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Posts posted by B-Man

  1. ROGER KIMBALL: The culture of corona: On smoke, mirrors & glimpses of truth. 


    “In January, some of our most reputable experts were urging caution about excessive caution: the coronavirus represents a ‘very, very low’ threat to the American people, they said. Get on with your life. Yes, pay attention, wash your hands, but don’t worry.


    As late as March 9, we were told on the highest authority that ‘If you are a healthy young person, there is no reason if you want to go on a cruise ship, [not to] go on a cruise ship.’ . . .


    At the end of January, the President of the United States banned foreign nationals from coming into the United States from China. At first, this was greeted by his opponents as a ‘xenophobic,’ even ‘racist’ overreaction.


    Several weeks on, his decision was declared to have been too little too late. He somehow ought to have intuited by New Year’s, or even by late December, that the coronavirus would utterly monopolize our attention even though there were no known cases, zero, in the United States at that time.”

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  2. 3 minutes ago, jrober38 said:


    Most of them from old age, heart attacks and strokes. 


    Also, none of those people have any chance of killing other people because they're carrying a deadly virus. 


    That's the key part. The people who are sick can kill other people.


    If I eat like crap my whole life and have a massive heart attack when I'm 50, no one else is affected. 




    So,  many of the 8,000 a month dying of coronavirus would have died of other things anyway.



    Thanks for confirming the original point.




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  3. They Can’t Stop Us from Re-Opening America

    by Kurt Schlichter


    Original Article


    We’re going to come out of this nightmare whether the Democratic politicians like it or not.


    The pandemic is subsiding, so America is done with this lockdown nonsense, and the inevitable re-opening is coming. It will start out slow, then get faster, then get very, very fast, and then get finished. That’s how these things happen.


    But it won’t happen without #resistance. The lib establishment and its media gerbils clearly think it’s in their interest to have the Bat Gobbler flu crisis continue indefinitely. They think it hurts Trump, plus they really love wielding power over you. Just look into the dead doll eyes of Governor Karen (D-Minncounsinigan)




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