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R. Rich

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Everything posted by R. Rich

  1. Thanks for the well wishes, folks. It helps. Well, she's home from the hospital now and getting ready to rest and relax. Surgery was needed 'cause she woke me up 'round 3am Sunday morning due to upper abdominal pains and nausea. She suggested we go to the emergency room, which tipped me off that it was serious as she has NEVER gone to the ER before. When she got to the hospital, they ran some tests and discovered she had a bunch of gall stones and decided that they'd admit her to remove the gall bladder, which was done yestrday evening (read your book while in the waiting room, K). They kept her for observations overnight and told her this morning that she'd be leaving some time today. Well, some time was 'bout 3pm, some 36 hours after this whole thing started. We stopped to get her prescription filled and then came home. Thanks again for the well wishes. Psycho Ward was pleased to know how much you all care for her (more than me and I can live w/ that, as my main concern is for her health and well being). You folks are really great.
  2. Unfortunately, Psycho Ward 86 needs to have surgery later today. To those who know her, please keep her in your prayers. Gotta get back to the hospital; see ya. Best wishes for a speedy recovery, honey.
  3. Okay folks, here's the info for the 2010 version of the Yahoo! leagues: R. Rich's Buffalo Bills League Yahoo! ID#: 145304 Password: nowhinerzone2010 TBD2 (Please use your username as your team name!!) Yahoo! ID#: 145290 Password: cjbuddychan2010 Email invites were sent to those who participated in these leagues last year, so check your email and re-up if you'd like. Good luck to all.
  4. Just as there are those who are not willing to give anyone the benefit of the doubt and declare that everything and/or everyone "sucks", there are those who believe that there is a chance that a person who has had success in developing players could do so again for the Bills. Opinions, everyone has 'em and...
  5. We may want to let Brohm's career play out before we write its epitaph. He could very well turn out to be a bust, but he still has the opportunity to make something of his career, be it in Buffalo or elsewhere. It's not like you to sound so 'angry mobbish', Harv.
  6. The fact that he has some experience w/ the type of offense Gailey wants to impliment is encouraging. I really do hope that one of the QBs takes charge and emerges as a leader capable of running a quality offense.
  7. Wow. Dilfer was the starting QB for the Baltimore Ravens, but I'd hardly say he "won" a championship for 'em. I give the guy credit for not making the kind of boneheaded mistakes that kill drives and limit scoring opportunities (like Rob Johnson did frequently), but that Ravens team won w/ a defense that was one of the best defenses I've seen (outside of the '76 Stillers and the '85 Bears, I don't think there was any better than the '00 Ravens). And the "Bledsoe did not" theory? Well, I guess the Bills did have the 3rd ranked total defense that year. Looking a bit closer @ the numbers though tells a different story: Points allowed: 350, 18th in the league (the Ravens allowed a league record low of 165) Turnover differential: +6, 10th in the league (Ravens had a league best of +23) So the Bills were only the 10th best in the turnover department while they were in the bottom half in points allowed that year. Comparing the defenses is quite hasty.
  8. It worked for Marvin Harrison. The disparity 'tween his regular season career numbers and his postseason figures is staggering.
  9. Do they account for the 119 substitutions they make up 'til game time?
  10. Oh, and I 'spose Parcells told you that himself, did he? Some folks act like they really have met or spoken to these folks.
  11. I prefer a good drama like Young Frankenstein, Blazing Saddles, the Blues Brothers, or Friday.
  12. I can pretty much guarantee that will not happen.
  13. Even though I have no respect for you, cannot tolerate listening to you, do not like any of your family that I have had the chance to meet, and find that you lack any sort of football knowledge.......happy birthday, William.
  14. Yeah, we may have seen such reactions 'round here in the past, eh Harv?
  15. Neither signal caller was particularly good last year. Maybe a coach w/ some history developing QBs will fix this. I dunno. All we can do is hope @ this point.
  16. Owens actually did quite well last season, given the circumstances. No he didn't put up monster numbers, but to finish w/ over 800 yds and get over 15 yds per catch w/ little in the way of production from the QBs was pretty solid. He'd be one of the last people I'd "blame" for all that went wrong in the 2009 season. Now w/ that said, I believe that the Bills are best suited by developing their young WRs so that one of 'em can become a compliment to Evans and another can become a reliable slot receiver.
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