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Russ 'Em

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Posts posted by Russ 'Em

  1. Yeah maybe Stevie should have made a play on the ball, but thats easy to say from the stands. He has been dealing with a bad groin most of the year and didn't even finish the game. Try running full speed, in the process beating your man, then stop on a dime and go back and fight for a ball you can't catch anyway. That's all Fitzmagic baby.

  2. This is Buffalo NY rationalization at it's best. We lost the game, but we won...in some convoluted manner that nobody outside of WNY can quantify or fathom.


    It's this same rationalization that people use when the world points at Buffalo and mocks (in no particular order) - the weather, the economy, the local government, the sports teams. WNY-er's respond with - Our housing is cheap, we have the best fans in the world, it's a great place to raise a family, etc., oblivious to the fact that (1) housing is cheap because there is no local economy and nobody wants to live there (2) the fans are great, but so are millions of others in similar socioeconomic regions who's identity is crafted by their local sports teams (3) EVERY region/city has excellent school systems and places to raise a family...


    The snap response of "we won" is just another reflex from a well forged inferiority complex only found in Buffalo. Sports are about Wins and Losses - not some convoluted we get the better pick...this team sucks right now and there is no solution in sight when you consider our best WR is on the runway out of here and we have yet to figure out how to stop the run...Stop it with this meaningless win garbage.


    By the way - I am from WNY and like it there - but this hidden gem idea native WNY-er's have crafted for Buffalo is second only to the Nazi's big lie....



    You my friend are a fu@king idiot. If you were actually from Western NY you would know that our "stagnant" economy is also a myth made up by fu@ks like you. Take a drive around the WNY region. See how many new builds are happening in the dead of our blistering cold blizzard winters. As for EVERY region has a nice place to raise a family, yeah I'm sure that's true if your making 6 figures and can afford to live in a gated community. Why don't you keep your spewing to the spewing you do after you take your boyfriends load.

  3. Of course the replies to the original post, as usual, completely miss the point. Talk about the rabid, single minded fan. It was a catch, I agree, but that misses the point. And I am sure a Bengals fan would be just as adamant if the call had been overturned by the replay. The point was that your hero, Stevie, made the huge blunder of using one arm to brace his fall instead of securing the ball with both arms, thereby giving the refs that opportunity to make that call. Horrible mistake on his part, just like is drop against the Steelers. But none of the low iq responses even touch the main point, that is why Stevie needs to brace his fall more than secure the ball. Explain that


    I did not say he should not be re signed, I just pointed out his disturbing habit of making bone head mistakes in big situations should give anyone pause in deciding to hand out huge dollars to him rather than a potential free agent. He has done some great things as a receiver, I agree. But I cannot imagine a Wes Welker bumbling away a ball in either of those situations.




    No what you said is that the catch he made was a stupid play. He should have caught the ball according to your rules. Catching a football any other way then securing it with two hands is unacceptable in Vegas' NFL. One drop, in Pittsburg"h", by a first year starter in a game that meant NOTHING is probably a valid criticism. Although our team sucked Stevie was on a roll and dropping that pass did bring him back to earth where he remembered he was on a 2-8 team. Your original post is the post that smacks of a low IQ. Isn't there a Fitzpatrick thread you could start somewhere that talks about his ****ty stretch of 16 games.

  4. Amen to that Wad! That game was such a disappointment that most of the people we tail gate with decided not to renew their season tickets. I tried to stay away but I know he loves me and wouldn't beat me again. According to reports we have the 4th most rabid fan base in the NFL. Obviously the Bills Brass don't like that. They want tennis fans who are quiet and polite. All Pro parking is employed by the Bills, not the other way around. They don't dictate policy. Yeah maybe the NFL didn't think the ridiculous rules we put in place last year were enough. Maybe James Harrison has a point. Godell wields too much power. But if the fans can run Jauron and Modrak out of town I'm sure a little civil disobedience could make the Bills think twice about the elementary school policies that they are implementing.


    The owners of the stadium are responsible for what happens on the grounds of the stadium. Last year some drunk maniac almost went on a killing spree with his car. It was inevitable that there would be some kind of reaction to it. They are never going to take away tailgating, but the inmates have been running that particular asylum for a long long time so it's understandable that the county/team is trying to control the situation from now on.


    I'm not arguing against the idea that the Bills need to start winning games. That's obvious. But that point has nothing to do with controlling the parking lot.




    I wouldn't be so sure that they will never take away tailgating. These rules are a slippery slope. Punishing tens of thousands of people for one drunken idiots mistakes seems like the wrong way to do it. I'm sure if some guy was mad at his girlfriend down town and drove into a bar in a fit of rage, that they wouldn't divert all traffic from downtown bars. If they are responsible for his actions, sue the **** out of him and make him an example. Statistically if you get that many people together there is bound to be a couple trouble makers/idiots to deal with. How about instead of ruining everyones good time you hire more security officials. I understand that this is one form of deterent, but you might be one of two people to side with the Bills out of the hundreds of comments that I've read so far. Hey according to many observers they won't be here for much longer anyway so we might as well go out partying.

  5. No Dumbass I don't have a boner for anyone, I just look at reality. I am not saying he is the next Jerry Rice, but he hasn't been in the best of situations for a receiver either. What, is he not productive because he doesn't score a touchdown then pull up his shirt to show some moronic writing on a t-shirt? Or walk around with words shaved into his hair? Run his mouth on talk radio or TV shows? Put retarded juvenile stuff on Twitter? Just because he is double covered, whether your horse blinders see it or not, and Fitz throws more to a different receiver doesn't mean they are more involved. Besides, what two rookie receivers are more involved? Nelson-I highly doubt it? You really should watch a different sport that maybe you can understand a little better and let your personal hatred for a player less affect your viewing of the game. You obviously don't know much about football, or you would know he is still the best offensive player on a team that doesn't have a QB or other personnel to use him. C-L-U-E-L-E-S-S!!!!!!!!!



    I'm not sure why you feel the need to talk about things that have nothing to do with production on the field to move your argument. Steve Johnson has 9 TDs. Lee Evans has 4. Steve Johnson has words shaved in to the side of his head, that must be why he catches more balls and more for TDs right? Mark Kelso made the statement that lee hasn't seen doubles and has trouble getting off the line of scrimmage. So I might not have the football IQ that a seasoned bitcher to TBD like yourself has, but I doubt you hold a candle to Kelsos knowledge base. [...] I watch football. I watch Lee Evans underperform on a team who needs guys to step up. I watch guys such as Fitz, Jackson, and Johnson play there asses off to make our offense better. All three of these guys' salaries put together is less then what Evans makes. Defending a leader on a 2 win team seems like the kind of thing you do when you have a special place in your heart for said player, i.e. [...]. Best offensive player my [...]

  6. and Bills Freak, its obvious that you have a boner for this dude. How else could you explain your defense of a critique, which in many observers minds is valid. Yeah the team stinks, the LBs suck, the o-line is in shambles, but guess what? Lb's don't play offense, our offensive line looked pretty good for the past 5 weeks and our Qb was outplaying most of the QBs we played, so where was Lee those games? Running around with T-Rex arms. Our 2 undrafted rookie receivers have been more involved in the offense then Mr. Franchise. Defend him if you want, obviously you've been around here for awhile so Lee's probably your guy, but just know that your living in the past. Evans hasn't been our number 1 receiver in 2 years.

  7. It's because of his contract that Bills fans zero in on him after every loss. There were so many lost battles today I wouldn't know where to begin. And I don't pay Lee's salary so his non-performance doesn't drive me nuts. But for some reason, blue collar Bills fans seem to always have it in for wealthy athletes. I could go a step farther here, but I won't.



    Give me a break. Evans has been essentially untouchable for years. Oh Lee's getting double covered, poor Lee. If we could just get someone on the other side to help him out. Well guess what, we got someone on the other side, someone in the middle, someone who can run the ball, and this pusssssy still doesn't fight for the ball. Even Kelso said on the pregame that Lee hasn't been facing double coverage this year. He can't get off press coverage and he doesn't go over the middle. How can anyone justify this dude being the highest paid player in franchise history?


    Time for a pay cut.

  8. So what if we have to give up next years number one as well. If Luck comes out and we are sitting at number 2 or 3, why not trade up to get him. Yeah we will give up some draft picks, but who cares. We don't have a very good history at drafting in the first round anyway. take that option away, get the best available player in college football this year, and hope we hit on some more late round talent like Stevie, Jason Peters or Kyle Williams.

  9. This team can't even pick the right year to stink up the joint. Between the lack of QBs and the number of horrible teams this year in the NFL, the luck of the Buffalo Bills continues without missing a beat....



    Was just thinking that. We decide to bottom out when the talent pool we have to choose from in the college ranks looks shallow at best.

  10. Hey maybe you guys all wanna feel warm and fuzzy over the donation of Chris Henry's organs, and I give his mother all the credit in the world for making such a decision, but it doesn't change the fact that the NFL and the national media hold this man up to be something of a hero. What would have been the outcome, if his shellshocked wife killed herself, or god forbid, an innocent bystander as a result of Henry's irrational behavior? Would we be watching a video of her mom before a thanksgiving day game. I bet not. I did not know that even if you check the organ donor box on your license that you still need family consent, so I learned something new from this post, but he wasn't even a factor in the decision making process. Sure there are A holes in all walks of life, but we don't spend hundreds of thousands of dollars producing feel good spots about some spin on there story.




    The Prick

  11. I think for the most part Poz looked bad on Sunday because they are giving there d-lineman the green light to get into the backfield as quick as possible. When your D-line shoots gaps and beats o-lineman the o-lineman move there attention to the linebackers. Williams consistently beat guys into the backfield letting OGs and the center get to the second level quicker. Poz looked good when we ran the 3-4.

  12. In my opinion they have Strouds replacement on the team. He finally got some playing time yesterday and looked pretty good. Can't wait for Carrington to get some more reps even though Dwan edwards had to go down in order to make it happen.

  13. I will vote for choice 2 because I'm sick of getting the 8th best player in the draft. Stop giving are scouts a chance to f it up and get the top player in college football. A big win to hang our hats on would be nice, and any shot to make Brady cry and end our horrible losing streak against the Pats would be welcome. But I'm not signing up to go 8-8 again. I don't care how much good will it brings to the locker room. Good feelings and times will come when we get a few franchise players instead of undrafted rookies and other teams cast offs. I realize we haven't made the playoffs in over ten years, but playing ourselves into the position to be just good enough not to make the playoffs or get a high draft pick is the way we've gotten into this situation to begin with.


    As for Kelsay, from what I saw, most of his pressure came from the right side of the defense. The place we've been putting undrafted rookies and colossal busts. Why haven't we put him on the qbs blindside earlier then we did to bring pressure. Let the rooks work against the right tackle.

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