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Posts posted by CountDorkula

  1. 1 minute ago, Kellyhero68 said:

    Some interesting questions,

    1. She spoke to the police who conducted an investigation in October but did not press criminal charges YET.

    2. The police did a forensic examination for rape in October. If his DNA was found wouldn't he have been arrested last year?

    3. She wrote about it in her journal, which the police were not interested in. And his name is never mentioned.

    4. We only heard about this AFTER he made the 53-man roster.

    5. She admitted being drunk, semi unconscious, and face down but seems to remember him by name.


    I am saying he is guilty or innocent, but these questions need to answered before anyone passes judgement. 





    its kind of sounds like you are.......

  2. Just now, Buffalo716 said:

    I stand for the truth… If he’s guilty he should be held accountable


    but Just because he didn’t have high draft stock didn’t mean he didn’t have an NFL future… He absolutely was the most high profile of the players named… And he had an NFL future


    Something none of the other players named had a chance of 

    yet they are still named in the lawsuit no?


    Lets ask rape victims if money just magically makes the torture go away. 

  3. Just now, TampaBillsJunkie said:

    May or not be, but the team already made up its mind. He is on record saying there was mutual consent, but she's a minor so that's no good either. 

    The Bills are not the law, they do not need to prove innocence or guilt, they need to care on if having him on this team is worth the circus this will bring over the next months. 


    they decided its not worth the risk

  4. Just now, UKBillFan said:


    Allegedy. So many in this thread have decided he is guilty.

    I haven't seen that, I've seen most saying cut him and move on, its not worth having him on this team right now.


    If he was to be found guilty and was still on this team, the Bills are in a much worse position. Risk i not worth it. 


    This is not a two weeks and its over. This is going to be a several month process. 

  5. 1 minute ago, jkirchofer said:

    When will you get it was never about the money. It's about holding someone with privilege accountable when the justice system fails.

    He's a football player, obviously its only about the money. {Rolls eyes}


    He was a college senior with little draft stock when the first movements were filed, so it debunks the whole damn thing. 

  6. 1 minute ago, Alphadawg7 said:


    Thats a bit dramatic lol.  I mean a 17 year old hooked up with a college kid, happens every day in every state in this country.  Of all the things with this case, this is the least of the concerns.  Not like he was 35 years old or something here.  Not to mention, there are sworn statements from eyewitnesses stating she said she was 18 and went the local college that had the same name as her HS.  

    I agree with this people need to really stop focusing on the age part of this and more focus on the forceable sex rape and gang rape allegations

    • Agree 2
  7. 1 minute ago, BeastMaster said:

    But according to his lawyers investigators...she was telling people she was 18 YO.


    That changes things...but you can still go ahead and make bolded posts and be outraged if you like.

    And according to Araiza he doesn’t remember anything about that night so he wouldn’t have known she was saying she was 18…..

  8. 2 minutes ago, YoloinOhio said:

    It is because, as he said, they learned more in the 24 hours leading up to the game than they knew previously. That’s why he was in Carolina, expecting to play, and no other punter on the roster. It was a last minute decision to not play him. That’s why McD couldn’t sleep. It was the details in the civil suit that they didn’t have until Thursday evening 

    I find it highly coincidental that a team that had won 10 straight preseason games wasn’t even competitive in this one and got shut out by Panthers back ups. Coupling that with the McDermott press conference something doesn’t sit right. 

    • Agree 1
  9. 2 minutes ago, BeastMaster said:

    So if he had sex with a drunk girl (typical college experience) and she then goes on to later go in a house and get attacked, this is a position that none of us could be put into?


    Well considering there are thousands of members on this site and not one of them has come forward to say I was wrongly accused of something very similar to this I’d say it’s a pretty safe no

  10. 2 minutes ago, hondo in seattle said:



    I don't know this young lady but Brian Bank's false accuser didn't shy away from the scrutiny.


    Maybe 90% of rape allegations are true but not all are.  Araiza's lawyer says it's a money-grab.   Maybe so, maybe not.   I'd love to see what the police have.

    With all due respect to his lawyer, law 101 is never admit guilt. Also it is his job now as his lawyer to drag this girl’s name through the mud as much as he can to prove his  innocence

    • Like (+1) 1
  11. Just now, BeastMaster said:

    But you are saying people need to not put themselves into situations where they can be accused of a crime, and I'm telling you that people can throw out accusations out of the blue.


    I'm not debating you on whether her allegations have merit

    Sure people can throw it accusations but there are extreme consequences for that like falsifying police documents defamation and slander lawsuits and if that was the case Araiza would’ve already had those in place. 

  12. 1 minute ago, Alphadawg7 said:


    This above statement presumes innocence but infers he made bad choices that led to being falsely accused of sexual assault.  So if he is innocent, what was the bad choice?  Having consensual sex while in college at a college party where he was living?  Are you alluding that college kids should just abstain while in college in fear they could be accused of sexual assault later?  




    Most of us had sex in college i presume. I guarantee you none of us were in a position where we could be accused of sexual assault and gang rape so……..

    • Like (+1) 1
  13. 2 minutes ago, Beck Water said:


    I think it's very telling that McDermott was asked straight out whether he thinks Matt lied to him and he said "I'm not going to get into that".

    I think if he felt the answer was "No, Never" he'd have said so.

    That press conference was extremely concerning to me not only about the Araiza situation but that there could be a very big disconnect in the organization 

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  14. 2 minutes ago, dje85 said:


    This could be why the Bills aren't just canning him like many want them to as well. 

    If he isn;t subject tot he leagues personal policy conduct and then was cut just because of this the Bills and NFL could have a major lawsuit on their hands in regards from Araiza imo.

    NFL is employment at will, you can be cut for any reason. 

    • Disagree 1
  15. 3 minutes ago, Draconator said:

    A good point was brought up. Remember the situation with Patrick Kane? Pretty much the same thing. Girl accuses him of rape/sexual misconduct. He reputation takes a serious hit. Turns out story was made up. 


    Not saying this girl made up the story against Arazia. But her lawyer's actions are highly unprofessional and it seems like he's begging everyone to believe her side of the story. 

    Remember Arazias lawyer has cleverly insinuated that Arazia was not a part of the rape/misconduct.


    He has also hinted at someone else being in trouble for said incident. 

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