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Russ 'Em

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Posts posted by Russ 'Em

  1. CBS Sports radio is building their own network of affiliates. Rome signed on last year with CBS and The Fan 1270 is one of those affiliates.


    WGR loses Rome from 12-3 and will need new programming.


    According to GR, Rome will still be on during his regularly scheduled time. So I'm excited to hear something besides a dude calling me his Clone all fing day.

  2. i think we're a little off topic here. at least one poster here suggested Marrone was very good at getting rid of the slackers at Syracuse. i don't know how that translates at the NFL level.

    and any coach that's incapable of getting rid of slackers, be it in college, NFL or high school for that matter, isn't long for the job in the first place.




    So are you arguing that he will be able to or he won't?

  3. Bill I know you think that one returned kickoff for a td will shut us Brad Smith detractors up, but it won't. How did that wild cat work today again? I must have missed its effectiveness for the 7th straight week. Nothing he did today won us a football game. Got tackled short of a first down on his only catch. That was effective for sure. I do agree with you that Hairston looked bad, but I think Pears is playing even worse. It sucks that i'm longing for our rookie tackle to be back on the field. Aaron Williams didn't look horrible today, but George Wilson picked up where he left off. I'm not going to crucify him for dropping the int, because he obviously wasn't looking at the ball, he was looking to make a tackle. The only lb that looked any good was the one we converted from a frigging safety. Barnett shot the wrong gap multiple times and especially on the cj 80 yarder. Who is to blame for our D looking so bad? I need answers.


    The fumble that happened on the sideline and the fact that Gailey wouldn't go for two on either of the oppurtunities that he had is very telling on where we are at with our coaching. I really liked Chan last year but he has done a masterful job at destroying my, and i'm sure the teams, confidence in his ability.

  4. Oh so the defenders of Brad Smith must be working today, or maybe they have a hangover from such an amazing win. This game is a microcasm of why the WC shouldn't be used. Yeah you had a couple nice runs, but as was stated before could have probably come from our base offense. No scoring plays. CJ did have some bigger runs in the spread. And finally, Brad Smith did what every defender of the wildcat has been asking him to do for weeks, throw the ball. How did that work out? Its easy to put blame on Gailey for calling the play. It was dumb. It was dumb to have the WC on the field. You can blame Donald Jones for "not getting to the middle of the field" which was the excuse when Chan threw him under the bus as soon as he could. Way to take responsibility. If your a QB and you know the play is "supposed" to go to the middle of the field (which as you can tell I'm not sold on) then why in the HELL do you throw it outside? Is that the recievers fault? Throw the F***ing ball inside and make him adjust, not into double coverage. Brad Smith = waste of millions.

  5. Promo beating the relocation drum. Didn't think that was your style. Why is it that Miami, Tampa Bay, San Diego and a few other teams can't even sell out there home openers, but we are the team that will be relocating? Keep scaring people. And i agree if we have a 4-9 team late in the season, I will find other ways to spend my money. Scare tactics will be long gone once Ralph kicks the bucket. I am patiently waiting.

  6. He only gets on the field for a handfull of plays. The kick return game is no longer an important part of the NFL. The wildcat seems to be just a diversion and not a real yard gainer. Smith at reciever in my mind is as good as Roosevelt. I know Chan likes his versatility, but come on. That money could be spent on another quality reciever or an actual back up quarterback option. If Brad Smith has to come in to play our qb position, the year is over. Thoughts?

  7. We can agree to disagree, but I think you take an overly simplistic view of how a defense "works." The Bills of the last several years have not had enough talent across the board on defense. One or two really good players can't do it alone. That means they had to use some players in ways they would not ordinarily be used, which exposes weaknesses. For the first time in a long time, the Bills, on paper, can line up with a four-man front that doesn't need assistance from blitzing LBs or DBs to try and get pressure on a QB. What does that mean? It means the LBs can focus on stopping the run. It's complicated, but also simple.




    Luke Kulchey is 6'3" 242

    Rob Gronkowski is 6'6" 265.


    Rob is still open with Luke standing right next to him.


    You think Brady isn't going to throw to Hernandez or Gronk because a little rookie LB is running in their vicinity?


    This is some flawed thinking. If you think just because he is 20 pounds heavier and 2" taller, that he is automatically open, then you've never played sports. Do you think that if he was standing next to Mario Williams 6'6" 292, that he is automatically covered? No way he has a chance to catch a ball, shut it down.

  8. In case any body is interested, Fred Jackson will be signing autographs at 18 Market St. in Lockport tonight from 6-8. It is at the Niagara County Sheriff's Ass. annex in the Bewley Building. I'm going so I can ask him if he thinks the Bills will draft Trent Richardson. :devil:

  9. The title in the post was using a current game from this past Sunday, and linking it to Jauron. It had nothing to do with linking the play of the Bills in the last 10 years. Even if the Bills go 13-3 in 2012, there's always going to be SOMETHING that somebody can take, and link it to a Bill, or one of the Bill's coaches in the past. Look, I was never a Jauron fan from get-go. But taking a piece of a non-Bills game today, and still crying about one of our coaches in the past is carrying it too far.

    Forget about Jauron. The past is in the past.


    The title of this post was merely meant to reflect on the horrible clock management and clusterf*ck that was the end of that game. I'm sorry if Dick Jauron's name brings up such deep and conflicting memories for you that you automatically have to read the post and reply to it. Maybe you should get over Skeletor, "Rifleman"

  10. Yeah Flacco let his team down multiple times yesterday. If it wasn't for the Defense the game would have been over long before it was. Just one example was his big throw to Torrey Smith. It was a bootleg right and Flacco got away from my MVP of the game, Vince Wilfork, and the rest of the d wide open to the right. He sees Smith running free down the right side. Instead of taking the one extra second to set up and deliver a ball Smith could run through and most likely getting a td, he throws off the run ala Randall Cunnigham and under throws him. Smith has to come back to the ball, giving the dbs time to catch up and save the td.

  11. I know your kicker should make a 38 yard field goal or what ever it was, but why would you rush your field goal unit out on the field with ten seconds left on the play clock to attempt a game tying field goal when you have a time out left!? Give the kid a second to collect his thoughts and make the right play. And it didn't just affect the kicker, obviously the long snapper felt rushed. Luckily the holder got the damn ball down.

    That wasn't even the worse case. On the potential game ending play on the drive before, the Ravens decided with ten seconds left that they were gonna go for it on fourth down. Not enough time to read a defense let alone audible into an effective play. Harbaugh looked like he didnt even realize they were going for it. He had to hurry a time out in before they completely blew it. I think Harbaugh deserves some blame for the Ravens loss. Not as much as Joe Flacco, but enough.

  12. They are bad no doubt, but what rarely gets mentioned is that if they had even mediocre QBing this year and a barely competent HC, they would not be picking first in the draft next year. No way.


    Orlowski wandered in off the street and looked pretty decent. He could likely have won a few more games if he was there all year. Caldwell is probably the worst HC in NFL history--a total mannequin.


    By picking Caldwell and leaving only Painter as the backup, the Colts march towards the number 1 pick in the 2012 draft was inevitable--awaiting only the collapse of the brave, but old and creaky Manning.


    Polian is a genius for delivering such a gift to the Colts organization and fans---and for this they fire him?? Irsay's nuts.



    For sure. He convinced Andrew Luck to stay in school for one more year so that he could be drafted by the Colts. Then he convinced Peyton to get surgery on his ailing neck. Here ya go champ a juicy contract, now just get better. After which he leaves Caldwell in charge of the team, knowing full well after his plan succeeds that he is just going to dump him. The Colts are built around Manning. With a bunch of undersized dead weight on his team, Polian knows he needs a change. Sans Peyton they suck real good, can't win, blah, blah, give me that number 1.

    Now what does he do with it? Nothing, he's fired. But if he was here I think he trades it away for a **** load of sweet, fairly cheap draft picks. Thus giving Peyton one more shot at winning the big one. Not sure what went wrong with his plan?

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