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Rob's House

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Posts posted by Rob's House

  1. 40 minutes ago, oldmanfan said:

    I would have to look at the data on other corona viruses.  It is likely they did not receive as much research or attention; the current pandemic is much more damaging which attracts more research attention.  Not hat it makes that right.


    Yes, it was not advisable to gather in large groups.  I did not condone that anywhere.  What I did say is that protests are outside which helped mitigate, and that in the walk I did outside everyone was asked to wear masks or not participate.  We had about 100 people total.  


    How you do science is to make an observation, form a hypothesis to explain the observation, then do experiments and/or gather data to test your hypothesis.  That is the scientific method.  And yes, it should be used to address police shootings and other social issues.


    If you agree why are you so offended?

  2. 17 minutes ago, oldmanfan said:

    As I said I have a 40 year career in science and research so take your pithy little janitor thing and stick it.


    Science progresses as more data is obtained.  Experiments are done in many labs to inform on things like how the Corona virus is spread, and that it is spread via aerosols and droplets, and that masks can help slow down that spread.  We were advised not to wear N95 or surgical masks early on in the crisis to make sure front line health care workers had access to those supplies.  As the science advances our knowledge of how to combat things increases and advice changes.  Scientists are right now working feverishly on developing effective vaccines and treatments, and these will hopefully lead us out of the pandemic.  In the interim, we use the mitigating strategies that science tells us will help to decrease transmission.  I'd explain more but you apparently have neither the ability to understand, or the willingness to under stand. 


    As for the protests, I participated because I have friends who have been impacted negatively by racial profiling.  And yes accumulation of data on that will help us understand the issue better, and figure out how to move forward.  And that includes gaining data on crime and how to help police get rid of that as well.  I am very much pro-police, thank you.


    So again, in your words go **** yourself.


    So is COVID-19 more susceptible to masks than other Corona viruses? If so, how? If not, are you suggesting that "Science" just learned for the first time ever that masks do stop the transmission of these viruses?


    And, if we're still accumulating data, because we really don't know and are trying to mitigate in the meantime, doesn't it seem highly irresponsible to gather in mass numbers for weeks on end relying on a thin piece of cloth that the CDC said was ineffective to stop the transmission of a disease so deadly that we must shut down society, despite untold destruction, to stop its spread?


    Also, wrt police shootings, should we use the data we've accumulated for decades, or should we use the inductive approach relying on selectively chosen anecdotal evidence until we can accumulate data to support the preferred narrative?


    Just trying to figure out how to "do science."

  3. Copied and pasted


    Why Republicans eventually lose, every time...


    Conservative values are based on freedom and opportunity, and it takes a certain level of logic and reason to understand the mechanisms that allow freedom to breed opportunity, such that lives improve.

    It is, in the meantime, very easy to say things like, “I believe in PEOPLE and will NOT let your desire for FREEDUMB exclude people from access to HEALTHCARE and FOOD!!!!!”


    The second quote is clever in many ways, even as it is misleading.  First, it ridicules freedom, and personalizes freedom in a way that makes it about greed and excess - those who want freedom are portrayed as the ‘I have mine and screw the rest of you’ crowd.


    Second, it conflates freedom, and conservative values in general, with pain, suffering, and starvation.  It essentially says, “People are sick, injured, and hungry because YOU DO NOT CARE!!!”


    Third, it is purely moralistic.  It offers no mechanisms, and requires no sense of logic or reason.  It, rather, creates a false binary between freedom and survival, without any indication for how those things may, or may not be, related.  It implies a simple choice:  if you are for freedom, you must be against survival.


    Fourth, it implies, without stating, that being against government providing things, is the same as being against those things being provided.  It implies that being against a government takeover of medical care is the same as being against having medical care provided, and that being against a government takeover of the food industry is the same as being against having food.


    Most importantly...  It encourages conservatives to use logic and reason to deconstruct the statement, such that we can rip it apart (exactly as I just did).

    Ronald Reagan once said, “If you are explaining, you are losing.”  When we focus solely on logic and reason, without pivoting to morality, we cede the moral high ground and turn off the electorate.  


    Much of the electorate does not have the time, nor the patience, to listen to logic and reason.  They just want to do the right thing.  In this way, the Democrats are better at messaging.


    Getting better at our moral communication is not difficult.  We just have to learn to pack our logical, well reasoned arguments, in a moral sandwich.  Start with a moral claim, back it with reason and logic, and then restate it at the end.


    Instead of ‘socialism would be great if it worked,’ followed by a bunch of arguments about how socialism cannot work, say, ‘socialism has killed more people than has smallpox, and it makes people no more important than farm animals,” followed by all of the logical arguments making THAT statement true.  Finally, restate the fact that socialism is evil, as it treats people like farm animals, and kills more effectively than do plagues.


    We win the occasional election, but very little if anything gets rolled back when we do.  Democrats, in the meantime, bide their time, and then come back with new ways to grow government.


    If we want to win in the long term, we need to convince people that growing government is morally wrong.

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  4. 1 hour ago, oldmanfan said:

    I've been pro-mask since the beginning because I work in a health care setting, and because they help.  Because that's what the science tells us.  And I also walked in one of the walks in my hometown, at which everyone had on masks.  And from what I could tell, many in the larger marches did as well (not to mention they were outside which helps alleviate spread).  And those who didn't were stupid (including those who, for example, stormed the Michigan statehouse, who as I recall were on the right side of the political spectrum).  and before you even try to get into the violence, I want anyone, right or left, who gets violent and loots and such to be thrown in jail.


    So, in your words, you can go **** yourself.  


    Is "Science" the other janitor at the nursing home who shared the teachings of CNN with you at the water cooler?


    Or is "Science" the John Kerry of the CDC who was against the masks before he was for them? 


    Or is "Science" one of the BLM dudes who "opened your eyes" and convinced you to ¢uck for them? Is he the one who told you putting a bandana over your face was more effective than wrapping it around your dick and using it as a condom?


    Does virtue signaling by marching in protest of an abstract concept you can't define or quantify, and with no clear demands or objectives enhance the effectiveness of the mask or is this universally effective?


    Did "Science" suddenly figure out for the first time in April that masks stop the spread of viruses? If, according to "Science," you can gather en masse in the streets risk free as long as you have a thin layer of cloth covering your pie hole, why did we shut everything down in the first place, and why aren't we reopening everything now?


    Also, does this "Science" dude have a method by which we could better understand national trends on subjects like police shootings by race, or is anecdotal evidence his preferred approach?


    Thanks in advance, dude. I don't have access to this guy so I appreciate you sharing his teachings with us.

  5. 39 minutes ago, ALF said:

    Judge Andrew Napolitano: Portland protests are about dissent, and without dissent we'd have little freedom

    Only a government hateful or fearful of the people it claims to serve uses force to silence them.


    The federal forces in Portland are doing far more than protecting a federal courthouse. They are listening to people’s phone calls and capturing their text messages and emails without warrants. They are materially interfering with lawful dissent.


    It is one thing to build a wall or a fence around a courthouse and man it with armed guards. It is quite another to wade into a crowd of peaceful demonstrators with tear gas of such intensity and ferocity -- its active ingredient is 2-chlorobenzalmalononitrile -- that it is prohibited in wartime by treaties to which the United States is a signatory.




    Andrew Napolitano outed himself as a lying sack of sh!t during the Russia debacle. It's not surprising to see him doubling down on his sedition.


    The fact that he claims anyone is trying to "silence" the tantrum throwers, who 2 months in still don't have a coherent message, exposes him for the naked shill that he is.


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  6. To the COVID mask crowd:


    If you've been consistent on this issue then God bless you.


    BUT, if you excoriated everyone who didn't wrap themselves in bubble tape and hide out in the closet, then ten minutes later supported people nationwide gathering by the thousands to "protest" in the streets, then turned around and began excoriating others again for not taking COVID seriously enough to suit your mood, seriously, go ***** yourself.


    There are a select few possibilities. Either (1) You didn't care if millions of people died as a result of the "protests" or (2) you're absolutely and irredeemably full of *****.
    There are no other options.


    So again, if you've been on board with the social distance/lockdown/facemask/bubble wrap movement all along, we're cool. If you've only been with it when and to the extent the garbage media sources you inexplicably continue to trust told you to, you're either a weak minded sucker, or an outright piece of *****.


    Sorry if the truth hurts. Deal with it.


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  7. 34 minutes ago, BillStime said:

    Trumps America - aren’t you proud Trump voters?




    There is a rebuttable presumption that this guy had it coming.


    There are no "peaceful protestors" in Portland.

    33 minutes ago, Buffalo_Gal said:



    That's not a protest, it's a dance party.

  8. 12 hours ago, JaCrispy said:

    Race relations is the worst it has ever been in my lifetime...we have regressed so far and I feel like there is zero trust...it absolutely sucks walking into a store and seeing the fear in people’s eyes- like I’m going to burn everything down...I hate identity politics to the core! MLK is rolling in his grave...this is not what he worked for...


    You should wear a MAGA hat so they know you're not black.

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