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Everything posted by whateverdude

  1. WOW, a study on mice you know it's got to be true because anatomically and biochemically we are just like mice. Also, how did they get the mice to smoke the joints...because we are talking about pot SMOKE not THC and CBD there is a big difference. You not only get THC when you smoke pot but you also get all the bad chemicals and 5 times the lung killing tar in pot SMOKE
  2. What BS. You provide me with a speculative and inconclusive slanted literature review paper. How about a real study?
  3. Not the same thing the campus hippies conducting the research were looking for ways to justify pot smoking when compared to tobacco. Lucky there were a few grown ups in the room to report the truth.
  4. University studies were cited, but then again denial and fat dobbie sound better right
  5. The anti-smoking campaign in New York boarders on assault with the graphic TV spots and ads depicting cigarette smoke as a major cause of cancer, heart and other health related problems. At the same time that these ads are running all over the state, Cuomo is coming out in favor of "medical" Marijuana. Marijuana smoke is much worse for your health than tobacco smoke: * In recent years there has been a dramatic increase in the number of emergency room mentions of marijuana use. From 1993-2000, the number of emergency room marijuana mentions more than tripled. * There are also many long-term health consequences of marijuana use. According to the National Institutes of Health, studies show that someone who smokes five joints per week may be taking in as many cancer-causing chemicals as someone who smokes a full pack of cigarettes every day. * Marijuana contains more than 400 chemicals, including most of the harmful substances found in tobacco smoke. Smoking one marijuana cigarette deposits about four times more tar into the lungs than a filtered tobacco cigarette. * Harvard University researchers report that the risk of a heart attack is five times higher than usual in the hour after smoking marijuana. * Smoking marijuana also weakens the immune system and raises the risk of lung infections. A Columbia University study found that a control group smoking a single marijuana cigarette every other day for a year had a white-blood-cell count that was 39 percent lower than normal, thus damaging the immune system and making the user far more susceptible to infection and sickness.
  6. It's the Democrats code word for Fascism, but they couldn't get away with calling those who follow Republicanism fascists for fear they would come off as being extremists the very thing they fault Republicans who believe in Republicanism of being. Republicans should come up with a different word for communists.
  7. In a clean fight Palin takes it but in a no holds barred fight Debbie destroys Palin.
  8. I'll take your Perry and Bachmann and raise you a Debbie Wasserman Schultz. Talk about a nut job!
  9. Over the top...maybe but just think those who are capable but do not provide for themselves have an opportunity to make the ultimate sacrifice in these trying times and off themselves for the children. Also, based on their overreactions it was very interesting to see who the true bleeding hearts are on this board who cloak themselves as center or center right. which part? oh wait you made a funny...zinnng
  10. You're right but I thought the Jesus reference might make it a bit more palatable to some
  11. If you are capable of feeding yourself and do not, then you should die and get out of the way of those who are capable and can.- words Jesus would agree with
  12. Who said "The government should not be in the business of choosing winners and losers"? Who ever said it is a god damn genius. BTW that car looks like Mr. Garrisons IT car. The IT car
  13. Raising taxes will not bring in more money because it's a drag on the economy. We need more people working in private industry to increase the revenue. The way things are now I could really give a crap if we default on Aug 2. because we are already in default..the brain is dead the body has just not received the message yet. One other thing the Dems with raise taxes but mark my words they will never get around to the spending cuts of a deal
  14. And you think raising taxes is going to bring any sustainable revenue in?
  15. The top marginal rate fell from 70 percent when he came into office to 28 percent when he left, Nuff said
  16. You should rethink what you just said because it's silly. Abusive governments by definition do not follow any international rule of law.
  17. No, it's the large population of sexual deviant, kayak thieving, seal robbing, homicidal Malemiut males in Alaska that's skewing the stats. Not the mention the negative Canadian influences.
  18. Those women were all adults, "to the best of my knowledge," he said, though he admitted that he couldn't know for sure. "All I know is what they publish about themselves in social media," he said Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2011/06/10/exclusive-weiners-messages-to-teenage-girl-in-delaware-draw-police-attention/#ixzz1OvWS9eVE what a dick
  19. Unemployment will remain above historic levels for the next 8-10 years when most of the boomers will be retiring, retired or planted in the ground.
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