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Everything posted by sherpa

  1. Grossly wrong, but too stupid and not worth time. You have no idea what are "unnecessary fees." Certainly allowing someone to have a choice on a consumer matter is not that, and I have never, nor am I aware of anyone, who has wanted to control "women's bodies."
  2. Does this make any sense to anyone? In the context of this thread, who is "defending millionaires and billionaires"? The accusation is made, but not supported. No surprise.
  3. You can do that. The issue is that you can't do it with deeply discounted seats. Same as you can't pay the same for two different meals at a restaurant simply because you are sitting with your child. Total Biden. He's running an FAA is that is incapable of providing the required service they are responsible for, but goes after private industry.
  4. The theory is that having normal sex hormones produced by the ovaries/testes has some effect on the joints and even behavior and cognitive ability. There are a bunch of youtubes discussing this, and most name reliable studies. The juiced up puppy food evidently causes slightly more rapid growth and less time for the joints joints and associated parts to keep up, resulting in problems down the line at relatively normal joint stress levels. Anyway, based on discussions I had with our vet at our pups first visit this week, and the guy who did the two acl's on my son's dog, (he says he's now doing six acl's/week), I'm holding off the neutering until at least the 13 month old timeframe.
  5. For what it's worth. There is mounting evidence that the acl issue might be connected to early neutering, ie less than a year, and puppy diets that promote unusually fast growth. My son's dog, a beautiful 65 lb white swiss shepherd, had the same thing happen. Two acl's seven months apart. We just picked up a new puppy for us, a Golden/Swiss Pyrenees mix. He's 11 seeks old now, and we aren not having him neutered until he is slightly over a year old. Had a lengthy conversation about this with our vet and the guy who did the two acl surgeries.
  6. Really? Who posted this: "Ignorance is bliss please continue to be ignorant"
  7. There isn't anything new here. Of course they move, and of course they are observed. It is not possible, in this area, unless their are incredibly wicked weather issues, which there weren't, to hide any large scale movement. Point being, if the Biden Administration would have desired to effectively strike immediately, they could have. They didn't, and they went into this announcement nonsense. What they did is directly avoid a serious confrontation with the Iranian regime, permitting them to get their guys out before the fireworks. And the reason is grossly obvious. I doubt Biden is doing anything other than taking advice and pretending to make decisions. His history is gross evidence of being always wrong. This scenario is completely due to having election calculus invade effective military action. We bought him We got him. Please, don't insult anyone here by claiming some superior knowledge of this based on what you have done. Plenty of people here have done things, and know others who are quite aware.
  8. I would much rather continue to watch UVA Clemson, but having my laptop on my lap......Well....it's a weakness. "No lying?" No whining?" No insults?" No Blaming?" No Bragging?" No Complaining?" I wonder if some people actually have any powers of observation.
  9. By the way, my view of "keeping up" is that the "warning" we have sent is that we will telegraph our response for political reasons, using the military to do so, but we will allow you five days to remove your people and equipment, and we will not strike your sovereign assets or territory. Warning, obviously, received, I'm guessing.
  10. I am extremely capable of "keeping up." They have been unsuccessful of sending a warning to the threat, and if you are not aware of that, you are the one not keeping up.
  11. It's not that anybody didn't like anything. These sympathetic, political shows are viewed as just what they are. The reason I commented on it is because two separate people, in this forum, announced the Administrations highly publicized, with photos, response to the three killed in a drone attack, not yet explained One seemed to be so moved that he claimed he would vote for the guy, not that there was any doubt. What I brought up is that no such response came to the Maryland SEAL's family, but nobody knows that.
  12. No. What you said was they were "media quotes." They were DOD prepared statements provided to the media. The "media" has no capability to determine the number of targets how at how many sites, nor what weapons were used. It looks like these were prepared quotes, and it looks like this has little to do with military reality and a lot to do with political strategy, and I'm not a fan. If you want to take out a threat, in this scenario, you don't go global with three announcements over five days. It seems amateur and not sincere.
  13. The information is coming from DOD. It is extremely scripted. It is absolutely not coming from the people who are "actually doing the work."
  14. I am critical of what appears to be a useless, expensive strike. Five and half days to move valuable people and items away. The usual response after an attack on US troops is the usual, "We will respond. We won't say how." No problem there. Then to state that we have "Decided to respond," and even more silly, two days later, "We have now decided how we are going to respond." When the action actually occurs, press releases detailing what was used, with clear attempts to show how we used x number of pgm's, which was clearly mentioned to demonstrate extreme care. The seemingly unnecessary use of long range strategic bombers? Why? The entire thing could have been done Tuesday, unless there was some element we have not been told. Obviously prepared press releases. The thing looked like they were waiting to build a PR stage prior to actually doing what needed to be done. We still have no reasonable explanation of how that drone got through. We have a Sec of Defense who goes down for a few days, tells nobody of import, turns over the lead to a vacationing assistant in Puerto Rico who has no idea what is going on and clearly lacks the material support to handle the job from there. Is this a confidence builder? It isn't to me. One last thing, related to you. You posted a link to a PAO release describing A-10 involvement. You prefaced it by stating it was "interesting if true." Why is that interesting? What was the point?
  15. Strongly disagree. No surprise there. By the way, for you and the other guy who has joined you in posts about Biden's actions re the three casualties and their remains. Remember the Navy Seal named Chambers, who was killed boarding a weapon delivering boat last month? The guy was from Maryland, I had dinner with my best buddy from AOCS last night. He was a F-14 RIO and he lives in Annapolis. They have a completely different view of how the Biden Admin handled his death. I don't get excited about this stuff, but it wasn't good. For what it's worth.
  16. It looks like a good number of targets at seven locations were targeted, so the operation probably included a number of our folks. Have to see the entire strike plan, but it seems like a "message" strike as much as a tactical operation. Not a fan. I hate it when it is obvious that a press release was prepared before an operation. Mentioning what targets were hit, how many precision guided weapons were used etc., are tell tale signs of political rather than tactical people behind it. This should have been done immediately, not after four days of press releases claiming we will respond, we have decided to etc. Too much time for the roaches to hide, limiting effectiveness. Cruise missiles are very expensive and not the weapon of choice in a low anti air threat. You can get much more damage done using conventionally delivered ordnance, and it's much cheaper.
  17. No biggy. I just have not seen anyone calling for deflation. Inflation at levels above 3-4% is a problem. Deflation is a major problem.
  18. Who has been "calling for deflation"? Deflation is really dangerous and undesirable.
  19. I have no idea how this is a successful strategy. The strike occurs, the Americans are killed. The Administration should have responded immediately. It is impossible for me to think that target folders were not ready, and we have the assets in the area. Then we announce we are going to respond. Two days later we announce we have decided to respond. Meanwhile, the option to hide has been available for five days. The only logical explanation, and it is a major tactical error, is that we are aligning others to participate. I am reserving judgement, but this "response" in not easily explained.
  20. A few points. Minor edit. The Reagan Administration did not react to them in the same way. It is my belief that they offered them an ultimatum after the election, and the offer was release the hostages of we were going ashore. In my view......First, no administration wants to commit a full scale military response to them. That is a very big deal, and their pin-prick offensive actions have never pissed anybody off enough to really go after them. The US deals with an election cycle. That cycle has a huge impact on foreign policy. To get them to cease, you either destroy them militarily, of work significant internal opposition to the Islamic regime that controls them. No real motivation on western countries to commit the resources to deal with them militarily, and the internal resistance, though significant, has never reached critical mass, so the regime survives. They have responded to direct military action. Operation Praying Mantis shut them down for a bit and ended the insanity of them mining and attacking shipping in the Persian Gulf. A similar response would probably be effective, but we don't have the leadership to do so, though some quite large events are likely in the near future. Ultimately, unless the regime is removed, they will threaten the world with nuclear weapons. That will trigger and Israeli action, and the stuff will hit the fan, as that is the course we have been on for decades.
  21. Whether anybody addresses the undeniable reality, Iran has been at war and killing Americans since 1979. Claiming that US support for Israel, in their justified Gaza action suddenly triggered them is false. It is the usual excuse for energizing their subcontractors to kill US folks. They always have a reason, but the real reason is that they are a wacky regime intent on pushing Shiite Islam at any cost, down to the last Arab they can con into doing their wet work. They simply don't care.
  22. By the way, and from a tactical viewpoint--not that anyone here cares about this stuff.... The excuse for the penetration and fatal attack was that the US had it's air defenses standing down as it was expecting to recover a friendly drone. Transponders are built for this very purpose. In strike planning, we always built an evacuation route, complete with transponder codes that identified us a friendly. We build multi million dollar drones and don't give them a box that ID's them as friendly to protect their egress. I'm not familiar with what is being done here, but it seems like an obvious oversight.
  23. Like it or not, there has to be a retaliation, and it must be strong.
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