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Russ 'Em

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Posts posted by Russ 'Em

  1. C'mon guys. His in depth analysis of that reviewed sideline catch on the Falcons last drive was awesome. My god I thought Millen was gonna have to strangle him. What a putz. After viewing the play from multiple angles, and everyone else concluding it was a catch, Joe just couldn't give up his faulty position. You could sense the tension in the other announcers voices as they tried to explain what everyone else saw to Theisman. Yay NFL network!

  2. I have bashed Schopp in the past...but he's grown on me lately.


    The guy can be an antagonist, and the Dolphins game last year was about as low as he could have gone. He is a fan, he claims not to be, but his reaction says different. He gets upset because he cares...much like the people on this board.


    Schopp doesn't have the "I am smarter than you" thing going on...he is just smarter than you. What the guy says make sense, and there are plenty of times that he puts things out for discussion that people misconstrue as his opinion, and when they call they show all fired up and ready to fight, he can be a little crass. In his defense he brings up good, viable topics, and when you call and either bash the team, or defend them, with no adherence to the topic, he becomes annoyed. At the end of the day, it is his show. If you don't like it, don't listen, if you don't listen, he won't have a show. Well...not you alone, which means he must be doing something right because he is one of the go to guys at the station.


    This team is winless. That is a fact. Schopp put Stevie on Front St in an inappropriate manner...he acknowledged it, but he is absolutely right, in the fact that it is !@#$ing awesome to see Stevie jump his **** for it.


    I am excited for the prospects of this team, and many of it's young players. If anything this is a positive situation, and may actually be a sort of bridge in the gap between the Bills and the local media. It is sad, we could have the best coverage if there was a little more of a connection, instead both are kind of like high school girls, taking shots at each other, and never while they coexist, without possessing the ability, or willingness, to bury the hatchet for the good of the fans, which is ultimately the health of their products.


    Schopp is a radio personality, who is payed to cause a stir and drum up some listeners...I applaud the free marketing, and I hope it lights a fire under he ass of this team, and we don't wait to fall behind before we make the game interesting, only to watch an errant throw get picked and blow it.



    Being a radio hack obviously has its perks. You can dump calls you don't agree with, you can make fun of peoples greetings( how are you guys, or whats going on). You can tell me what your ten opinions are even though that's all I hear from you for 4 hours. You can tell me how my opinions on play calling, talent evaluation, officiating, roster moves, and the up coming draft are all wrong. After you hang up, by the way. And if your defending Schopp's holier then thou attitude, I have to question which side of his family tree you hang from or, if in fact Schopp is actually smarter then you. This seems like it might be more plausible. Mike Schopp exudes negativity. If you can't feel it, turn up your radio. The worst is when he hosts Bills post-game shows. Hey dickhead, its for the fans to vent, not for you to shut down there opinions and go on a diatribe for 10 minutes at a time to make you feel more important then you are. If it weren't for the fans and the Bills, this hack wouldn't have a job. Show some fn respect. I'm sorry if your dad never played catch with you when you were a boy. Get over it. Your not a nice human being. But radio gives him license to act like a disrespectful a hole and people like you shower him with praise.

    I, like many others, listen to his show because its the only real hometown sports talk we have going, but I would happily trade my right pinky finger to get Howard Simon and Jeremy White on in the afternoon. They have meaningful interviews with players, they talk to national media, and they give a more in depth look at Buffalo sports then the afternoon show does. WGR in general though, has alienated most of the Bills organization, and I feel Mike Schopp has led that charge. So if you want more Sullivan segments as opposed to real reporting from your "news" men, keep giving the ball to the go to guy at GR, Mike Schopp.

  3. I'll side with Schopp.

    The win-loss column doesn't lie.


    Hey Stevie, you can spew crap when you become an impact player, until then, the radio guy (who is also a fan) has it over on you.



    I don't know which "radio guy" your referring to, but Mike Schopp is not a Bills fan. Hell its debatable weather or not he even likes sports by the content and opinions he shares on his show. Sticking up for this loser is a futile effort.

  4. The original article obviously was poorly written and probably done about 15 minutes before this douches deadline. Having said that though, the video that was posted of some F**K trying to teach Spiller how to survive in the cold of Buffalo was more disturbing. Not only is this retard from Toronto, which is NORTH of Buffalo, he just makes **** up as he goes along. "Its sometimes as cold inside as it is outside." Yeah its called summer you moron. I don't care if he was trying to be funny, he wasn't. Is this how they sell our team in Toronto?

  5. Yeah, but you're making a big assumptions that we're going to gain five yards on a run when we hardly did all day. It wasa tough call. At the time I was also thinking at worst we get out of here with a tie. But while many of uf us fans would have been trille with a tie and counted it as a "moral victory", NFL coaches aren't playing for a tie (even a winless team) they want the win. So you needed 5 to 10 more yards for a field goal so they went for it. They were moving it pretty well with passes on that drive and the drive prior moving through the air, so couldn't totally fault them. I'm sure if they ran three plays or even two plays and gained a total of maybe five yards, and then missed the kick with time running out, people would have been ripping them for not going for the win.


    While I agree that one run play may have guaranteed at least a tie, considering their lack of sucess with running, can't really fault them too much as they were moving the ball better through the air . For all we know one or two of them maybe should have been a run but Fitz felt he saw something and changed to a pass.





    How did "Fitz" see something and change the play? They ran empty backfield for the most part. They let every one know that they were going to throw the ball. Not even the appearance of a run. And F the guys on WGR. They make me want to puke just listening to how much they hate their jobs.

  6. And I'm not sure if you noticed it or not but detroit has a better record then us, with a big advantage in talent. That team is about to turn a corner. And yeah, its from drafting at the top of the draft for the past ten years. So sign me up for the number 1 pick and the high picks in every other round. Detroit and Buffalo are traveling down a similar path. Years of mismanagement, followed by a semblance of competence.

  7. I agree. And that's why you do not listen to mesage boards and fans as 90% of people here last year said change to a 3-4.


    Well if we had a coach who knew how to get the most out of a 3-4 and players who had played in that defense then maybe we wouldn't look so horrible. Whenever you switch defenses, let alone from a 4-3 to a 3-4 there is a growing period and a weeding out period. Most of these players were drafted to fit a specific defensive plan that is long gone. If you don't remember it was one of athletic d ends, undersized lbs and a gluttony of dbs. The personnel is not only wrong for the system but pretty bad overall.

  8. His contract is up at the end of the season anyways...who cares are we really gonna find a betetr player right now???


    Uh a sac of used jock straps would see the field more then John McCargo, so yeah, we can find someone better. There are veteran D ends available who have actually played in a 3-4 defense out there looking for work. The Jets just claimed Trevor Pryce off of waivers. You don't think that he could have done a better job then McCargo?

  9. looks like scott learned a little bit about trash talking from his coach...the jets are all deusche bags



    Are deusche bags German weight lifters?


    And in case you missed it, football is a violent sport and LBs are the most violent of all the positions. If I saw a QB leave the pocket you better bet your sweet ass I am planning on hitting him so hard he will lose a couple teeth. You don't think thats what every defensive player is thinking when he sees a QB open for a shot?

  10. Not too sure because i didn't get a chance to watch the Green Bay debacle, but is Ashton Youboty still on this team. If we were playing with so many dbs last week it would have seemed that he would have been around the play once or twice, but I never heard his name called. Same with week one, although we used less dime pkg. If Reggie Corner is getting burnt all the time, why is he still a part of the dime pkg instead of Youboty? Maybe could have matched up against a TE a little better.

  11. Realistically I'm not pretending I know what happened, I was just frustrated someone framed it as he's this poor kid who was raped by a prostitute when in reality we don't know mug about that night, and it was probably poor judgement and mutual lust at work.


    Let's say he's more realistically the 5th round talent then the 2nd-- how often do those guys get a second chance? If the video shows 5th and you have baggage gms tend to not even worry about kicking you to the curb. At that point they are looking for ways guys stand out, and if its with a rap sheet instead of on film, they are off the board in a heartbeat.


    I really don't think this is a conspiracy, as much as a gm not seeing enough reward to risk the pr.


    I also question if we weren't thin at tackle if wed be as forgiving here. I remember predraft, and even post when vets were available... when we might have picked up another guy, people were much more hesitant, and what happened hasn't changed.



    Though he wasn't a 5th rounder, 3rd rounder Chris Henry got a litany of second chances. And yes, you brilliantly deduced that the interest on this board may be due to the lack of quality LT play we have on our team. Second chances aren't solely for 1st round draft picks who think they own the world and can get away with murder (well at least beating your girlfriend or killing a few dogs.) Second chances are actually for people who own up to the mistakes they made in their past and learn from said mistakes. How many more times will Big Ben have to forcibly impose himself on a woman before his second chances are up?

  12. Gailey/Nix have no one to blame but themselves. Even if that quote is from months ago, they knew full well we needed OL and QB help above all else. They neglected both and took a huge gamble on the luxury pick Spiller above a potential franchise Qb and/or building the OL. They passed on Clausen and more quality OL prospects in round 2 also (at least Troup was a need fill). To argue that there "was no value at OL/QB" at our picks of 9 and 42 is assinine.


    Now their beds are made and they will have to sleep in them.


    what part was assinine exactly? What LT are you taking at number 9? Which QB? Yeah throw the 42nd pick in there to boost your argument, but wait you already argued it was a good need pick, nevermind.

  13. Don't you have to have some skill set that would help you as a pass rusher in the NFL before you get quality 3rd down attacking situations? Maybin had one move last year, get up field as quick as possible. OTs loved it. They just washed him by the play. He never broke down to find the ball, and never showed any signs of knowing what to do after his first move failed miserably everytime. That isn't the guy you give 3rd down to. You do remember that Aaron Schobel did play for the bills last year right. If its a choice between Aarons, I go with Schobels old broke down ass over Maybin last year too. (and this one if he would have come back) Maybins got a ways to go still.

  14. The first two def. Bell IDK. Although he wasn't at the top of his game last year, that doesn't mean he can't be coached into that position. I'm sorry guys but he will probably be our starting LT this year. And if Gailey was going to cut him then they would have addressed that position early in the draft.

  15. If Byrd had won the re-vote, would your self-esteem improve? Would the Bills' 6-10 record last year improve?


    I could care less about the re-vote. Let's quit looking back and move forward already. I can't help but think Byrd was not as good last year as his numbers suggest, anyway.



    Hmm BillsNut In Houston Your bias is dripping out of your pants. Zip it up and open your eyes. Its not about Byrd winning the award. (and playing injured and leading the league in interceptions speaks for itself) It's about the AP writers and voters who couldn't be bothered to use there positions to send a message to the league. The same message many of them rail about in there articles throughout the year. Or maybe they just didn't want to go back and remember how they handed Merriman the D player of the year when it was obvious, and later confirmed, that he was juicing. He is a perfect example of why drugs are bad mmmkay. What has he done since that point. Get smaller, slower, and injured every year, because he can't compete without cheating. Oh and there was that roid rage he got away with on his 4 ft Asian girlfriend.


    People like you are the reason "americas pastime" is relegated to the scrap heap, and cheaters will continue to reap the rewards while honest hardworking athletes will fall short. If there isn't a level of fairness in pro sports ten you will end up with a product that no one will want to get behind.


    Oh and one of the 10 losses was to Houston. Your boy the cheater had at least 1 interception and 1 sack, so yeah it might have improved our 6-10 record genius.

  16. His explanation was a poor attempt at trying to hide his spite for the AP, which probably pays part of his salary. He makes a valid point with the COY award Billecheat received, but the other examples are not on topic. When you have to reach back to Paul Horning and Jim Brown to make your point you are really grasping at straws. As other posters have stated, this is just a lame attempt for Douchette to drum up some pub, and get us talking about him.


    Nice job Ed. You tool.

  17. The problem is that we used our top draft pick on the one position that we needed least. That right there pretty much killed any optimism I had about the new regime. I did like the way we drafted on the defensive side of the ball, but drafting Spiller was supremely ill-advised imo. I'm not going to lie, I wanted Tebow at #9. I think OT is a much bigger need for us than QB but even still I watched Tebow play in at least 15 games and I believe he is going to be an elite hall of fame caliber QB. But if not Tebow, why oh why did we not draft an OT or trade down for more picks if we didn't like the value at #9? It just doesn't make an ounce of sense to me, for a team with more holes than solid positions to draft with their top pick the one position where we have talent and depth. It is beyond idiotic and really I'm tired of people trying to sugar coat this or be optimistic about it. What we should all be is pissed off (again). I hate to rain on the little optimism parade but we are going to suck so hard its not going to be funny. Even though I think we drafted well on defense, our defense is not going to be in the top half of the league. Not even close. We will be abused on both sides of the ball, and even when the defense is having a competitive game, our offensive ineptitude is going to force them to stay on the field until they become exhausted and then get steamrolled or injured, again. No, this is not going to be a good season.



    You can't honestly tank the Spiller pick then in the next sentence say you wanted to take Tim Tebow with the 9th overall pick. That is ludicrous. There was no way we were going to reach for a positional need, fill it with a qb who many pro dept.s say wont play for 3 years, and pass on the best player in this years draft class, with the ghosts of JP Losman and other recent reaches haunting the fanbase.

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