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Posts posted by Scrappy

  1. That's the main reason we lost, we backed off & didn't go for the kill. I watched Aaron Rodgers play when the Packers were up 25 point today to lead them to a 32 point lead.


    You want to win the NFL, you kill until the end / exploit advantages & watch the clock go to 00:00 with the lead. Chan better teach that to his team, never ever give anyone an inch.


    Semper Fi style.

  2. You don't win a tiebreaker vs a divisional opponent by winning one game at home.


    Tie-breakers determine everything in the standings, they just totally matter at the end of the year. Our previous divisional record over the past several years has been horrible.


    I'm also watching the Jets center getting blown up on nearly every play & thinking to myself that we have a decent chance at beating the Jets one if not both games. Miami looks like complete crap, so I can see us going 4-2 or maybe even 5-1 in divisional play.

  3. They need to keep the NY market tuned in all night for ratings sake, so here comes the tuck rule.


    If they leave it, then the Ravens will win outright.


    UpDate: Bet everything on the Ravens.

  4. Who says Pats win next week, especially if the Jets lose tonight & have to win?


    Let's not be ridiculous. The Jets aren't winning tonight. We are still in front but NE WILL pass us eventually. Just a fact.


    We HAVE to root against SD, Oakland, the Jets, and the Titans. The way I see it those (plus us) are the wildcard teams (with SD or Oakland winning the division and the other being a wildcard contender). 5 teams, 2 spots.

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