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Posts posted by Cynical

  1. 1 hour ago, Limeaid said:


    Rusty Jones. He was promoted (against his will) and when Ruben Brown left he recommended Bears hire him and the health of the Bears immediately got better.




    That's the guy! IIRC, there was interview with Pat Williams when he was still a Bill, and Pat singled out and praised Rusty for his work.

    8 hours ago, FearLess Price said:


    Yeah lots of soft tissue injury.  In Madden franchise kode you can upgrade your medical staff so players dont get hurt as often and recpver faster.  As stupid as it sounds i wish pegs would update ours.


    If you go back in the thread, YOLO updated one of his posts showing McD made some changes in that area.

    Here's hoping the new guys are an upgrade to what the Bills have had.

  2. 3 minutes ago, YoloinOhio said:

    His agent got ahold him methinks 


    Would not surprise me if his agent has already been in prelim talks with the Rams regarding Sammy's future with the team, and got feedback that was not the kind of feedback an agent wants to hear.


    In this article, Sammy admits to struggling with the offensive plays ("... Goff often asks him in the huddle if he knows what he's doing on a certain play, a certain route concept and—eyes wide, shaking his head—Watkins will admit he does not.").


    In an article back in late October, Sammy admitted he is still struggling with reading defensive coverage.

    This is all on top of being called out by Goff for quitting on play earlier in the season.


    No wonder his production sucks.

  3. 5 minutes ago, YoloinOhio said:

    Same arguments back and forth about Watkins. I wish him well. It’s a better fit where he is now that he’s not a #1 WR he was drafted to be. Whether he stays there or not beyond this year i dont know. One thing I do know is he is much more revered on this board than he is around the league by nfl personnel guys. Maybe he can repair his image with all these propaganda articles where he comes clean and people wax poetic about his maturity. I selfishly wish he was still here because i thought he had potential but i know the deal.


    Now you did it. The Sammy cult will not like this.

  4. 3 hours ago, YoloinOhio said:



    Supposedly, Pruitt has been offered the job. But rumors are flying about a sticking point: Pruitt wants to continue coaching the Bama D until they are done.

    Given the new early signing date, not sure if Phil will accept that.


    UT fans are hoping Pruitt will bring Tosh Lupoi and Scott Cochran with him to Knoxville. That's pure fantasy.


  5. HOT TAKE!


    New mystery candidate has appeared on the Volnation board:


    "Rex Ryan is certainly better than any assistant coach we are interviewing- He actually beat Bill Belichick - I would be happy with this hire- Impressive & proven Resume "


    OH, PLEASE, YES!!!!!!!!!!

    Please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please let this be true.

    Pretty please with a big ol' red f***ing cherry on top!!!


    It's probably pure BS, but at least I can dream.

  6. 2 hours ago, Acantha said:

    I think if Fulmer had been hired at any other time, it would have been a much more popular move.  The way it happened makes it looks desperate.  And honestly, being in charge of football operations would be one thing, being the overall AD seems like a jump.  He's obviously been around along time and probably knows a lot about the overall job by proxy, but I've never heard anything about him that leads me to believe he's especially qualified.  That said, I haven't spent much time looking into it, so maybe it really is a great hire.


    Maybe, but I would not bet on it. After Phil was introduced as the AD, one Volnation member posted "They just handed the keys to the guy who drove the program into the ditch to begin with".

    Football is all about what have done for me lately, and Phil's record his last 4 years is not something to brag about. 2 seasons under .500, and 1 season with double digit wins.


  7. 8 hours ago, YoloinOhio said:

    Hmmm Haslam has a Jersey like that hanging around Cleveland too! Common denominator?? Not the color orange! 


    Haslam is despised by most UT fans. The fans blame Haslam for the AD Currie and for the coaches Dooley and Jones being hired.


    You would think Phat Phil being given the AD job would unite the UT fan base given his success. It hasn't. It's about a 50/50 split based on the latest poll on Volnation.


    And the latest on the Ut coaching search:



    Looks like Phil had the list down to about 5 choices: Clemson DC Venables, Auburn DC Steele, Georgia DC Tucker, Bama DC Pruitt, and SMU HC Morris.

    He can cross off Morris as it appears he is going to Arky.

  8. 1 hour ago, westerndecline said:

    Look for a&m front 7 to be insanely good next five years....


    Texas is the lifeblood of college football recruiting, especially on the dline....



    They will replace bama I'm a few years jmo


    Yeah, Florida is just a big black hole of talent.


    Saban has already been recruiting against Jimbo. What makes you think it will now be different?

  9. 11 minutes ago, Acantha said:

    I just can't see Auburn letting Malzahn go.  You have to pony up whatever it takes to keep the guy that can beat Saban. 


    First, define "beat".

    Right now Gus is 2-3 vs Bama and 2-3 vs UGA. That will not suffice in Auburn land. Winning these 2 games on consistent basis is a must for the AU coach.

    If Auburn can't beat UGA in the SECCG, things will get dicey at AU.


    The AU athletic dept is in turmoil with scandals rocking the mens BB and womens SB programs, and Jay Jacobs stepping down.

    Rumors are swirling the womens BB could also be in trouble.


    Not to mention Gus lost a power struggle at the end of last season. I could see him bolt if AU loses to UGA.

  10. Not really shocking, but interesting the NCAA came back added more to the original penalties.

    The NCAA added in show cause penalties for former coaches. The one assistant coach has an 8 year show cause.

    That will kill a coaching career. Well, unless he's willing to coach at Auburn. They have no problem hiring those kind of coaches.

  11. 9 minutes ago, Acantha said:

    I read an article recently that says he's hired a private investigator to dig up dirt on TT leadership.  Not just rumor either, he was quoted in the article talking about it.  Since they're not paying him he's trying to get whatever revenge he can.


    He's always been a nutcase, but he's a damn good college football coach.  At this point, I would think UT would be in "beggars can't be choosers" phase.


    Yeah, I read the same article regarding Leach hiring the PI. He even started his own hashtag, IIRC. That endeavor will probably end up like his lawsuit - nowhere.


    Leach is his own worst enemy. His nuttiness will continue to limit his advancement opportunities. Despite his "brilliance", he's too stupid to realize it.




    If true, I wonder if Currie figured it out, and knew his days were numbered, and that's why he went after Leach.

    Force UT into another Schiano situation as a big ole f*** you on the way out.


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