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Mantis Toboggan M.D

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Everything posted by Mantis Toboggan M.D

  1. 5,4,6,3,1,2 actually 2 and 1 are a toss up. they're both horrendous
  2. All this talk about the chosen one. I dont think Anakin is the chosen one. I think it is Luke. For those who do not know things that happen beyond episode 6, the Emperor does not die. And since in some ways, Luke kills Vader, he kills a sith lord. so i think Luke was the chosen one.
  3. Episode III in my opinion was the 4th best star wars episode. Sure the action was good, but in a way so much action gets boring. Its the same old dual lightsaber although the anakin obi wan fight was great. Something that bothered me however was Obi wan sucks nuts at fighting, he always gets his ass kicked in lightsaber fights and the only one time he fought well was against darth maul. How does someone like Obi wan beat anakin when he got schooled by Dooku on a double team? I felt that they shouldnt have made Obi wan such a tool in the second and beginning of the third episode so that he would have been reasonable for him to be able to beat anakin in the final dual. Good Action. Good story. Ocasional poor lines and some stiff acting sometimes as well in my opinion.
  4. How about Sam Adams? He'll squash anyone that tries to attack you. I would vote milloy as well.
  5. Now that i think of it. it would always be better for people to watch 4 5 and 6 instead of 1 2 and 3 first because when i first saw episode 5, the element of surprise that Vader was Luke's father just caught me off guard. Instead now if you watch 1 2 and 3, you alreayd know who vader is.
  6. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0121766/fullcredits scroll towards the bottom. James Earl Jones does the voice once again.
  7. He may play well... hes going to be playing in a dome now
  8. Nevermind... i was thinking nick saban when i first read this... i was thinking what could possibly be so cool about nick saban
  9. Carolina Panthers. I have tremendous respect for Jake Delhomme, and the panthers defense.
  10. http://www.nfl.com/teams/story/DET/8419267 More free agent bodies
  11. If there is any team can make clarett dangerous. Denver can.
  12. I actually like Chris Berman. Hes someone i enjoy watching, he loves his job and he loves doing his job, and his play by play commentary is great.
  13. Torry Holt called him closest to a shutdown corner? i zoned out a bit before i heard antonio winfield. Whatever happened to antoine? Anyways confirmation that torry called him somewhat close to a shutdown corner?
  14. If we can get Brian Kelly from Tampa bay i would ship Nate out.
  15. Doesnt he have terrible statstics? Less than 50% throwing?
  16. What a bizatch for a mother. Children fighting and she calls 911.
  17. Nuget there in round 3? if i were TD i would use my 3rd round pick and trade up for him. Maybe if we even get to swap with arizona for picks.
  18. We didnt resign Mario Haggan? I never saw any news of him not being resigned or was released.
  19. how about just not letting them out of prison? it's obvious that you can't reform such behavior
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