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qdawg in philly

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Everything posted by qdawg in philly

  1. I really dig what SJ did. He just needs to mature a little bit. I also respect Fitz even more for going straight at revis. I dnt give a dam how good revis is. You dnt take **** from me(half of the field). I've never been one to shun away from the best. So go get revis!! Not cromartie, but revis! !@#$ Revis island!! My man SJ. Just put up some realestate on it!!!
  2. HELL NO!!!!! For those who are close to me, my name is BILLS NATION or simply BUFFALO!! One team ..... one loyalty......one heart that beats for the Buffalo bills. I'm proud to be a Bills fan. We had a good run making it to four consecutive super bowls and we will rise again!! I'm usually at work with eagles fans and a few steelers fans. However, when they see me they say BILLS NATION OR BUFFALO! I tell them, "YOU KNOW IT!! THAT'S TOMB STONE MATERIAL!!" I get respect for being a Bills fan. Also, its amazing how many eagles fans I have pulling for the bills every week!!
  3. EXACTLY!! !@#$ him and the jets. If I'm an elite QB, its no way I let him take half the field from me. Revis is the type of player you go at hard. You break his heart like Randy Moss did. Then all of a sudden you saw revis on the sideline nursing his hamstring......BS!! He got his heart taken that day! To beat the jets, you have to match their aggressiveness, get after sanchez, and play sound ball. As you can see, Phil Rivers gave them the game. And the pi call on jammer against holmes was bull ****!!
  4. I agree with the post and every comment on the board thus far. I was saying the same thing. When you don't get those turnovers, what do you do then? I'm very dissapointed that we lost and shouldn't have, imo.
  5. I'm tired of him!! He makes me !@#$ing sick. How is it we can shut down a potent and high-powered offense(eagles), but you don't have a similar game plan for a lesser team. I just don't get it.
  6. AND THAT'S THE BOTTOM LINE!! Run the !@#$ing ball. It isn't rocket science. I blame CG! That play was bull ****!! And no what ifs....if he catches, if fitz throws a better pass. Imo its bs! The play shouldn't have been called. RUN THE BALL!! We should have been doing the same thing in the eagles game!
  7. That's part of it because we have to close the running lanes so he can't get out of the pocket. Also Chicago gave an excellent blue print on how to stop vick. I believe it was flushing him to his right.
  8. Exactly Boludo! And that's the bottom line. We needed a stop and couldn't get it. That's what it boiled down to. so we have are first loss.
  9. We come down pretty hard on Mckelvin. However, I took notice of his position when d-ing up the reciever. HE IS RIGHT THERE!! it has to be his technique as many have said. What the hell is the d-back coach saying to him? Why does it seem that this problem isn't being corrected? Idk.
  10. Not a Christian thing, but a Christian lifestyle. Tebow is blessed and he will have his time to shine. I hope its in buffalo. Things are slow for him right now, but he'll be fine. He just needs to be in the right organization and I think B-LOW would do the trick for him. Everyone wants to knock him, but he has the heart of a champion. Simply because he is a champion. On a collegic level that is. Its funny how my friend and I were just talking about Tebow yesterday. He's a mile high fan. I told him let John Fox keep messing around. Tebow is going to end up smack dab in Buffalo. Imho, I think CG could work wonders with him.
  11. The jets are simply overrated!! That's the bottom line.
  12. We have a couple blue prints to follow when it comes to beating the pats. I agree with everyone who says pressure and especially up the middle. A sound game. No turnovers and pentalties. I also agree with hitting him often. Nothing dirty but follow through and smash his ass. This is where it gets tricky. I would check everyone except welker. It was the saints who did it best. The last time they played the pats they got pressure all across the front, but they shadowed welker(double teamed sometimes) and as soon as he would catch the ball, the Saints smashed hiss ass. I really think we should play him that way if possible. If any of you fellas have that game or remember it, take a look at it. If Scott has anything left he needs to play their TE all day. I still remember when he took antonio gates out of the game when we played the chargers. I'm really not impressed with their recievers at all. Now is our time! THE NATION RISES!!
  13. Wrong H2o!! When a db shuts down a reciever, the reciever doesn't make any catches. That's being "shut down"
  14. BUST!! Stop making excuses for him! 1st round 11th pick and gets smoked like a pack of newports on the regular. Not trying to here it. Sit his ass down and we'll just have to take our chance with the rookies. His cushions are to much and that's part of the reason he gets burnt so badly. Also, imo, he plays soft and needs to work on technique. He has amazing speed, but he really needs to be more aggressive. I truly respect any db that doesn't give big cushions. Just watch Revis. And mind you, I can't stand that muthaf*cker, but his technique is excellent and he plays aggressive. He's not that fastest, but like I said his technique is very sound. Imho, LM plays scared and that's why he gets lit up. jmo fellas.
  15. I bang wit you hommie! Come back through just to talk football anytime!! But for real Chronic, your d got tired. Imho, I think that's why we won! Anyway, hope your team gets some rest and BUST THE JETS OVER RATED ASS!! F*ck them!! And although if you guys win it will help us in the long run...BEAT THEM FOR YOURSELVES!! Look to here from you soon!! And yes Moore is nice!!
  16. Love the name and welcome. Oh btw, F*CK THE RAIDERS!! LOL
  17. I just hope both of them play their part. They bring swagger. We will need that vs oakland!! But we will also need kelsay to step up! If SM is game planed for and double teamed, someone else has got to be free and come through. But I love the addition of Barnett. Nothing like having a coach on the field of play.
  18. How bout he just plays one position. Like the one he was drafted for.
  19. You know, it is a way to stop the no huddle. Bury his ass!! Its really that simple.
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