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White Linen

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Everything posted by White Linen

  1. He was jawing at McDermott and while coming off the field.
  2. At least Josh is complaining to the right people.
  3. Yeah and Diggs should go to the sidelines for 3 straight plays including the INT play.
  4. Josh is off but everyone around him including the guy in the booth suck today. Out of everyone to blame on offense, Josh isn't in the top 10.
  5. That might seem like that's not a great play by Douglas and just a QB mistake but that's a fantastic read and shows he knows what he's doing out there.
  6. No, not Diggs. Everything he does is for the betterment of the team. He's so selfless that it's difficult for the average person to comprehend, which you'd be excluded from that of course.
  7. Then in fairness he shouldn't be mad about it. He's actually pissed it was called at all. Like cmon man, really, offensive off sides? Yeah Patty Cakes, if he is, it's called.
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