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Posts posted by ganesh

  1. We have 4 good cover corners.  We don't have 1 safety who can cover anybody or any area.  Our safeties are simlpy dead wood against a team like the Patriots that has 4 good receivers and plays 3-4 receiver sets on a regular basis.


    Isn't the same team beat the Patriots 31-0 in the season opener....All I am

    saying is Jerry Gray had a plan to beat out brady last year in the season

    opener and he executed it to perfection.....I am not sure why JG cannot

    install a similar game plan....


    The fact is the team executed the game plan on that day.....and fell apart

    later.....It is all about execution....

  2. If they throw the ball on first down, I will throw up.


    I would rather see a run for a 1 yard loss than a 10 yard gain on a pass (on the first play).


    Lets let people know we are a running team. Not just a team that claims they are a running team.



    Why not a throw on the 1st play....JAX mighyt be expecting a run given all

    the run-first we hae been spouting.....May be the safeties cheat and come

    to the line of scrimmage and DB notices that and throws a slant to Moulds...

  3. I have always enjoyed your posts and it's too bad you think of me as an idiot. I cannot believe how defensive fans are about a negative article that makes some valid points. I rarely post, yet felt strongly enough about this topic to comment. Sorry that I take a stance different from yours.



    The issue was not about the article represting some valid facts....But to twist them around to your liking.


    1. MW Vs McKinne: I think the jury is still out on both of them. Neihther have them

    have distnguished themseleves to be a All-Pro yet. (Someone posted both

    their stats from last year and facts speak for themselves).


    2. McGahee pick: To call it arrogant is absurd...Why is that reporters love this pick

    if it would have been made by a high profile team like dallas or oakland, but

    call the bills a small market team arrogant for taking him. Aren't small market

    teams allowed to take chances.. Plus hindsight is 20-20...How do we know

    that Steinbach who was a 2nd round pick will be such a good starter..

    Remember the draft is a crap shoot.


    3. TD did bring in talent like Henry, Schoebel (through the draft),

    Spikes, Posey, Sam Adams, when many FA did not want to come to



    4. John Fox over Greg Williams: At that point of time both GW and JF had

    equal chance of succeeding.....Both were the architects of the best

    defenses in Ten and NY. As some article in CNN or ESPN pointed out

    today, that the Panthers won 7 games that went into overtime or the

    final 2minutes. If their luck had gone the other way in those games then

    they don't make the playoffs and are a 6-10 team like the bills and then

    John Fox is not the same "great" coach....


    The problem was that JS twisting the facts to suit his ideas to vent his

    frustrations on TD.....wihtout giving credit for things that he has done.


    The last line about the bills not being a playoff contender is laughable...Every

    team in todays NFL has weakness in different areas and there is no team

    that is strong in all areas....which gives every single team a chance to win.

    Look at the lines for all the games in week1....Except for the games against

    the cardinals and chargers all the lines are 3.5 in favor of the home team...

    That is saying how balance the NFL is, not who is goign to win the superbowl.

  4. Donahoe is more myth than mastermind


    Link from TBD main page....Looks like he has really nothing positive

    to right about the bills....The guy has to write something controversial

    to just get it out...


    He forgets to mention that TD was solely responsible for improving the

    season ticket base and have more sellouts after acquiring such a salary

    capped crap roster...


    TD does not play the game on the field....the players do...

  5. You draft a guy with the 13th pick to start, not sit the bench behind a guy that has proven he couldn't be the #2 guy. 


    If reed could be then why draft Evans?  You draft STARTERS with a pick as high as 13. We could have picked up a DE that could START opposite schobel with that pick.


    Is it a "we're billsfanone" type of deal? Nope...just a bad personel move. WR's don't get better on the bench.





    Eric Moulds who was picked in the middle of the 1st round took 2 full years

    before he was annoited to the starting lineup....Evans will get his chances in

    the 3WR and 2WR sets ....Reed starting doesn't mean he will be the 2nd WR

    in all 2WR sets...Plus if Reed comes out of the slot and makes those catches

    instead of trying to grab the long ball, I am more than happy.

  6. And what exactly do you think the going rate for a slightly above average DE will be in 2008-2009 ?


    I think 5 mil per year looks like a pretty resonable deal. I'd bet you he'd have gotten atleast 1.5 x that amount on the open market.


    And that shows his commitment to being in buffalo for the next 3-4 years...

    Aaron thank you. Now go get the sack against Leftwich.

  7. I've been one of the more vocal Teage bashers on the board ....... but I must admit that maybe ....... and I said MAYBE the biggest problem Teague has had was playing between Brown and Pucillo.


    I'll never anoint him as a dominating center .......... but that's OK, all he needs to do is hold his ground at the point of attack. He's done fine this preseason, hopefully it will continue.



    Add to it inadequate coaching the last two years...Looks old Jim has done

    some miracles with him.

  8. schobel's 3 year production:


    6.5 - year 1

    8.5 - year 2

    11.5 - year 3


    ellis' 4 year production:


    8.5 - year 1

    5.0 - year 2

    4.0 - year 3

    12.5 - year 4


    schobel was every bit as good as ellis last year, and has had a better career to date then ellis has had.......i don't know why bills fans refuse to recognize the guy is a good young player who is on the rise.....


    you guys keep saying wait, wait, wait.......well, by the time schobel puts up the kind of year you guys think he should, he'll have priced himself out of our range and we'll stand no chance of keeping the guy....the closer he gets to free agency, the more attrative that becomes to him.......in the NFL, you need to be ahead of the game.......by sitting back, the bills are blowing their chance......



    You are asumming that sacks are everything about a DE....Schoebel hasn't been able to apply the big QB pressure. Quite a few of his sacks have been coverage sacks...He rarely gets double teamed. Also his game against the Run has been

    average to decent, not exceptional. He is a good player, but not a great player.

  9. Following your perscription is the only course for this team.  We will win and lose ugly at least through the first half of the year.  Pound the ball, throw in some play action, screens, end arounds etc. 


    Mularkey may love gadget plays, but not just yet.  The QBOTF will be able to pull them off, but not Drew.



    Who said MM is not doing it. He is actually doing Just that. At about end of

    the 3rd quarter (before Zolman came in), we had something like 20 passes

    to 26 running plays.....


    What I was happy to see was us not throwing the ball often on 3-2 and 3-3..

    Yesterday I think we were in a lots of 3rd and long situations and hence some

    throws there.

  10. If Travis Brown is out for a while, Milloy now gone, and drew has to QB this team... we're looking at perhaps 4 wins... when these injuries start coming, they keep coming... and it looks like it's our year for the injury bug... if we were to get one more injury along the front four on defense, we may as well pi$$ on the fire and call in the dogs... the hunt is over.






    THe NE Patriots, winner of the SB last year had much more significant

    injuries and cuts to their starters before the season began and they did

    just fine.


    This is the time the coaching staff gets its act together and schemes a

    game with the players they have. If the coaching staff adjusts their

    game plan to the personnel they have they will do fine. I have high

    hopes on MM & his staff to just do that and move on.

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