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Rob's House

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Posts posted by Rob's House

  1. 1 hour ago, LB3 said:

    If you have any second thoughts about the farm, go have a look at the Milwaukee Bucks thread on OTW. I'm basically scum to them now ?. Someone actually brought up how police treated Dylan Roof thinking it was somehow a relevant comparison to this situation. I'm was also deemed a racist for thinking he shouldn't have resisted arrest and for disagreeing that letting someone flee to commit more crime isn't a good thing. ?‍♂️


    I doubt any of them could articulate a practical alternative. It's easy and satisfying to Monday morning QB while perched safely atop a moral high horse.

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  2. The Woke Left v. the Alt-Right: A New Study Shows They’re More Alike Than Either Side Realizes

    What Moss and O’Connor found is that while right-wing adherents of WI (White Identitarianism) and left-wing adherents of PCA (Politically Correct Authoritarianism) are “thought to reflect opposing ends… of the political spectrum,” they actually shared remarkably similar personality characteristics: “Our study indicates that an emerging set of mainstream political attitudes—most notably PCA, WI, are largely being adopted by individuals high in DT [i.e., Dark Triad traits] and entitlement. Individuals high in authoritarianism—regardless of whether [they] hold politically correct or rightwing views—tend to score highly on DT and entitlement. Such individuals therefore are statistically more likely than average to be higher in psychopathy, narcissism, Machiavellianism and entitlement.”
  3. 4 hours ago, BringMetheHeadofLeonLett said:

    There is no way in hell the world wants Xi Jinping and the Chinese to be THE major influence on the planet, so at least the US has that going for us, but we have become every bit as internally divided as Bin Laden could have dreamt in the past 19 years, and our President has daddy issues, which leads him to admire two of the biggest scumbag leaders since Stalin.  

    I know, this sounds partisan, but it is as close to engaging a factual problem as I think opinion can get.  If you don't see it then more power to ya


    Every corner of this country will be affected if a looming economic cliff isn't forcefully redirected.  Everyone's home values will drop, heavily.  The stock market may continue strong on the blissful hope that finally we have a way to automate much of our labor costs out, with an understandable reasoning, the Great Covid Pandemic.  

    But to what end.  Do we move toward a more Somalia-like state?   Every man, woman and child for him or herself... pirates?   Sounds kinda sexy, but when suburban and rural America encounter homeless on a daily basis, it might not feel quite so.  

    It's past time to drop the ideologies, and give the majority of this country a fighting chance to survive, innovate, and maybe even rise.

    To make it clear, I think Trump is a blithering idiot, and I don't care if you support him, he's still an idiot.  But I don't think he's 'evil', just misguided and insecure to the point of his, and our, detriment.  I was, and am, in favor of his tariffs on Chinese goods for multiple reasons, so good on him.  


    Call it a long screed, rant, posit, chat, dialogue or loony gaffe, but I hope this post was more intelligible than a story about aluminum-shielded, liberal,  cherry-tomatoes being launched from Guyana ala B-Man.  

    Sorry if I've insulted the bright challenged ones with my waste of time.  Pass a damn stimulus bill and give our populace a fighting chance.  Even the dumb ones.  



    What exactly are you proposing?

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    NRA President Carolyn Meadows called the lawsuit "a baseless, premeditated attack," claiming it targeted not just the NRA, but the constitutional rights it defends.


    "You could have set your watch by it:  the investigation was going to reach its crescendo as we move into the 2020 election cycle," Meadows said in a statement. "It’s a transparent attempt to score political points and attack the leading voice in opposition to the leftist agenda. This has been a power grab by a political opportunist – a desperate move that is part of a rank political vendetta. Our members won’t be intimidated or bullied in their defense of political and constitutional freedom.”


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  5. 6 minutes ago, Dante said:

    Ahhh...so sad. All their millions and mansions and she still can't be upbeat? She's married to a Nobel Peace Prize winning, former 2 term prez , man of the year next coming Barry. Who could be down?? She got pretty far for a two bit crappy lawyer she should be thrilled! 



    If my spouse, friends, and political party were in the process of being exposed as corrupt criminals I might be depressed too.

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  6. 2 hours ago, Crayola64 said:

    The excuses are already starting to form for when trump loses in November.


    losers won’t be able to admit that the country wants him out


    I would be overwhelmed with respect for anyone who could give a rational explanation for why the Orange Menace is an existential threat to "our democracy."


    And by rational, I mean something more substantial than "he's an #######," or "he makes my dick itch."

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  7. "The primary issue is one of scale. The sheer number of ballots that would be mailed to wrong addresses would be staggering. The state of Oregon has been using mail-only elections since 1998.  The U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC) found that during the 2018 election, of the more than 2.8 million ballots the state sent out, roughly 60,000 were undeliverable.


    Even after two decades to make it work, Oregon still sees a significant percentage of ballots fail to make it to their intended recipient. Given this fact, imagine how many undeliverable ballots would be floating around all 50 states.


    Mailing lists are based on voter registration rolls, which are often inaccurate. If the list is not updated in real time when citizens pass away or move, then ballots will be mailed to outdated addresses. Given the lack of voter ID laws in several states, someone living at a voter’s previous address could illegally use their ballot. Voters who move out of state may receive multiple ballots.


    The potential for mail theft is also a real concern. In 2019, U.S. Postal Inspectors reported nearly 5,000 convictions related to postal crimes, including those involving mail theft and fraud. With no chain of custody, there is no recourse should this type of fraud occur during an election.


    Voting done apart from the overview of election officials also destroys the framework of a secret ballot.  It leaves an opening for fraud, vote-buying, intimidation, and ballot harvesting. Voters run the risk of having their ballots rejected, if they forget to sign it. No one is present to help them if they make a simple mistake and ruin their ballot. The option of a provisional ballot is not available to them, as it would be at a polling place.


    Voters also face the inconvenience of going to a local post office to have the return ballot postmarked.  The Post Office is no longer required to cancel a stamp with a postmark.  In my state, the North Carolina Board of Elections’ absentee ballot instructions state that the voter must either hand deliver the ballot or go to the post office to request the item to be postmarked. This could overwhelm postal staffing and cause the same long lines that already frustrate voters.


    The EAC summary of the 2018 federal election reported that 28.4 percent of transmitted by-mail ballots in all 50 states were returned as undeliverable; were surrendered, spoiled, or replaced by voters; were transmitted to by-mail voters who voted in person with a provisional ballot; or had an unknown or other status. A system that generates a nearly 30% error rate can hardly be termed a success, especially when the bedrock of our Constitutional system is at stake. "





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  8. 7 hours ago, Doc Brown said:

    Ok because I've enjoyed your takes on other topics and was surprised you just posted some nonsense Alex Jones type meme.  There's a lot of validity in the media making it more scary than it needs to be and the news networks work hand in hand with politicians so it's obviously political.


    I don't think we overreacted at first given how little we knew about this thing, our knowledge of the devastating pandemics throughout history, seeing hospitals in Italy overwhelmed, etc..  I think the most logical reaction was to shut thing downs temporarily (that being the key term given the economic damage that we knew would ensue) to not overwhelm hospitals and learn more about the disease including possible treatments.  


    As we learned more the political division increased and the left leaning media became more focused on using this crises to bash Trump and Republicans as much as possible.  It was pretty obvious when they had no problem with thousands marching in protest but condemned Trump for holding a rally with people also in close proximity to one another.  It's also an election year so that just exasperates the problem we have about fighting amongst ourselves on the best way to move forward.  It's going to get ugly. 




    I tend to enjoy your takes too, and I agree with what you have to say here, although I would take it a bit further. 


    I was okay with the initial shutdown, when WE didn't know (I'm not sure exactly what people in government knew) and it was supposed to be a temporary measure to "flatten the curve." At this point, however, it's just an opportunistic ploy. And when you look at the totality of circumstances no conventional explanation makes sense.


    We all knew from the outset that no matter what President Trump did it would not only be the wrong thing, but the worst thing. It's ridiculous, but it's what we've come to expect.


    What's really egregious is not the political exploitation of the narrative, but the extent to which they're willing to hurt people to further the farce. The economic destruction isn't just less toys for the well to do, it causes real suffering on a deep and wide scale. The increased debt will eventually become a problem. The effects of seclusion are not trivial either. Depression, suicide, domestic violence, and divorce are significantly exacerbated by this. Child development is being stunted as those at formative years are being isolated and thus unable to develop important social skills - you don't get that opportunity back. But they don't care. Why?


    Their behavior on the pharmaceutical front has been just as bizarre. Chloroquine may not be the miracle drug, but it appears it can help. Yet it was instantly dismissed and condemned for no apparent reason. They went out of their way to prevent its use. A drug that has been regularly prescribed for decades with little to no concern suddenly became so dangerous governors were banning it in their states. Why?


    The fact that De Blasio and Cuomo forced nursing homes to accept COVID patients causing mass deaths (to spike the numbers?) goes virtually unnoticed.


    The fact that they went from 100 to zero on a dime when the opportunity for social unrest presented itself dispelled any delusions that the purported concerns were legitimate, yet they tried to take another bite of the apple as soon as the insanity died down. The concerted effort to create as much internal dissention as possible is a separate issue, but ties into the maximum destruction theme.


    Also, if this were legit we wouldn't be ignoring Sweden.


    So given the fact that no conventional theory plausibly explains this, I do think considering "conspiracy theories" is far more reasonable than taking things at face value. I don't know all the specific motivations, but I do know they're nefarious.


    I'm not even convinced it's to win the election. That's certainly my guess, but I haven't ruled out the possibility that they determined this election is a lost cause and want to create as much destruction as possible over the next four years, when the real economic consequences of the shutdown/debt will be felt and the inner cities will be ravaged by crime as a result of reducing law enforcement where it's needed most, setting the stage for them to ride in to save the day in 2024.


    In the unlikely event that Biden were to win,

    the COVID threat would miraculously abate, they won't get around to defunding the police, and any negative consequences of the 2020 insurrection will be attributed to President Trump. 


    Even the silly theories that the real motivation is to profit from vaccines are no more absurd than the conventional Democrat/media narrative.


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