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Russ 'Em

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Posts posted by Russ 'Em

  1. This is exactly what we were looking for in a head man. Someone who pounds the ball in order to open up the passing game. Someone who knows how to gameplan and enjoys the in game cat and mouse of reacting to the defenses he sees on the field. It's nice to see that a HC actually calls plays based on down and distance, field position and clock management because we have been sorely lacking in that department During the decade of Dick.

  2. Despite the errors on the Vikes' part the game did end in a tie in regulation, you know. The Saints, therefore, were the ones literally handed the ball on many occasions and they were "unable to complete the job".


    So for this inablilty to put the Vikes away the Saints should get a reward in the OT with 3 bad calls on a single drive?




    You mean 1 bad call. The pass interference. The "disputed catch" was, after replay, obviously a catch. His hand was clearly underneath the ball. You do know that the ball can touch the ground if the receiver maintains possession right? And the spot on the "fumble" is also another non issue. He never lost control of the ball! Which means its not a fumble! The original stretch of his hand was the correct spot. Hating on refs is one of my favorite past times and NFL Conspiracy touches my heart, see BruskiBowl, but the Vikings fumbled that game away. Win the turnover battle, go to the SuperBowl.

  3. We already have 3 Aaron Kampman's on our roster-- Schobel, Kelsay, and Denney. No, thanks.



    The only Kampman we have is Schobel. Kampman tore it up before switching to Caper's 3-4. And who knows, if he didn't get injured, he may have adapted by the end of the year like the rest of the Packer's D eventually did. I would pick him up.

  4. Leodis was getting turned around all over the place before he got injured. And our LB corps is crap. Other than that things are just peachy on that side of the ball.



    Are you referring to the Patriots game, the first game of the season? The game in which he was injured for the first time? Or the 2nd game of the season in which he was playing injured? There wasn't too much to his season. And from what I saw he was pretty aggressive and shut down. Yeah he was in his second season and maybe he should have been a polished gem by then but he wasn't. What he was IMO was better at bump and run then any cb on our team. He isn't afraid to get into the WR and yeah when your starting your 4th? game you might get beat once and awhile. He is the least of our worries. Now the LB's thats a whole different story, and it speaks volumes to the huge yards on the ground that we gave up. LBs aside we do have play makers on the defensive side of the ball.(Kyle Williams, Jarius Byrd, Leodis McKelvin, Aaron Schobel, T. McGee) I have to agree that a DC would jump at the chance to work with some of our good young talent, if the LB corp is straitened out in FA or the draft.

  5. +1 - Edwards is hopeless


    I do think Fitz should be kept though, at least through training camp to compete. I think Gailey could work with him.



    I'm not sure why you think T.E. is a complete bust and Fitz can be "worked with". The only difference between these 2 is about 3 more attempts down field per game. What did that accomplish? About 3 more balls that TO could watch get intercepted by the defender. Either they both suck,IMO, or they are both not that bad and can be worked with. People on this board who split hairs about which one of our mediocre qbs is better, are missing the point. We need a line with some cohesion that will be able to play more then 2 games together as a unit. ANd we need a QB that has played in big games (sorry Stanford and Harvard you didn't make the cut.) Draft someone from a winning program and beef up the line and maybe we will be able to talk about the battle at TE or SS instead of this mind numbing QB controversy we have EVERY year.

  6. Yeah actually if he lived in town it might help with the orginizational side of things. How do you run a multi million dollar business that you seem to need to stick your fingers in repeatedly, from Detroit? Or be its GM from some city in Florida. They should adopt NF school district policy and require their employees to live in the "district."

  7. Here's to hoping that its nobody from the current roster.


    Edwards, Fitzpatrick, Brohm, what's the difference? Nobody can make a justifiable argument that any of them can cut it in the NFL after watching them play. Bad OL or not, these guys aren't good.


    That said, I do think it'll be one of those 3, simply because there won't be anyone in FA to pick up and play while a draft pick gets his feet wet with the backups (I don't see this group starting a rookie--unless if a guy like Schottenheimer were hired, maybe he'd do it).


    So I'll guess it's Brohm, simply because he's getting the most $$ of the 3 and is the only one that hasn't proven himself incapable yet (although I maintain that he was brutal in his only on-field appearance vs. Atlanta).


    Another trade option that I haven't seen mentioned is Tarvaris Jackson from Minnesota. Now, before people flame me for bringing him up, he did finish the 2008 season strong, rattling off 3 wins in 4 games with the following stat lines:



    Det---W 20-16---8-------10----80.0---105---10.5--1-----0------143.7

    Ari*---W 35-14--11------17----64.7---163----9.6---4----0------135.5

    Atl*---L 17-24---22------36----61.1---233----6.5---2----0-------98.5


    * denotes playoff team





    If he were available for a 4th round pick (not saying I have any indication that he will be), I think he'd be a good "caretaker" while a rookie learned behind him.



    wow 8 for 10 against detroit, for 105 yards. Im pretty sure Gibran Hamdan could have went for more. In fact where is JP when you need to compare numbers. :unsure:

  8. The Pack O-Line has been great after a ****ty start so.



    Um the Pack O-line has been great? Ask Aaron Rodgers how great his offensive line played. I'm sure he has stock in Ben Gay because he got sacked 50 times this year. Thats just sacked. Hurried, knocked down, hit, not even included. If you put Trent and Fitz's numbers together you only get 44 sacks. And that is behind an offensive line that brought in FAs to start every f'n week. FAs off of GB's practice squad no less. So take a look at the numbers before you spout off some garbage. :unsure:

  9. There's no need to go freaking out and hiring Perry Fewell. He wasn't a good defensive coordinator, and he did absolutely nothing to distinguish himself as a head coach (other than being louder than Dick Jauron)..


    And there's no way I'm agreeing with the factions that would prefer Fewell to Leslie Frazier...talent or no talent, I'll take the guy that was good at his DC job over the guy that wasn't.



    Well you don't lead the league in interceptions and rank 16th in total defense if you don't know what you are doing as a DC. Thats without stating the obvious that he played without starters in most of the positions on defense. When Brian Scott plays linebacker and your team still has a chance to win I think it means you are doing a good job at game planning a defensive scheme. Our starting linebackers played a quarter and a half together this season. If we had studs in the middle and a freak on the outside maybe our run defense would have looked better. But to do the things that he did with the cast offs and practice squad defense he was forced to use, while spending more time than 29 other NFL defenses on the field, he gets a thumbs up from me.


    Their average time on the field in a 60-minute game was 32:34. Only Kansas City’s defense spent more time on the field on average (32:49) than Buffalo’s.



    I know it wasn't pleasent watching Buffalo football for most of the year, but watch a game or 2 before posting garbage.

  10. If we were really looking for ways to sell this job to a good HC and not to competitive eaters from Japan there are a few examples. The one no one picks up on and the one that would hit at the heart of the mostly pompous, self absorbed, bravado rich men who hold the position would be the challenge of unseating the hoodie as the AFC East's and really the NFL's perennial winningest coach.


    Tell me Bill Cowher wouldn't love to prove he is better then Billicheat. Brian Billick is chomping at the bit to get his shot at New England. These guys love the opportunity to prove their dominance and twice a year on a national stage would be the perfect way. New England is on the back 9 of their dominance. Its time for a new powerhouse in the AFC East. I just hope we get there before the JETS.

  11. Replacing TO was a priority half way through the season. If we want a guy who doesn't demand double teams, who drops balls thrown right to him, and doesn't battle for balls when they are in the air then we have multiple guys on this roster who can fill that void. I want a guy, no matter how big, that will go and fight for the ball while it is in the air. (Hines Ward, Steve Smith) TO only played well when his records were on the line. Young guys who want to play and have something to prove would be on the top of my list. Steve Johnson is a good possession receiver who knows how to find the soft spot in the zone and shield defenders with his body.


    Goodbye T.O.

    Thanks for the drops.



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