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Posts posted by #34fan

  1. I certainly hope so. No one can deny that Fitz played like a completely different QB without all that shrubbery on his face. He looked like a kid having a great time out there. According to the U.S. Military, shaving encourages discipline and conformity among fighting men. I personally think Fitz shed a lot of baggage when he clipped that scraggly face rug. I'd like it to STAY GONE. Anybody else got my back?



  2. I still vote for the OP in the "Br. Smith is no DUMMY" thread.

    Thanks, but That wasn't the title of the thread. It was "People act like Brad Smith is some kind of dummy" I abbreviated "Brad Smith" as "Br. Smith", and some simp actually thought I meant "Bruce Smith" -Of course, if they actually read the thread they would've known that to be false. I thought it was an O.K. thread. If they hadn't shut it down it would probably still be going. Thanks for the vote.

  3. What point are you even trying to prove? This thread is hilarious.

    It would appear that the higher your score, the less you can actually do.


    FYI: The mods Completely changed the title of this thread! The original thread was "People think that Brad Smith is some kind of dummy" NOT Brad Smith is some kind of dummy? What can i say -Some fans DESERVE for this team to move to Canada.


    Edit: The above is incorrect. Your title for the thread was "People act like Br. Smith is some kind of dummy." This title is deceptive as "Br. Smith" could be taken to mean a far more famous Smith which would mean you are a troll seeking hits in your straw-man thread.

  4. Fitzpatrick's Wonderlic score was double Smith's. Clearly Fitzgerald is twice the QB that Smith is.



    LOL, you know what dude???? Wonder-lick thisss!!!! :thumbdown: 4-12 with an almost perfect woderlic shows me a guy who's gotten REALLY good at over-thinking this game.


    NOTABLE WONDERLIC SCORES (Out of a possible 50 points)


    Ryan Fitzpatrick..........48

    Alex Smith................40

    Drew Henson...............42

    Ben Roethlisberger........25

    Peyton Manning............28

    Brad Smith................24

    Tim Tebow.................22

    Joe Flacco...............27


    Brad is right up there with the superbowl winners. Fitz is right up there with, uh....

  5. now that's good funny




    It scares me that some people on this board do not think that winning is the only worthwhile measure of improvement. Improvement that does not result in winning is just moving deck chairs.

    I said that the STATS may favor Fitz. Perhaps the odds do too. The reality of Fitz though, is a different story. Bad O-line, or not, He hasn't proven to me, that he's the right QB going forward. I'm open to try something else. I think that Brad Smith under center could help us move the chains irregardless of how bad our o-line is. We lost some really close ones last year, A more mobile, athletic, threat could have been the difference in those games.

  6. That damn chan gailey, if only he had a history of starting black qbs, then id be able to disprove this idiotic premise...oh wait....reggie ball, and kordell stewart say hi. STFU, southern does not equal racist, douchebag.

    Here's what's interesting about your post... In his first season as a true Starter, Kordell led the Steelers to an 11-5 record and an AFC Championship game. Thats AFTER Chan stopped wasting his talent as some kind of gimmick QB. Kordell was pretty good QB. I think that with time, Brad Smith can be even BETTER.

  7. That damn chan gailey, if only he had a history of starting black qbs, then id be able to disprove this idiotic premise...oh wait....reggie ball, and kordell stewart say hi. STFU, southern does not equal racist, douchebag.

    I'm kidding with SJ. I lived in the deep south for many years. Coming from upstate N.Y. It was a culture shock, but I wouldn't accuse every southerner of being like that. I was specifically targeting the southern gentry. (upper class) -C'mon, their accents don't help. All I accused Chan of was being backwards in terms of his expectations from Smith. I think that his background, as well as his football experience might have something to do with that.

  8. C'mon 34… you don't REALLY think…

    -That Fitz is overrated? I most certainly do. I, for one, am ready for a little departure. There's no reason why our offense has to be patterned after every team in this division. -We're not the Pats. We're not the Jets. Does the Eagles offense look like the Giants offense? Nope. Unlike us, Philly plays to their strengths instead of trying to look like everyone else. The sad truth is that despite a decade of sucking, we haven't amassed the talent. Still, with a QB like Smith under center, we can do things that others can't. Wanna blitz? -You sure? By the time you get into the backfield Brad Smith could be long gone. -Or he could have flicked a quick slant to Namaan. First down! That's what this game is about. -Moving the frickin' chains.

  9. Ya think? Here's one of his recent gems. :lol:


    Fitz doesn't do these things because he isn't interested in doing them. And because of the old "buddy" system, he isn't MADE to do them. Your'e right about one thing though, He IS one of the smartest QB's in the league. -Fitz knows he isn't going anywhere with this team. Still, he's figured out a way to pad his stats so that he looks better than he actually is. Once we dump his sorrry butt, some other team will undoubtedly pick him up due to his passing yards. I used to wonder why he made certain throws. -Throws that made no sense. Now I know it's because he's playing the system. Biding his time, and cashing his paychecks. This guy no longer cares if we win or lose.

    And btw, a guy who shows the kind of instincts that Smith repeatedly has and also has the ability to execute so many different assignments successfully is obviously a very smart ballplayer.

    That's how I feel about Fitz. -I don't apologize for it.


    UMMM, WHAT??!! :thumbdown:

    Just a slick way of calling me out. I got the humor.

  10. I don't think that's true at all. The gimmick has worn off because Brown was a running back. he could throw like a girl but he really wasn't a QB. Other teams, like the Bills using Jackson, used RBs in that posiiton. teams had a couple years to learn how to defense it. But if you have a guy like Brad Smith back there who can run as well as a RB and can throw just a bit less than a starting QB, defenses cannot defend it like they did against Brown daring him to throw.


    In fact, Gailey and Fitz have been raving about Brad Smith's accuracy in practice. Gailey in fact is now letting him be the actual 3rd QB and putting regular packages in for him where he will play under center and run regular plays. He will just have the option to run, which the defenses will have to honor. He has been good in camp throwing, make no mistake. Just because he isn't likely to be "starting QB material" doesn't mean he throws like a RB. He throws like a QB, has a strong arm, and can read defenses on some level. He's actually a very smart guy. He can and will throw. They may not all be darts right in the hands of WRs in stride, but he can throw.

    He sure can. He's done that, and more against our own D in the last few years. I think QB accuracy would be the easiest fix on our offense. Brad may not know the offense as well as Fitz, but so what? I look at his highlight reels, and I see a guy who I would like to touch the ball a lot more. Maybe permanently. It's not like he had HUGE holes to run through with the Jets. -Most of the time it took was ONE STEP and he was GONE. My point is that while statistically Fitz gives us the best chance to win, I Think Brad Smith is the player that gives us the best chance to improve. Whether that be just in team morale, or actual points scored. I hope Chan doesn't under-utilize this tremendous weapon.

  11. It's implied by the omission of his name from the starting QB conversation. You always hear Chan described as an "offensive guru", and Fitz is called "one of the smartest QB's in the league" I've even heard Thigpen described as "Sharp". It seems the only time Smith gets any praise is when he does WHAT WE THINK he should do. -Performing his limited role. He's referred to as our wildcat QB, or our "Situational" guy, which hints that he COULDN'T be capable of standing under center. I submit that he COULD BE capable of this and much more. By the way, when will Fitz and Chan turn their superior intelligence into actual wins? I fear the answer to that is NEVER.

    @ Taro T.

  12. It has to do with his accuracy and ability as a pure thrower and pocket passer, not his intelligence. Most scouts didn't think he had what it took to be an NFL QB. The Jets, who drafted him, didn't. Chan is actually the first coach who is going to let him play some QB. He can throw, he probably cannot throw accurately on a consistent enough basis to be a full time starter. He's going to be fun to watch, and he's going to throw for us this year, both out of the wildcat, out of a regular QB position, and very likely on a couple trick plays. We'll see how accurate he is, hopefully good enough.

    Ok, but think about it like this; There's people on this board that openly talk about trading for Tim Tebow. -and how accurate is that guy? How many game-breaking plays has Tebow made in his brief pro career? Tim Tebow has arguably THE WORST throwing motion of any QB taken in his class. Even the most optimistic sportscasters call him "A work in progress" Yet somehow, OP's talk about him like he's Tom frickin'Brady. All I'm saying is LOOK AT WHAT WE'VE GOT. Besides that, any player with the initials B. Smith deserves a shot. -Especially on the Buffalo Bills.

  13. I have had it with people claiming that Kyle Williams lacks toughness because he pees sitting down! The man has done nothing except dominate on the field and give 100% every Sunday and people talk like he's some kind of pansy. He never misses games and plays through the pain but still people say hes soft. He's an LSU Tiger - a school most posters here aren't tough enough to get in to - but people think he's a wuss. I guess I'm just sick of people thinking its OK for Dareus to wear nail polish and mascara, but say Kyle is effeminate for sitting while he urinates.

    Funny. I get what you're trying to say here, but I think my second post clarifies what I meant. As much as I apreciate your sarcasm sir, can you give me three reasons why Br. Smith CANNOT be a starter.

  14. Who acts like Brad Smith is some kind of dummy?

    It's implied by the omission of his name from the starting QB conversation. You always hear Chan described as an "offensive guru", and Fitz is called "one of the smartest QB's in the league" I've even heard Thigpen described as "Sharp". It seems the only time Smith gets any praise is when he does WHAT WE THINK he should do. -Performing his limited role. He's referred to as our wildcat QB, or our "Situational" guy, which hints that he COULDN'T be capable of standing under center. I submit that he COULD BE capable of this and much more. By the way, when will Fitz and Chan turn their superior intelligence into actual wins? I fear the answer to that is NEVER.

  15. He was an academic All-American at The University of Missouri. -A school many of the posters on this board could NEVER get into. Forget about his outstanding college performance at Mizzou. -At NYJ he seemed to have a positive effect on every play was involved in, whether it was throwing, recieving, of tackling a punt-returner. Why is his name not being mentioned as a possible starter at QB? It seems no matter how much Chan Gailey LOSES, people still think he's up to some higher purpose. Fitz, can go out and throw four interceptions without anyone questioning his decision-making. I guess I'm sick and tired of the backwards thinking of the southern gentry that runs this team. All I know is that if Brad Smith is our Starter in September, it will give opposing defenses ALOT more to think about, than just plain Fitz.

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