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Posts posted by #34fan

  1. Fitzpatrick is one of the smartest QBs in the league. Lack of awareness is something that is not a concern with him. Denver was blitzing like crazy, sending 5 and 6 guys on almost every passing play, which probably caught the entire Bills offense off guard. Teams generally don't blitz like that in preseason and I think that Denver's blitzing was for the purpose of putting on a "show" for their fans. Fitzpatrick knows how to tip off players to when and where the blitz may come. He got his wakeup call and won't be a sitting duck next week.

    Fitz doesn't do these things because he isn't interested in doing them. And because of the old "buddy" system, he isn't MADE to do them. Your'e right about one thing though, He IS one of the smartest QB's in the league. -Fitz knows he isn't going anywhere with this team. Still, he's figured out a way to pad his stats so that he looks better than he actually is. Once we dump his sorrry butt, some other team will undoubtedly pick him up due to his passing yards. I used to wonder why he made certain throws. -Throws that made no sense. Now I know it's because he's playing the system. Biding his time, and cashing his paychecks. This guy no longer cares if we win or lose.

  2. It's obvious to me that the "gimmick" QB should be groomed as the starter. Fitz is known around the league as being an EASY SACK. His arm is not respected, and he's not a threat with his legs. Now the peanut gallery is wanting to trade for an equally useless QB in Tebow. Why are we doing this? Why would we not try Smith as a starter. -We've tried everything else. Now we've acquired more dead weight in Tyler Thigpen. Why are Ralph and Buddy deliberately running this team into the ground?

  3. Official Odds to win 2011/2012 AFC Championship. (AFC EAST)


    PATS 4/1

    JETS 9/2

    FINS 25/1

    BILLS 50/1


    Wow. I don't see us being worse than the fish. Imagine If you laid a C-note, and we ended up winning. That'd be sha-weet. Hey... Anyone got an extra C-Note I can borrow?

  4. Yay! a 1st down which helped lead to how many points? Call me jaded but guys like Brad Smith's aren't going to help the Bills win a division when rivals are getting guys like Chad Ochocinco on the same day. If anything the current CBA is starting to show how the NFL is becoming more of a have and have nots league. Notice the teams like the Patriots and Eagles remain toward the top whereas the Bills, Bengals and Raiders all haven't seemingly remain toward the bottom.

    Neither Chad ochocinco, or Haynesworth, or houshmanzadeh have been factors in this leaugue for a while. They're not in NE to win a championship. Those guys are there to have their brains picked by Billy B's young recruits. Bellichick knows there's only so much a coach can do. Older, experienced, successful players provide a confidence and know-how that coaches just can't teach. They guy is simply planning for the future. I think guys like Brad Smith can contribute alot experience-wise. He's a proven play-maker. Fitz-one-trick, on the other hand has definitely lost a step. I think a guy like Smith could really energize this offense.

  5. Levi has a stronger arm than Fitz and pig-pen put together. He's talented, but he's under BAD Tuteledge. It's not like Fitz is improving in Chan's offense either. Every QB Chan has ever touched has ended up in the trash heap. This is the man we're trusting with the future of our team.

  6. You forgot to put just kidding at the end of your post.

    Yah, that may be because I was dead :censored:ing serious. Fitz had a chance to run an offense. He failed. Pig-pen had multiple chances with similar results. maybe it's time for us to re-think this whole thing.

  7. What the wildcat does bring you though is a stable of offensive plays that the other defense has to gameplan for. Even if that means one less blitz package that their base defense comes to the game with because they had to account for Brad Smith under center, that's one less look that our O-line has to handle, when it's already pretty stretched thin.


    Just like Patton chillin in Britain before D-Day with the jerries thinking he's going to town on Calais, I'm totally okay with Smith being a decoy.

    Brad Smith brought in as a decoy won't fool anyone. They've seen the tape. They know what he does. As a reciever he's a bit more promising, but still, after a good staring-down by Fitz, Brad will just end up hurt. How about Smith as our #1 under center? THAT sounds awesome. Mix things up with a few designed-run plays (and a few passing ones) That would drive opposing defenses NUTS!

  8. Yeah, the Jets certainly don't rely on gimmicks...hahaha


    What team did Brad Smith play for, how was he used? I agree with the poster that brought up Auburn and the wing/t offense. Gailey doesn't just want to run out of the "wildcat" he wants to throw out of it.

    What did NYJ win with all those gimmicks? Nothing. All gimmicks get you is a trip to the altar with no bride! There's no substitute for real offense, people. This "wilcat" belongs with all the other widcats. -Run over on the side of the road.

  9. I partially agree. All the "wildcat" ever helped Miami do was LOSE CLOSE GAMES. We seem to be proficient at that already, so why bother? The "wildcat" is nothing but a poor man's substitute for actual offense. The patriots don't use it. -The steelers don't use it. Nobody who's won a superbowl in the last five years employs it on a regular basis. If Chan wants to win this year, he has to come out of the pre-season with a solid reciever corp, and a gun-slinging QB. Defense looks promising, but you can't win if you can't score points.

  10. 1)Is this the real Shawne Merriman? 2) Can he stay healthy and maintain the intensity?

    Don't know but I really, really, love the pass rush. Could turn into a WMD defense... (Williams , Merriman, Dareus) GO BILLS!

  11. Dareus

    Dareus has tons of potential, but no experience. Kyle Williams was an animal last year. No question he set an example for the guys on the line. He walks the walk. On the other hand Fitz ran the offense last year with varying degrees of success. Big Ben and Peyton are the faces of they're respective franchises. Not sure if our team is actually led by Fitzpatrick.

  12. Smith is a thoroughbred. I've seen his throws, and while they're not perfect spirals, they have good velocity, and a nice arc trajectory. Not perfect. But not ducks. As far as running, he has an almost seamless burst and acceleration. Like a Porsche. You have to literally stand in front of him to bring him down. DB's can't catch him. One step and he's GONE. I think the Fitz-huggers may be getting a little scared of his ability.

  13. Actually that phrase is most often attributed to Marv Levy's greatest coaching influence, George Allen.


    I doubt Chan Gailey is a genius but I believe that he's a very good football coach who is working for an organization that is trying to rehabilitate itself.

    Thanks for the info. Regardless of who came up with he quote, I agree with it wholehheartedly. I don't think I'm being unfair by expecting more from Chan, Fitz, and everyone else this season. (Except Merriman)

  14. It is worth mentioning that when he was QB coach for Denver/Elway, they did make the Super Bowl. As OC of Pittsburgh, he was able to get Mike Tomczak and Kordell Stewart to impersonate a reasonable QB, each for a season. He then got an increase of productivity out of Troy Aikman in both seasons as Dallas HC compared to the previous 2. The next two years he got as much as he could out of Jay Fieldler and old Lamar Smith as the OC for Wannstache. When returned to the NFL at KC he did a pretty good job with a green Tyler Thigpen after losing his starting QB.



    That all said, he has had two years of work with a great QB in Elway, two with an above avg QB in Aikman (good QB in the right system, should not be in the HOF, imo), and a bunch of years with lesser talents.

    Thanks. I'm still not feeling "genius", but I get your perspective. At some point it just seems to always go wrong for him. Still, he's gotta get over that hump. As a fan, I demand improvement. -7 WINS MINIMUM!!!!

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