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Posts posted by Philo

  1. i don't know why they stop at 5 or 6 examples of looking-back-can't-miss players. there are literally thousands of players that this and every team passed on that eventually were good to great players. list 'em all, keep 'em coming, the discourse is healthy. a friend of mine found out recently that a girl he really liked back in 8th grade really liked him. sure, he's 45 now, but it's all he talks about...


    Glad to see someone else shares my point of view. Love the anecdote by the way. :wallbash:

  2. Oher is making the switch to LT this year. We had our shot at a great RT, possibly great LT, but instead chose an undersized one year wonder who was a project. We also passed on Cushing- rookie of the year- he would of helped us tremendously, especially since we are switching to the 3-4.. We could of chose Orakpo and his 11 sacks- Lord knows we need a pass rush. We could of chose Percy Harvin- we certainly need the help at WR. We could of chose Clay Mathews- as noted earlier we need desperate help at LB. Those 4 made the probowl. But instead we chose Maybin- who has shown nothing. It is up there with Mike Williams pick as worst pick of the decade. Go ahead and say he "might" be good. But we passed on 4 great football players- all of them would be starting for us and playing at a high level


    With this again? Every single year there are going to be immediate impact rookies that are drafted. And every year, every team will look back and see the players they could have had with their pick. This stupid argument can be made about every single draft in NFL history. There will always be coulda, woulda, shouldas. Hindsight is 20/20, my friend.


    I am not defending the Maybin pick by any means. I am just pointing out that to say we could have had all these players is pointless because every team that drafted before us and some behind us could say the same thing about all those players.

  3. We'll see how smart it was when we see the upfront money. Teams don't just "get him to sign" by making false promises without something for the other side. Players agents aren't stupid either.


    Either way, signing 34 year old bad players isn't the best way to start rebuilding.


    That is true, but I don't think that he had much room to negotiate, based on his track record, but what do I know?


    Anyway, I don't think this signing was done in a sense of rebuilding as much as it was done in reaction to Butlers retirement. His retirement gave us an immediate need for another OT.

  4. Reread the quote from the article. He's basically been assured by the coaches he'll be starting at RT. Could he be beaten out by Bell or Meredith, maybe because the bar isn't set that high, but the coaches have him penciled in as starter. He wouldn't have signed for $9M otherwise.


    Exactly, that's how they got him to sign. Tell the guy he's the starter and he's game. But now what can we do if he is outplayed by Bell or Meredith? Pencil him in as experienced depth or cut him if it's necessary.


    Really, this was a smart move, no matter how bad people want to put a negative spin on it. Sure, we would have liked a better OT, with a better track record, but the FA pool isn't exactly teeming with great options this year.

  5. But he had nothing to do with Maybin, only Byrd because he made the pro bowl.


    so was it Buddy who !@#$ed up the Maybin pick? :wallbash:


    Yea, he had something to do with Byrd. And Levitre and Wood who stand a very good chance of being great. Not to mention Nelson, who has potential to be the best receiving TE we have had in a while.


    More importantly, you can't seriously say Maybin is a complete bust after one season of barely being utilized? :thumbsup:

  6. Why would he not be happy to get Tebow at 9? Doesn't everyone want a proven winner? How can you argue with his record at Florida. I don't care if they say he's not the conventional QB. He's a leader!!


    I hope that's sarcasm :thumbsup:


    We could let him get flattened behind our porous o-line. :wallbash:


    True, it would be nice to see him get hit in the knee again. But then we would have to listen to him whine to the refs again. That's when we put him down. ;)

  7. I think the Bills believe that Shawn Nelson can develop into a just as good if not better pass receiving TE than Watson. Nothing against the guy, but that's just my take on it. Surprisingly, TE is one of the few positions we don't need to go and get this year.

  8. I think it's really stupid to hate on players who aren't:


    1. Guaranteed a roster spot.

    2. Guaranteed a starting job.

    3. Most haven't seen play.


    To say nothing of the ridiculous notion that a player sucks because his former team sucks. That's so stupid the word doesn't even come close to describing it. Does Nnamdi Asomugha suck because he plays for the Raiders? Yeah, didn't think so.


    You have no idea how happy that post made me. :thumbsup:


    I love it when someone posts with common sense and reasoning rather than irrational judgments. :wallbash:

  9. Why? Because with Butler's sudden retirement the Bills NEEDED to sign a veteran RT stop gap and as luck would have it 2010 is possibly the worst UFA class ever? What the hell are they supposed to do?


    Exactly. My take on it is that even if Green is the starting RT on opening day, he won't be by the end of the season. Chances are, IMO, that Bell or Meredith takes over for him at some point this season after they have developed some more. This sounds like the most realistic scenario, to me at least.


    Either way, the guy adds depth. :wallbash:



    Because caps make everything better. Gosh darn, I feel better already. :thumbsup:

  11. You are wasting your time trying to reason with these people. I posted something similar awhile back about all the negativity being boring and I got hammered. They just don't get it. I wasn't saying that people don't have the right to complain and I don't think you were either. What I was getting at was that criticizing every single thing that the team does or doesn't do gets annoying and boring.

    Everyone has a right to their opinion, but it almost seems like most of these people actually hate the Bills, which in my opinion does not make them "fans", but more like "critics". I don't understand or agree with some things the team has done either, but I try to hope for the best, rather than always predict the worst. I don't think any of us can say for sure that we absolutely know what the right moves are and we all certainly are entitled to our own opinions, but just remember, they are just that, opinions and no one person's is worth more than someone else's.

    I'm not talking about blind optimism. I'm just saying that as fans we all want the same thing. We want the Bills to win. So when offering criticism, maybe offer an alternative suggestion. Just saying "The Bills suck and they will continue to suck." isn't very interesting to most people.


    What he said. +1

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