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Posts posted by B-Man



    STUDY: Nearly all NYC coronavirus patients had underlying health conditions. 


    “94% had at least one additional ailment. 88% had more than one.”







    "Imams Overrule Pakistan’s Coronavirus Lockdown as Ramadan Nears."

    "The government gave in to clerics’ demands that mosques be allowed to stay open during the Islamic holy month. Now critics are asking who’s in charge."

    NYT has a headline 
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    The DC media have been covering themselves in firefighter glory for the past three years, but the pace has really picked up lately. Here’s another example featuring ABC News’ Jonathan Karl posing a question to Trump and Pence, which Dr. Birx answered instead:




    But don’t dare question the media’s thorough knowledge of background information and preparation.



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  3. On 4/22/2020 at 2:52 PM, B-Man said:


    Stay on the plantation or else.......



    AND THE BEAT GOES ON........



    Earlier this month we told you about Michigan Democratic State Representative Karen Whitsett being attacked by the Left after saying President Trump saved her life by recommending hydroxychloroquine.


    The anger from the Left didn’t stop there, because the Detroit News is reporting that Democrats in the state are about to take further action against Whitsett:



    • Thank you (+1) 2




    Joe Biden asks Al Gore, “Is it too late to aggress the climate change?” 


    And with gas currently under $1.50 in some areas, “Biden and Al Gore talk gleefully about making the internal combustion engine illegal. Democrats are coming for your car.”





    Flashback to 2016: Joe Biden and Colin Powell drag race their ’67 and 2015 Corvettes, and NBC, which in 2007 was insisting that all of their viewers turn off their lights to fight global warming has nary a complaint.

  5. Government Goes Too Far

    by John Stossel


    Original Article


    I'm "social distancing." I stay away from people. I do it voluntarily. There's a big difference between voluntary -- and force. Government is force. The media want more of that. "Ten states have no stay-at-home orders!" complains Don Lemon On CNN. "Some governors are still refusing to take action!" Fox News' host Steve Hilton agreed. "Shut things down! Everywhere. That includes Utah, Wyoming..." But wait a second. People in Utah and Wyoming already socially distanced just by living there. Why must Utah and Wyoming have the same stay-at-home rules as New York? I find it creepy how eager some people are for authorities to boss us around.



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