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Posts posted by 808

  1. and the guys he hired have (presumably) made noise that members of the organization not-named-Brandon are the ones standing in the way of that...



    i like the hires but if you hire a guy and then do not support the guy the guys you hire it is a recipe for failure. we don't know if its true or not yet. but you could hire bill belicheat at this point and have these kinda rumors be true and fail. if the FO isn't behind the GM/HC 100% then its pretty much failure waiting to happen

  2. the byrd hate is strong but i find it interesting that some of you say he isn't worth x amount and you'd rather have the team spend that money elsewhere. 2 huge issues i have with this.


    1.you can't talk trash about how he isn't elite but then say that the bills should get a 1st round pick for him. if teams are willing to give a first round pick be honest he's a legit payer.


    2.what makes you think the bills will use that cap space on other in FA or resigning their own? they have a ton of room and should resign its own players.



    just a little extra thought is the people who say the bills should not pay the safety position that much cause yaddayyadda yadda. think about this if they don't value the position why draft it? let alone in the second round? its like you want the player to be above average but not elite so you don't have to pay him the elite money.

  3. The Dude felt insulted by the approx. 7 million year offered to him. Then he sat out for like 5 games for something he had half a year to take care of and heal. I know he's one of the best, but that is some straight up bullsh*t. There are a lot of elite players in the league that would never pull that crap

    7 mil is a lot of money ...but the market dictates what his worth is and that market says he deserves more. its pretty simple. and then asking him to risk everything and play on a 1 year deal and risk injury is retarded the bills FO should have tried to negotiate with him 2 years ago.



    Marrone wants coaches and players who want to be here. The message he sent to all pro Dareus makes that even more clear. It's up to Byrd , holding out from training camp was a bad vibe to me.


    if thats the case his coaching stint will be very short. the % of players that would WANT to be in buffalo given the chance to play in a warm weather city or a team with a winning tradition would be single digits for sure.

  4. its such a strange thing to me that the bills are not in any financially strapped burden as money goes. they drafted one of the best free safeties in the league and should resign him.


    for the people saying its not a position you pay big money too then why even bother drafting those positions so early? byrd has been great here and the bills should reward him with a contract because he has played like a top safety. drafting players that exceed all expectations and then letting them walk away for no reason besides not wanting to pay the money to the player that won't financially strap you is insanity. its almost like you want to draft players who are just good not great so you can pay them less...even tho you have lots of cap space and money to sign them. that might be the definition of insanity

  5. let me guess, your in your late 20s and moved from Buffalo after high school and haven't come back beside the occasional fantasy football draft, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and 1 Bills game a year in September.











    Mario Williams wanted to play here... so what are you resting on now? Paying what he is worth? For us, playing a safety that money is counterproductive and hurts our progress in other areas. Tax bills? I'm sure that Thurman and Jimbo would argue the taxes aren't that big of a deal if you get an NFL salary. Give me a break. Overpaying for a safety is just a bad move, considering who we could get with that money. Our coach isn't Dick Jauron, you know.


    mario wanted to be the highest paid defensive player and no other team had the money they bills had in that year of free agency along with his wanting to play in a 43 and LE. he made it clear he didn't wanna play in a 34.


    thurman ad jimbo played in a pre salary cap/freeagency type of NFL. you can't really compare the eras and if you don't remember jim kelly also took a dump all over buffalo and played in houston and was forced into the bills when the usfl collapsed. does he love it now? sure but when he was a young pro he thought it was terrible.


    Yes. Safety isn't a "franchise" position. He may be "franchised"....


    Anyway. no matter what you call him, his trade value is not likely a 1st round pick.





    I would argue that he's not the best player on the D. I would give that to Mario or even Kiko--who has been a huge impact player and he's just learning the game. Byrd is good as he is going get.


    So if Byrd said it's gonna cost $100 million to keep him in Buffalo, you say "pay it"?


    Also, the guys playing in New Jersey are paying about the same state taxes as the Bills--and Bills players only pay NYS taxes on the 7 home games.


    no i don't think you pay him 100 million hahah what kind of argument is that? you may have said million trillion billion.. he wants to be the top paid safety in the league but that really doesn't mean that much because the next year earl thomas will become the highest paid safety.


    well new jersey is also a lot closer to NYC and is a ton more attractive than buffalo is for a young professional athlete.

  6. some of you are real weirdos. arguably the bills best defensive player and you guys wanna run him out of town for wanting to be paid what he's worth... seriously some insane rational going on around here. i love the if he doesn't wanna play here lets trade the TYRD guys. no one wants to play in buffalo if you can play in a warm weather city or place with a winning tradition. not to mention the tax issues bills players pay for being the only actual NY team. guys wanna be in the NFL but news flash to you guys...BUFFALO is not a place young pro athletes wanna play. anyway the bills should do what needs to be done to retain byrd.

  7. I'm pretty sure he won't be a bill based off his tweets about buffalo.


    rob quinn had a really good read about the new defensive scheme under schwartz with our current roster and spikes is pretty much exactly what the bills need for this D. he uses his MLB as a 2 gap run stuffer kinda like a NT almost. pretty much stephan tulloch. and the OLBs play sideline to sideline. luckily run stuffing LBs are not nearly as hard to find as a LB who can hang in coverage.

  8. Yo 5-0, i think someone posted a link in this thread with an article that argues the distinction between LT and RT is significantly less now due to the way teams move pass rushers around. you need 2 good OTs, and all of those projected in R1 can play either side.


    i totally agree with needing 2 book end OTs to help with those defenses that move pass rushers around. and it would probably be wise to take one of those OT at 9. but part of me wants a playmaker type at 9. robinson at 9 probably would provide us the most impact tho for the running game and sustained drives.

  9. I'm still not big on a RT at 9 i think if the bills go that route with robinson and if the can get austin seferain jenkins in the 2nd and maybe cyril richardson in the third(his run blocking is really good, pass pro seems like the weakness) that cold really do wonders for this team. sustaining drives longer behind the running game(bills were number 1 in attempts) hopefully it would get us at the top of productivity as well. take pressure off the defense and help the play action. still would love to see sammy watkins/ebron in a bills uni but robinsosn-ASJ-richardson would be sweet.


    it would be great to see the bills just running it down a teams throat week in and out.

  10. i don't get why some posters give credit to this front office to do the right thing and retain its young players and bring in quality free agents. these are all hypotheticals when we can look to the past and see that this FO doesn't do those things. they have drafted badly and more often than not blew it in free agency.


    if they cared about signing players they would have been proactive about getting byrd signed 2 years ago but they did not. they also would not have split the dead money of fits,anderson over 2 years and would have taken the full cap hit this past season.



    And can we end the magical hypothetical about well id rather have them spend that money on OL,LB,WR…..they won't spend it!!! they are not going to spend it. look to the past and you will see that history repeats itself. what makes you think they are going to get this right? blind hog finding a acorn? i want to believe they will get it right sooner rather than later but history says they will muck this up. as bills fans people throw this blind loyalty toward the team and don't look at the bigger picture of whats happening. its like dating a terrible girl who keeps cheating on you and ruining your day. your family and friends say dump that trick and yet you stay with her for some unknown dumb reason. I'm not saying to stop backing the bills but we must be real. until there is a change with the FO this is business as usual….


    they won't spend the money available and then say they want people who want to be here. want to be a player for a team that is not financially invested in winning. we don't need to be the cowboys or redskins but they need to be committed to keeping its own players. or we can just go ahead and let byrd go and draft a safety early like they did with corners and RBs and OL for the past 10 or so years.

  11. My thoughts on Byrd: I understand that the BILLS don't get better by letting good players walk to other teams. But, this team is also not just one or two positions away from being a perennial contender, they need at least five or six signficant upgrades in talent. This overhaul has taken years and by paying Byrd too much - say $8 or $9 mill in guaranteed money the next couple years - they would commit a huge investment into two players, which I'm not a fan of Super Mario's contract either - when others need to be addressed. They would essentially, IMO, place themselves in a golden wheelchair...really nice looking, but still crippled by over-extending money into just two positions, neither of them the QB and one of them at least potentially mitigated by either a Rookie Draft or another player already on team, i.e. Searcy. I have no qualms with Byrd as a player, business man I'm not so happy with, and if he can get that money somewhere else, God Bless him...but IMO, if he doesn't play for the $6.5 mill average, I would rather see the BILLS tag him and trade him...and use that money on the Offensive line and maybe a Corner where a Defense really relies on someone to stick to the WR like wallpaper......



    what makes you think the bills will use that money if they don't resign byrd? they didn't try and spend it this past year to fix the OL. legursky we knew was gonna suck. i have no faith that this team will use that money. because we aren't close to the cap now anyway.

  12. i like how people are saying he should want to be here and sign a modest contract. thats a sure fire way to keep on trucking down this road. only sign guys who want to be in buffalo…. you'd lose a huge amount of the players on this team if that was the case. why play in buffalo when you can play in florida or texas where you aren't taxed at the same rate and the weather is much better not to mention it not being a small town. you can also relate it to winning. until this team starts winning you won't be getting players to take a discount to stay.

  13. last year didn't whaley say overdorf handles all the contracts and what not? he said he tells JO who they want and he tries to hammer out a contract and if he can't than they move on. iirc he said that in one of his post promotion videos. I've been saying it for a little while now that i really think the problem is all these middle men. he gets the word from ralph on money and thats what he can work with and the GMs try to get players but if overdorf doesn't get it done than they move on.

    i also think that in my conspiracy world that eugene parker really has a problem with overdorf not the bills and its become such a stagnant cesspool of a relationship they cannot work together to get a deal done.

  14. id like to get byrd done first and chandler/carrington if the price is right. the one player id really like is kenny britt. he will probably pretty cheap and on a incentive based deal so it should be a boom or bust cheap option.


    also a guard or RT would be solid. don't need the top options at the position but mid level guys like schwartz type of OL

  15. Well...no they don't actually.


    so he incurred no milage at those he didn't run the ball ever or get hit even once……….??? lol come on man


    OK say Fred has one very good year left. I would at the very least see if if he can carry the load.


    Fred deserves one season as the Man. He has proved to me over and over he is the better back.


    But Spiller has to have plays just for him. Chan figured it out.


    So what he only gets 20-25 plays a game. What if you hit 2 TD's of those 25?


    Spiller still very important. I would even think about him returning Punts and save McLovin just for D.


    i love what fred has done and meant for this team but you realize you are banking on a 33 year old RB for 2014 as having a great year? i can't put all my eggs in that basket.

  16. Re: The QB question, I think those that are advocating considering taking a QB are advocating just that, and nothing more. Drafting another Qb doesn't mean that you automatically bench EJ. It just means that you didn't pass on a Plan B in case EJ doesn't work out.


    I like EJ, but everyone here has to acknowledge that last year the Bills had to take a QB high, as it was their only reasonable shot at acquiring a franchise QB. So, say we give EJ another year or two, and he doesn't work out; Then what? They are again forced to take a QB in the first.


    I can only speak for myself, but I think most of those in the "draft a QB" camp agree with this: We aren't saying that they have to draft a QB in the first (or 2nd or 3rd), just that they shouldn't unilaterally dismiss the idea because they've got EJ who could still develop into a bona fide franchise QB. If there's a QB that they like and is the BPA in the sense that they could see him becoming a franchise QB, then I'm all for taking that QB and letting him ride the pine while they find out about EJ.


    Re the LBs, you might be right about Mosely being the better fit, but I wouldn't be so quick to peg Mack as a slouch in coverage. He's very, very good all around, and I think he could excel at any LB position. I think Mosely can too, but my gut tells me Mack is the superior football player. However, like I said upthread my judgment could be clouded by my UB homerism. :D



    i think they should try to grab murray later in the draft but to draft a qb within the first 3 rounds you are either not giving ej the year or you are not using the new qb you draft and basically not playing him and wasting the pick for this season.



    i like mack a lot but has he played inside backer at all? I'm looking at the versatility of mosley and he's above mack in that category.


    IIRC whaley was saying something about the value of LBs going down a bit and people taking them later in the drafts than the past. i think he was talking about it at the draft after party.

  17. 2 things.


    for the people who want a QB in round 1 . If the qb you want gets picked by the bills and he has a similar year to what ej did minus the injuries do you draft another one? year after year until one has a good rookie year? and what if that player has a RG3 type second year? do we keep drafting qb and scrapping the one prior and knee jerk reactions to year by year qb play??


    as for the LBs i think mosley is what would match this team the most he's versatile enough to play ILB and OLB and is a 3 down player he and kiko could just be the all time backers he's really good in coverage and the bills nickel package would be nice. i like mack a lot but he doesn't have the coverage ability that mosley has but has a better pass rushing ability than mosley. i think with these two you have to kinda take the homerism out of it for mack if possible and look what the team might need more. the bills just led the league in sacks and broke the single season record for the franchise.


    if they grade mack out higher I'm all for it but IMO i think they might need another backer to go with kiko like the 49ers have with bowman/willis but if mack or barr is the next coming of LT or something lets do it. i know i am playing both sides of the ball here. sorry

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