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Posts posted by CountDorkula

  1. Just now, StHustle said:

    Wow…exploited a child?? Smh. She showed up to a college party admittedly already have been drinking. 17 year olds aren’t 12 she is legal age for sex in most states and knows exactly what she was doing going somewhere with grown men. That alone gives reason to believe the claims made that she said she was 18!and a freshman in college. In California that makes it NOT A CRIME to have sex with her under this circumstances. 

    the ol' its partially her fault she got raped. Good job

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  2. 34 minutes ago, extrahammer said:



    in one message he sent to Araiza he says he gang-raped her








    In another he says he had sex with her




    Like I said, she deserves better representation. 



    Counter point, what if this Lawyer is tactfully or untactfully putting all of this information out there so its widely available to make sure that the defending attorney can not claim any of this evidence as privileged.


    its unconventional and wild but could really be tactful. 

  3. Just now, UKBillFan said:

    The issue for me is the defence attorney is making it come across as a shakedown money grab. It may be that it’s anything but the text messages he’s posting and the stance he’s taking… the obsession with Araiza hiring a civil lawyer to take the case, perhaps Araiza prefers a criminal lawyer because he wants to be sure that he is represented by someone who knows criminal law inside and out should it get that far, rather than looking at a civil angle?

    It feels like he’s making it easier for Araiza to defend himself and creating doubt towards the alleged victim’s true intentions. If I was the alleged victim I think I’d feel like hiring someone else to take the case on.

    Tim Graham tweeted that Arazias lawyer maybe be lying.


    His lawyers says the NFL knew, Tim Graham is saying they didn't. 

  4. 1 minute ago, JGMcD2 said:

    I keep seeing this repeated... I haven't seen anything that says this is true. He allegedly told her to get tested for a STD 2 weeks after their encounter.


    Not saying this is the case, but he could have totally been unaware of the chlamydia prior to, during and after the encoutner. Then tested for it during that 2-week window and informed her of his positive test over the phone. 


    I haven't seen one ounce of evidence stating he was knowingly chlamydia positive before the encounter.


    I'll walk back my comments if there is proof, he was knowingly positive, but this just seems to be people jumping to conclusions. 

    The fact that he was having unprotected sex with multiple women makes him an idiot, that I know. 

    • Eyeroll 1
  5. 1 minute ago, Buffaloflash said:

    Yeah, But that doesn't prove Araiza caused it.

    If I was at a party and met a girl I didn't know, and she had nose and belly button rings or piercings? Yeah, I going to figure she's of age.

    What parent would allow their underage child to get nose and bellybutton piercing? 

    Now of course, being that she's underage doesn't bode well for Matt.

    A) Do you not remember high school?

    B) You "Assuming" is not a viable defense and will not hold up in court. 

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  6. 3 minutes ago, DRsGhost said:


    You don't get to do that based on how many are treating the situation in this thread.


    It's guilty by accusation. You don't get to come back with anything.

    That's not the theme ive gotten.


    Yes some have jumped to conclusion ON BOTH SIDES.


    Most have been level headed saying If true he needs to be punished and that goes beyond football.


    What I cant put up with is people in here victim shaming and blaming here for being at that party. 




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  7. 5 hours ago, Alphadawg7 said:

    Yes I read it, do you even understand what a lawsuit is?  I can literally file a lawsuit tomorrow against you for what ever I want…does it make a true? 

    A lawsuit isn’t an indication of confirmed guilt.

    I mean you can but if there is no basis that's falsifying legal documents.


    I mean I hope you sue me tomorrow for a bogus claim so I can come back at you with defamation, slander etc

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  8. 6 minutes ago, ExiledInIllinois said:

    Fair enough...


    But, Bills knew in July and still cut Haack.

    Was it Araiza that did it? I gotta wait for more facts to come out.

    Regardless. Someone did and there are people blaming her both here and on other social media accounts saying this is partially her fault because she was at that party and “lied about her age”. 

  9. 18 minutes ago, Buffalo03 said:

    Lol. Ok man. Most people at college parties are drinking and trying to get laid, it's safe to assume that the people there are college age. I could completely understand why someone wouldn't ask. I ask again,, WHY CAN SHE NOT TELL HIM HER REAL AGE? she knows she's a minor, wouldn't that be the right thing to do?

    So it’s partially her fault she got too drunk at a party and was gang raped? 

    and people wonder why rape victims don’t come forward. 

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  10. 2 minutes ago, chongli said:


    Because a bar has that statutory requirement. Humans hooking up don't.

    Humans hooking up very much have requirements. 

    If I were to go to a college party should I just assume everyone is 18+ and try to hook up with some drunk girls and just assume they are old enough.  

    You can’t Assume without being an Ass first. 

    Out of all the football players in the NFL, how many are currently going through this. 

    Matt Araiza and Matt Araiza alone put himself in a bad spot. 

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  11. Just now, Buffalo03 said:

    How? They were both at a college party. Why is it his job to ask her? And why can't she say "I'm really 17? Why would he assume she's underage? She shouldn't have even been there. If I was at college party for mainly college students, I would assume they are of age. If she said, "I'm 18", is he then supposed to ask her for ID at that point?

    Why is it a bars job to ID me. 
    “I’m 21” what’s the point of me showing ID I’m telling you I’m 21. 

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  12. 1 minute ago, Rc2catch said:

    So the victims lawyer, during his twitter rant posted the pics of his texts/emails and he didn’t block out any phone numbers or email addresses? I’m a twitter rookie and even I know to cross out personal info 

    Like I said earlier he was tip-toeing a fine line and could potentially get his case thrown out for leaking info. 

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  13. 4 minutes ago, nkreed said:

    On a phone call in which he is not under oath. I think a good defense attorney will state that the question asked was accusatory and that this answer was his way of ending the conversation. If the DA has access to witnesses that say she had been misrepresenting herself, he won't need to have a defense.

    And a good prosecutor would say Okay his defense is I don’t remember anything, so he wouldn’t remember her telling him or anyone she was 18. 

    he wouldn’t remember asking her her age.  

    she very well could have told him she was underage, and he wouldn’t remember. 

    Those eyewitnesses didn’t have sex with her, he allegedly did. 

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