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Posts posted by #34fan

  1. Wow. I can't believe that there's actually a discussion going on about this. I don't even think Evans OR Martin are good enough to hold Reed's jockstrap. -That's just me. Sure, I agree that there are no longer any sacred cows, but perhaps that's the problem. Just seems like a lot of disrespect to our old standard-bearers.

  2. I was really starting to like this Hubbard kid. He made some clean catches under pressure. "Under pressure" goes a long way with me. With big-time recievers like Holmes and Buress set to dominate the division, it wouldn't have hurt to have this kid waiting in the wings. Hopefully they'll take him back like they did with Levi.

  3. Hello!.... What part of "great white north" don't you understand? -Just kidding. Yes, they should have paid Fred. Still, he is on the WRONG side of 30. If it's discrimination, I tend to think it's more due to age, and position. -That's coming from a half Jewish, Half French-Canadian son of Freedom riders. Sure it stinks, but Ralphie and his ilk have covered their a$$es on this one as far as the race thing goes.

  4. You people are delusional haters if you do not think Brady is a great QB, I hate to admit but I would rather recognize a talented player than make crazy comparisons and sound like a complete moron but hey to each their own.

    Unlike Fitz-one-trick, Brady has both the arm strength, and field vision to throw guys open. He's gotten picked off a few times like that, but usually it works. If our QB's were smart, they'd be watching film of him crushing us, and taking notes.
  5. 'kay, when Thigpen started practice then 1st two games, seems I read a lot of "throws a beautiful spiral" "better arm than Fitz" "more mobile than Fitz" "did better than Fitz".


    What I saw on Saturday, I wasn't too impressed. Frankly, I thought Levi Brown looked better.


    Now granted, they battled back from a deficit, they tied the game, and it's only a snapshot.

    I'm glad we signed him as a backup, but I'm nowhere ready to move the depth chart even if Fitz lays an egg in a game or two.


    What's the group wisdom on Thigpen at this point?

    The guy is junk. KC knew it, and Miami eventually figured it out. Why would the Bills wanna...-Oh... Never mind.


    1) Have one good year of stats in college.

    2) Grow a beard.

    3) Generate little or no interest from anyone else.

    4) Back up a horrible starter.



    1) Have one good year of college stats and/or get cut from another team.

    2) Be good at making excuses.

    3) Be as fragile as a buttercup.

    4) Refuse to finish plays.


    That pretty much sums it up. Any arguments to the contrary?

  7. What does the avatar have to do with my comments??? Wow, that is an utter stretch instead of rebuttal. I'm sure that bearded men on this board everywhere would be offended that you think their beard is unhygenic. Talk about WOW...


    BTW, the avatar represents Ralph Wilson in deep slumber like Theoden, the King of Rohan, completely devoid of real control of his 'kingdom'



    Hey fantasy-boy! If all the beards on this board stank at their jobs, I'd recommend they shave too.

  8. LOL! You've proved my theory! As a clean-shaven ROOKIE in '04 Ro-berger went 13-0, and set a record for best start for an NFL rookie! He lost in the AFC championship game to the Patriots and an equally clean-shaven Tom Brady. So you see, unlike Fitz, by the time big Ben started rocking face hair, he already had the respect of his teamates (as well as everyone else.) Oh, and that beard did him no good at superbowl 40! It was one of the WORST passing games of his career. he was 9 for 21 with two interceptions, and would have been LOST without the Steeler's running game.


  9. This might be one of the most juvenile points of view I've ever read on here. Are you serious?

    Whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa. -WHOA!


    We're not talking about a lucky rabbits foot, here people. Or a lucky shirt, or a pair of shoes. We're not rubbing on some inanimate peice of memorabilia, hoping for good fortune.

    You folks saw exactly what I saw in the first quarter. There was a marked difference in Fitz's composure, decision-making, and accuracy. As a result, there was also a marked difference in the performance of the offense as a whole. The only difference between this week and the last two, is the absence of the shrubbery on his face. Fundamentally, I believe that change is good. Changes in appearance can have drastic effects on the way we live our lives and play our games. THAT IS A FACT. Last week Fitz played like a true professional. I think the fact that he also LOOKED like one, may have had something to do with that.

  10. U.S. Grant, one of the most famous generals of all time would beg to differ. Not to mention the sheer amount of other admirals in the 19th and early 20th centuries that had full beards who are now revered. That is complete and utter bull, let me tell you.


    The only reason why it is not allowed now is because 'it doesn't guarantee a full seal on a gas mask', which I think is also totally bogus. Men are inspired by quality leadership, coolness under fire, and a great example of conduct, not because of no beard.

    Nice Avatar. So you believe in "Lord Of the rings" but not in the psychological benefits of simple good hygiene. Wow. Just frickin' wow.

  11. Not to mention the "Ben Rothlisberger won a superbowl while wearing a beard" effect.


    Big Ben proves my theory - its not facial hair, its perineal hair that makes the difference.

    LOL! You've proved my theory! As a clean-shaven ROOKIE in '04 Ro-berger went 13-0, and set a record for best start for an NFL rookie! He lost in the AFC championship game to the Patriots and an equally clean-shaven Tom Brady. So you see, unlike Fitz, by the time big Ben started rocking face hair, he already had the respect of his teamates (as well as everyone else.) Oh, and that beard did him no good at superbowl 40! It was one of the WORST passing games of his career. he was 9 for 21 with two interceptions, and would have been LOST without the Steeler's running game.

  12. Could you provide a little more color on the beard - performance ratio? I've run my own simulation and re-crunched the numbers and I think your model ignore the Grizzly Adams effect. Are you calculating the model under the McGavin assumption (ie: Grizzly Adams has no beard) or are you using the Trevino hypothesis (ie: Grizzly Adams had a beard)? Please explain how your theory treats the ZZ Top outlier, and the weighting assigned to moustache and sideburns.

    A QB who hasn't thrown for a touchdown all pre-season, shaves his filthy face-rug, and then procedes to FRY the dang scoreboard. What do I think? I think that Fitz "cleaning up his act" subconsciously encouraged his young offense to do the same. I think discarding the "sasquatch mask" he's been hiding behind all this time had a profound effect on the way he played the game as well. Personally, a haircut and a shave makes me feel positive, and rejuvenated. I can think of far stranger pre-game rituals.

  13. Beards kick @ss


    Fitzy went from 7th round draft pick, career second stringer to starter of an NFL franchise when he grew a beard. Yet onw preseason game played well and all of the sudden theres a problem with the beard? Long live the Amish Rifle!

    Oh stop it. Anyone could have taken that job off Edwards. Fitz's rise was FAR from meteoric. That said, I was impressed to see a little spring in the guy's step. He honestly played like a different QB.

  14. I wish that all the bills would grow them. Build some unity and get some attitude. One thisng this team, definitely lacks.

    This is beginning to look like major league. i just wish they would get some attitiude and some swagger and play like it.

    But see you've got it all wrong. Attitude and swagger comes with success and maturation. WINS develop swagger. -Not beards. In some cultures a young man isn't allowed to grow a beard without certain rites of passage. I think if this team goes 11-5 this year, they will have EARNED the right to rock scraggly beards.

  15. I don't care what he looks like. He has his own image which is fine with me.


    He had one good (pre season) game without a beard. I have a feeling that performance and facial hair length aren't strongly correlated

    No? Then why do swimmers, bodybuilders, and tiatheletes steadfastly try to eliminate body hair before a competition? How do YOU feel after a nice shave or a haircut.

  16. Who cares? You're trying to make Fitz out to be some clean cut all-american superstar qb like manning, brady and rivers. Fitz has his own swagger, doesn't try to be a pretty boy or conform to the "all american" qb look.


    He's a workhorse, and has more heart than anyone I've seen in a long time. I could care less about his facial hair (or lack there of). His intangibles are what makes him such a loveable guy and a reason why he's a starter in the NFL.

    I just think he plays alot sharper sans-beard. Would you prefer a rebel without a win?

  17. They interviewed Fitz during the 2nd half on the sideline as part of the TV broadcast and he said he was starting the beard again as of that day and encouraged Bills fans to do the same.

    Wow. You'd think a professional athlete would explore every possible option to obtain an edge.

  18. I certainly hope so. Fitz plays 100% differently without all that face-cabbage. He has more confidence, better accuracy, and makes better decisions. The U.S. Army believes that shaving encourages discipline and conformity in the the military services. I personally think Fitz dumped a lot of baggage when he cut it off. All of that bad ju-ju from last season was just gone. He played lighter on his feet, and more in control. Of course beards aren't patently bad. Still, the presence of one can be accompanied by stubborness, pessimism, a sense of entititlement, and an overall "leave me alone" attitude -Not qualities found in successful QB's. I say, "why start off on the wrong foot?" LEAVE IT OFF. If the fans and the team can see a diference, it can't be dismissed as mere coincidence.


    This :thumbsup: is better that this :ph34r:

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