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Posts posted by 808

  1. the last drafttek mock looked good and id be happy with the first 2 picks


    1.mike evans-we need a big WR and he looks to be the part


    2eric ebron-he falls to the second and that would be a steal


    be a pretty crazy draft for us. i would be happy with sammy watkins too i really like him so him or mike evans

  2. I don't believe that's really relevant to my point. I remember Jones in an interview around the time it opened talking about how he had big loans to pay back, etc. (with a huge smile on his mug) The Cowboys make a ton of money, as OldTimer points out. It's not really germane if they paid the loans off by now or not. The point is that Ralph Wilson is not going to take out a $870 million loan to build a new, state of the art facility with 300 luxury suites, and on and on, at this point. Doing so would burden the franchise with a debt and make it harder to sell. Jones is no dummy when it comes to leveraging his investments. Ralph and his money guys know what they are doing as well.


    Also, the city of Arlington is involved and may actually hold the stadium (according to Wikipedia anyway). So, I may have been wrong about who owns the complex.


    well not many owners actually own their own buildings. the nab does this quite a bit and the NFL is very guilty as well of holding counties/cities hostage saying they will move a team unless they use tax payer dollars to flip most of the bills on the stadiums. its a really slime ball type thing to do but it happens with sports teams all the time. its how the seattle lost its nab team and why the rams/raiders have moved multiple times.


    either way lets not pretend the bills don't have the money to compete. ralph wilson is worth 4.5 billion and no NFL team has lost money for 20 years. the tv deal that they have is huge. and thats revenue shared.


    on a separate point that kinda grinds my gears just had a little publicity in that its a real jag off thing to do is blackout games that are being played in a taxpayer funded stadium for billionaires… it should be illegal to pull that kinda thing but its the NFL and they got the money so they pay the lawyers to make the rules for them.

  3. I think you're missing that the Cowboys have taken on huge debt (borrowed money) to increase their overall value. They own a zillion dollar stadium, but borrowed money to build it. The Bills simply aren't going to do anything like that. They aren't going to take debt on the books at this point. Money like that from the Toronto deal is just cheese to get stacked.


    Besides spending more than the cap on players is against the rules, as Badol has pointed out. We're not talking about baseball.


    actually they don't owe anything on the stadium. jerry built it and was turning a profit after the first year of operation because of the concerts and everything else they have there fights,ncaa.

  4. The team has the CAP SPACE, much different than having the money.


    Why stop with your list? Why not sign the best G, S, LB, TE, WR, RT, etc??? Not very realistic, man...


    second thread in a row i see you talking about the bills not having money.. what gives you that impression???? the NFL is the most profitable sports league in the world and the amount they make on jus the TV deals alone id guess is enough to pay operation costs. plus the profit sharing with that deal helps the smaller teams.


    im hopeful the bills go after pettigrew he could be cheaper and i wouldn't mind seeing what kenny britt wants and a guard so TE,WR and a guard would be nice but after byrd is resigned.

  5. It takes two to tangle but why not just sign him to a 3-4 yr deal?


    What is the fascination with getting rid of the teams best players, how does that make the team better?


    BTW, the Bills are in great shape salary wise why isn't there pressure from the fan base to retain him? I think there has been a long enough drought doing it the other way...try something new, just a thought. :wallbash:




    shhhh people here don't want to hear logic… only boohoo byrd don't like buffalo!

  6. Just bc we draft a QB again doesnt mean we're giving up on EJ. This isnt 2005 where a rookie Qb will get 100 million bucks. Ej will have every chance to compete for the starting job nxt yr (key word being COMPETE)


    What if we start 0-5 next season? Would you rather turn to Manziel or a 2nd rd QB, or turn to Thad Lewis/Tuel?


    Im not saying its ideal to draft a qb rd1 again, but its also not a dumb move IMO




    id say not to pull him and let him keep playing. give him the full season. the luck-rg3-russel wilson being awesome from day 1 isn't the norm.

  7. i like that they run the ball a lot i don't like that its not very successful. if they wanna lead the league win rushes and base the offense off of running and play action to keep the defenses off balance they are gonna have to invest in the OL weather it is thru the draft or free agency they'll need to get a few guys LG for sure and RT and RG could high on the list too.


    if they can get lewan or kuwonjo(idk how to spell it sorry) or some other big nasty RT and can get gave jackson or a good guard in the second id be happy. give ej time and big bulls to open lanes for spiller next year.


    this defense has looked good when the offense has moved and given the D time to sit on the sideline(most defenses do).

    i could see a heavy offensive draft again and try and shore that up.

  8. 1) Taylor Lewan OT Michigan

    2) Gabe Jackson OG Mississippi St.

    3) Max Bullough ILB Michigan St.


    Solves 2 problem areas: the offensive line and linebacker. Lewan is LT but can be flipped to RT and is a very good run blocker. . Jackson is a massive (6-3 330lbs) road grader type. Bullough is a hard nosed run stuffer who can cover.


    this would be a good draft for us

  9. My wish list:


    1) Khalil Mack LB. Defense becomes dominant.

    2) Jordan Matthews WR. Big receiver who catches everything thrown to him.

    3) CJ Fiedorowicz TE. Lee Smith/Scott Chandler replacement.

    4) Daniel McCullers DT. Run stuffer in middle.

    5) Max Bullough ILB. Hank's grandson, NUFF said!

    6) Storm Johnson RB. have FredEx groom his replacement.

    7) Andrew Jackson ILB. Could always use a Football player!



    what about the putrid line play this year?

  10. charlie cambell had a mock on walterfootball today that i liked a lot and I'm sure most people will hate but he had us taking


    1. taylor lewan-put him over at RT and give us 2 big nasty tackles i like it


    2.davin yankey-since we let levitre walk and its the bills so typical lets guys walk only to be stuck in groundhog day trying to replace them thru the draft we need a Guard.


    3.cj fiedorowicz- would be nice to get a TE I'm not mad at it wish it was one of the other 3 TEs ebron-asj-amaro but its the third round and we could use another one.

  11. as of right now id be thrilled if we were able to go


    1.cj mosley ILB-pair him up with kilo in the middle and he's so versatile and plays sideline to sideline can rush the passer and awesome win pass covg.(mack would be a cool pick but i don't think this team really needs another pass rusher as much as it could use another stud versatile LB who cn play in the middle with kiko. wouldn't be mad at mack tho)


    2.austin seferian jenkins TE- guy has got awesome size and is another great athlete in the basketball mold of graham-gates-gonzo type guys. 6'6 265. his stats were down a bit because they really focused on price and sankey and he was a afterthought. he's a really solid blocker too. shut down anthony barr in a few 1-1s when uw played ucla this year.


    3.david yankey OG-we need OL help mainly at LG so this is pretty obvious.


    4.marion grice RB- as bad as it is to start thinking about the future past fred we should be addressing it soon. he will be 32 going on 33 next season.


    5. colt lyerla TE- he's got some big off field concerns but his talent can't be denied. he's probably the next aaron hernandez tho


    6-7 could be a punter and some other flier pick much like lyerla but of the draft were today id be pretty happy with this draft

  12. for the get another CB crowd here i have one question… where are we going to play this player? do you want to bench mclovin or gilmore? I'm all for investing a later round draft pick on one but investing free agent money or a high draft pick just doesn't make sense to me. there was some early injuries. mclovin is playing well and I highly doubt the bills are ready to give up on gilmore 1.5 seasons into his career that has been cut short due to injury.

    i think guard -TE-ILB and even another RB are higher than another corner and yeah i said RB fred is gonna be 32 going on 33 next year.

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