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Posts posted by #34fan

  1. the 4th and 1 call was inexusable........he should be fried for that........any coach with balls shows faith in their team and goes for it.........that was very "jauronesque" and regardless of the score was the wrong call.........he should be hung out to dry for being so cowardice (and would be if it ended up in a loss)

    Good job on the comeback Chan, but that 4th and 1 was absolute chickens#@t! At home too! Any other team (but The Raiders) smells that kind of blood in the water and we get our butts handed to us.

  2. Super Bowl XXXI in New Orleans back in '97 was the only Super-bowl I ever went to. My boss at the time had tickets and hooked us up. We stayed in the same hotel as the Pats, and we would see their workouts every day leading up to the game. I remember seeing Bledsoe as a gangly, malnourished, snarky, insecure, jerk. I KNEW they were gonna get beat by the Pack. I, for one, was VERY diappointed when we picked his sorry butt up. Guy is worthless.

  3. Right? How is no one mentioning that after every third play someone on the Raiders was penalized for punching a Bronco? I have never seen a game with more personal fouls. Even (who was calling the game? that guy.) was getting irritated by all the "chippiness." How do you beat the Raiders? Don't punch back. Run a couple plays, get the ball moved to the red zone due to the inevitable three personal foul penalties, toss a td, repeat. Yes I'm being facetious, but a team that undisciplined simply cannot win against a team that keeps its head on straight


    That being said, I am worried about that pass rush

    I really, really, want to suscribe to your "Don't punch back" philosophy. However, the reality is that people have feelings. Even big, burly, strong, offensive linemen can be reduced to kids in a sandbox with the right distraction. That, I feel, is a BIG part of the Raiders game. -Taking you out of yours with chippiness, naked aggression, and good old fashioned, bad-guy stufff. Say whatever you want, it sure worked last night! Kyle's o-line got so wrapped up in hand to hand combat, that they forgot to protect him sometimes. Of course, the crowd chanting Tee-bow! Tee-bow! didn't help much either. Our best bet is shut our emotions off after the whistle, and turn them on when the play starts. The Raiders are officially on notice after their shameful behavior yesterday. If they start that crap again, there will be ejections. -Mostly on their side I hope.

  4. I hate to poop in everyones Flutie flakes, but the Raiders are the visigoths of the NFL. These guys are straight-up thugs. I can't believe I'm saying this but I'm actually concerned for Fitz's safety here. Richard Seymour is a brutal, relentless, predator, and Rolando McClain's highlight reel looks like a promo for the UFC. These guys are big, physical, and very, very, beligerent. In my messed-up way of thinking, the only way to beat them, is to beat them up. I expect this game be a supreme test of physical prowess, and a wake-up call for our o-line. NOW would probably be a good time for Tyler Thigpen to start warming up.

  5. Beat the Jets? Really? With what exactly? Let's just stop and think about this for a second. Our run defense needs shoring-up. The jets running attack can move the chains at will with either of their two outstanding backs. In addition to keeping Sanchez in a horizontal position, we'd need some serious run-stuffing capabilities. Not to mention a potent ground attack of our own. THEN we'd have to hope that our Harvard guy is smart enough to never, ever, ever, throw the ball anywhere near Darelle Revis. Then there's the Plaxico problem. Don't get me wrong, I think there's a chance we could beat them. I think though, that we'd be better served by focusing on the Raiders instead. ONE GAME AT A TIME, FOLKS!

  6. Amen to number 1.

    Sorry but Fitz is gonna have to show me he can do that again. Having a big tight-end really saved his butt today. Plus we got help from a team that was looking past us. That said, I think this was a really great start. Now we need to develop some genuine consistency in the running and passing games.

  7. Come on. What are the odds of all those kids being busts? How could all of those first-rounders not be Bills material after short stints with the team? Here's a hint: MAYBE IT WASN'T THEM. -Not all of them, anyway. Bills management, and coaching staff has been sub-standard for well over a decade. Firing everyone a few years ago was a much needed re-start. The system currently in place from Nix, to Overdork, all the way down to the waterboy, is what's under construction IMHO. Get that part together, and I think the rest will follow.

  8. Manning is DONE. All this maybe he will/maybe won't stuff is a smokescreen for the fact that the guy's neck is totally eff'd up! Trust me. The constant, gnawing pain of a degerative spine condition (especially in the lower lumbar or neck) is a career-ending condition. I think we may be witnessing the beginning of the end of the Manning era in Indy.

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