. The objective is to physically dominate your opponent. The Jets still own the line they win the physical battle upfront on both sides of the ball. Pouha is killing us, Mangold & Co plowed the way for 138 rushing yards. Until we can shut down Jets run and run on them we will continue to lose.


    The only way we will get respect is by physically imposing our will, being clutch, running up the score on inferior opponents, and being feared by the rest of the NFL.

    So lets see here, we ran 12 more offensive plays than the Jets, I believe we had 10 minutes more T.O.P than the Jets,we gained more yards than the Jets, and frankly we were a circus catch, a muffed kickoff that happens maybe once every 3 seasons, and a perfect pass to our wide open no. 1 receiver from beating a Jets team that had 3 extra days to prepare for us, had almost everyone healthy on their original roster and your gonna tell me they dominated us?!?!?!? Your gonna tell me we are that many pieces from beating them?!?


    See this is the biggest thing i'm noticing and liking about this team, in 3 of our 6 losses, the other team didn't beat us, we beat ourselves!!! Now I understand good teams find ways to win, but this is a very very competitive team with many young players, and thats the main reason why I feel by next year we will turn the ship around fully and keep going up from there.


    Pass rush is by far our biggest need, how can you really , truly judge a secondary when your team gets no pressure, and I'm extremely confident our F.O understands this and will fix the problem, I think get us 2 quality OLB and we can win the AFC East for years to come, you heard it hear first

  18. Okay so, I was the one on here who got blasted for predicting a Bills win and putting a nice chunk of change on an +8.5 line that went up to 10.5. (couple pages back, just saying!) Lets remember , 95.9% of you guys said we had no possibility of competing in this game, but that's old news.


    I'll say another thing, this team has some real blocks to build on, both defensively and offensively, lets not forget that we dominated this game, we controlled the clock, set the tempo, and did our damn thing with 7 starters out! I keep hearing we have ZERO depth, but how can we explain competing with a healthy Jets team, with 13 guys on I.R?


    I understand the frustration and anger, and the lost promise of this season. I feel that pain, believe me, but if you cant see a difference in this Bills team under this regime compared to regimes over the last decade, your blind. I have a renewed faith in Gailey and like I been saying, Fitz's BIGGEST problem is CONSISTENCY, period. The guy made some big league throws today, and if he can just balance out a little bit, I see playoffs for the next few years, and I haven't made that statement in a good 7 years.


    This team wants to !@#$ing win fellas, I have a connection and have met alot of them , and that vibe is all over their faces, its all about wins, and I dont remember when a Buffalo team had a vibe like that. That alone makes me feel great about the future of this team.


    One more thing, a first for me, I live in the North Jersey area and for the first time in my life, I got told by numerous Jets fans that they respect the Bills and think they will be trouble for years to come. The comments I got were shocking, they felt like we dominated them as well. I'm a lil tipsy, but that game was a damn heartbreaker, I cannot even watch that drop by Stevie on the 20 yard line, who cares or knows if he would have scored, thats irrelevant, bottom line, 1st, 2nd,3rd,4th WR on any NFL team has to make that catch, it was perfect and just watching that replay a few times, I got sick to my stomach, and as far as the TD dance, i'll be 100% honest, I loved it, at the time, and it got me and my other friend real loud at the bar, but I hated what it did for our team.


    Just some food for thought


    Oh and Aaron Williams is a PLAYER!!!

  19. I think in the beginning of the season, Gailey was a COTY candidate, but now OUR Bills are on a downward spiral. Listen I know we have less talent than 30 other teams in the league right now, but I have not seen Chan adjust his game-plan to fool other defenses, and the George Edwards hiring should automatically put him on a very tiny hot seat. I was never really a fan of his due to his failure to have elite teams at GT (Usually had a Top 25 recruiting class year in/out) and failure to go deep in the playoffs with a stacked Dallas team (Aikman, Smith, and Irvin (1 year)). I'm not saying fire him this year, but next year if he gets of to a slow start a la Dick Jauron should we fire him. I mean he is 60, so he could retire soon. So what do you guys think.

    Food for thought. I personally like Gailey and everything he is about as a coach, but I'm beginning to worry that he is unable to adjust his game plans too. Its obvious he needs to open it up or tweak something, and we haven't seen that. I am fine with giving him at least another year , but if we don't see improvement by next year he might not make it. Were a starved fan base, we deserve a winning team and product on the football field after all these years of disappointments

  20. totally agree with everything you said. I think the bigger question is, can Gailey adjust? I respect him because I know he is focused and hard working at his craft, but the game is changing, and as a coach you got to keep up, and tweak some things that might have worked in the past. I just hope he can adjust, and that def. means getting Chandler more involved

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