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Everything posted by MarkKelso'sHelmet

  1. my point is that it's nice, and seemingly loving, that he wants to be with his newborn baby. perhaps you don't like your family. the REAL WORLD is this: we live, and we die. perhaps on his death bed, he'll be glad that he got to spend some extensive time with his newborn child. you are clearly jealous that you don't get more time off, so take it out on the rest of the world, since they don't inhabit THE REAL WORLD, i.e., YOUR WORLD... this might be the worst post i've ever read at TBD... beat your chest proud, you strong gorilla.... men should not want to spend time with babies!!! they should work voluntary overtime instead!!!
  2. in that case, i stand corrected... that is an excellent reason to miss OTAs, probably the best one i can think of!
  3. odd might not be the best word. it's definitely disappointing, though. i can see missing a week or something, or missing one here or there. but not coming to any of them is very deliberate and disappointing. it's their right under the CBA, but it's probably not in their best long-term interests, nor in the team's best interest...
  4. How many years?? so far, less than one... so many right?
  5. Also curious, what kind of underwear does he wear, and how often does he go to the bathroom? Or, on second thought, maybe we don't need to know such personal things.... Aside from that, it's good that he's such a hard worker... I know if i were making that kind of money, I wouldn't miss a single voluntary anything. Need to put in the long hours...
  6. warren sapp is an idiot. really, he's underprepared and should be fired from his job. he's not good at what he does... the fans who argue that byrd isn't that good can share the same designation as sapp. he's a top 5 safety in the NFL, according to just about every analyst in the game...
  7. this whole thread is unimaginably stupid. it makes me not want to post or interact with 75% of the people who hang around here. yeah yeah, i know... don't let the door hit me... i won't...
  8. i don't see how any of this is any of our business, but since lawsuits are public, mario signed up for this. nobody knows what happened. let he who is without embarrassment cast the first stone "mario is a lout; she is a gold digger." we all probably know less than 1% of the story but let's pass judgement, because we can. such a toxic society we live in...
  9. just trying to enjoy your coffee and so can't be bothered performing a spell check. that's fine, there's nothing wrong with it. but it's exactly as i said, it's laziness. you can't be bothered to spell somebody's name right, whereas i can be bothered...
  10. I agree I've posted things to this effect before. I remember when someone posted a topic about Torell Troup but spelled it "Torrel Troupe sp?" poor brian moorman suffered this for years and years. And to think he was our only probowler for so long. honestly it's just PURE LAZINESS. like when people write "sp?". It's not like we have dial up modems anymore. My chrome browser lets me perform a google search in the address box... it takes less than five seconds to find the correct spelling of any word or any name in the western world!
  11. i think he's been arrested four times in a week? Titus was arrested on DUI charges last Monday and released from jail. He then was arrested again doing his best “Gone in 60 Seconds” impression and trying to steal his car back out of the police impound lot. Then Friday he was arrested for a third timeand charged with burglary, assault on a peace officer and resisting arrest. Titus was supposed to re-enter a program Monday for medical treatment when he was arrested and wound up in the medical facilities of the Central Men’s Jail in Santa Ana, Calif. instead.
  12. one, two, three.... WE WANT FOUR.... but really, he could be on speed... he needs rehab and a psychiatric evaluation. soon he won't be able to get a job at a fastfood restaurant, let alone play football...
  13. stevie johnson makes the pro bowl despite not starting... that's quite an accomplishment...
  14. Mario dominated, seemingly, in all of Buffalo's victories. He had a pretty solid season. The whole defense was bad in some of the lopsided loses, but so far he's been worth the money. Hopefully Pettine turns things around completely...
  15. Ralph Wilson (clearly!) Kelly, Bruce, OJ Simpson...
  16. many here who are obviously jealous of mario and his ability to buy such an expensive ring. is it any less ridiculous for someone making 20 k a year to buy a 5 thousand dollar ring? people are so easily jealous. the woman should absolutely give the ring back. my girlfriend just told me that SHE thinks the woman should give the ring back. this is absolutely ridiculous. regardless of what happened, if the woman has any respect for herself, she will give the ring back. it's a promise to marry and they aren't getting married. looks like mario got out in time...
  17. the question must be asked if it's a good idea to play him before he is ready? that is, is it a good idea to let him learn on the job, or hold him back until the coaches think he's ready?
  18. who cares. draft grades are stupid and totally without a quantifiable basis. if i were the editor of a sports journalism organization, i would prohibit draft grades until at least one season is played. I recall the bills receiving high draft grades in the past when the drafts (ultimately) turned out to be really bad; i think marv levy even got an A once... but now that football is on a 365 24/7 news cycle, well, it makes asses out of all of us from time to time. anyone who assigns draft letter grades is an ASS, and any Editor that allows it is a bigger ASS, only looking for clicks...
  19. it sounds like he's a wild animal. while not a bad thing for his position hopefully he won't get too many personal foul penalties, with all the flags being thrown now... additionally, he could instantly be the best LB the team...
  20. fantastic. this changes the team's whole outlook. nassib and barkley had potential for "just good enough." manuel has the potential for "elite." he's got elite size, speed, and arm strength. hopefully he can pick the reads up and become elite. there is always a question mark. but this really changes the whole view of the team. quarterback is EVERYTHING in the NFL. let's not forget that they picked up an extra second round pick in the process. finally, some sense from this organization.... A+. i'm happier than i've been in years.
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