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Posts posted by IronyAbounds

  1. Corner had the INT. Yet another example of the NFL embarrassing itself with its ridiculous rules. I'm telling you, I love watching football. But, I would be lying if I didn't think that in comparison to the large majority of other sports, Football is by far the most laughable in terms of its rules.


    To the extent that golf is a sport, its rules are even more laughable. But I see your point.

  2. Compare the production the Chiefs have gotten from their draft picks to the production, or more correctly, the lack thereof, of the Bills' draft picks. If you are an early round pick (1-3) and you're not making at least a decent contribution on the field in your rookie year (in the absence of injury), the chances are rather slim that you'll be a high quality NFL player. There are always exceptions, but overall that holds true. More than anything this years' draft point out how inept the front office is. Spiller may make a major contribution at some point in the future, but other than that, I don't see any of the the other picks amounting to much of anything.

  3. What draft picks give anyone any confidence that Nix knows what he is doing? On a team with very little talent just one of this year's picks plays, and then only sparingly. If Nix is this brilliant football guy, how come he didn't get a GM job until he hit 70? Why did no other team try to hire Gailey as head coach since he was bounced from the Cowboys (and if he's an offensive genius, why did the Chiefs fire his rear end last year just before the regular season started)? Rebuilding done correctly starts with getting a front office that has a clue. There is no evidence that Modrak can find his rear end with two hands and a flashlight let alone a good football player. The only way Buffalo will see a winning football team again ever is if Ralph or his estate sells the team to someone who keeps the team in Buffalo. Otherwise it just won't happen under this ownership or front office.

  4. It really is difficult to point to a single personnel move made with the "new" regime in place that has improved the team. There was absolutely no need to draft Spiller. The draft was just awful, other than maybe Spiller it is hard to see anyone from the last draft being a quality NFL player. The FA are a wash out and the Kelsay signing may be the dumbest move of all.There is a reason Nix didn't get a GM job before hitting 70. There is a reason Gailey was no longer in the NFL. Both reasons aren't that they are great football people who can lead a terribly run franchise to the promised land. Whether it's Ralph or the other football (cough) people in the organization, terrible decisions are being made with discouraging frequency.

  5. The constant refrain is "we have a plan and will stick to it." Frankly the only real plan seems to be to say we have a plan. If the plan is to improve utilizing the draft, then the concern is the last draft was awful - not only did they not draft for need but the guys they drafted stink. They sign Green, who is awful. They extend Kelsay, an awful move. They start Edwards and he is cut in week 3. They barely use Spiller. So far the real plan appears to be to suck as much as possible.

  6. Danny Woodhead can succeed because the Patriots have a decent or better O-Line, Tom Brady is All World because the Pats have a decent or better O-Line. Having a decent or better O-Line is the foundation of every successful NFL team. The Bills have a putrid or worse O-Line. And very little has been done to address that fact. Ipso facto, the Bills are not a successful NFL team. This isn't rocket science folks. You don't need a Ph.D. A modicum of common sense actually will get you far. Focus on making your O-Line decent or better and miraculously your QBs, running backs and receivers suddenly become soooooo much better.

  7. How do you clean house in the middle of the season? Gailey has responsibility for much of this mess. He instituted the 3-4 defense despite not having the personnel for it. Presumably he had some input in the draft, yet no real needs were addressed. He handed Trent the starting job despite Trent sucking in a spectacular fashion. He's the OC that has pretty much kept Spiller out of the game.


    Name a single time during which Gailey has been very successful as a football coach. The best you can come up with is that he was ok as the Cowboys' coach, and not a disaster as the GT head coach. He was a complete washout as KC's OC. You watch many of the young more dynamic head coaches around the league and at least they inspire some optimism. You look at Gailey and you see a guy who looks 10 years older than he is and sounds like at best he should be coaching some high school down south. Gailey was hired because he came relatively cheap and had no other options and was willing to take a job with an organization that is run by clowns and skinflints. Most importantly, Gailey has no history of rebuilding teams. Neither the Cowboys nor the Yellow Jackets were bottom feeders that Gailey improved. Rather, at best he kept them at about the same level as when he took over. The guy has MEDIOCRE written all over him. I'm not encouraged if he's the housecleaner.

  8. Buffalo: in dire straits, hires marketing guy as GM , then dumps him and hires 70 year old rookie GM. Fires head coach, and hires someone who was a mediocre head coach in the NFL more than a decade ago, was mediocre as a college head coach and was fired as the OC of a lousy NFL team at the start of 2009. Assistant coaches as a group are very undistinguished. Team going nowhere, other than perhaps backwards.


    Kansas City: in dire straits, hires a new GM with a lot of experience with one of the most successful franchises of recent history. Hires young head coach, and after a rough first year hires what could be the best offensive and defensive coordinators available. Team clearly making progress, and while the fast start may be misleading, enthusiasm and hope has returned to KC.


    It really is simple. KC's ownership is fixated on winning. Buffalo's owner is fixated on saving every friggin penny he can find. Not to mention that at 90+ Ralph's brain probably is missing more than a few synapses.

  9. The real question is why anyone would have the slightest bit of optimism about this franchise. Here we are 4 games into the season and not only do we know that, for all intents and purposes, the season is over, but we also know that the front office and the head coach are a bunch of morons that no more know football talent than the Dali Lama so it is unlikely that the problems will be cured in the next several years.


    It would be one thing if they had acquired a bunch of young talent and all we were seeing were growing pains, but that isn't it at all. They didn't draft according to need, and there are at most a handful of players that would make another NFL team, let alone start. Look at Gailey's major decisions thusfar: shift to the 3-4 defense simply because it is trendy, despite the total misfit of talent to that scheme; going with Edwards as the starter without a true competition despite knowing Edward is really just a coward who is scared of his own shadow; not getting Spiller incorporated into the offense in any meaningful way whatsoever. Not to mention the fact that he had input into the draft, so he has blame there as well. Nix? What a joke, an absolute and complete joke of a GM. They are the Buffalo Buffoons, from top to bottom. Just an awful assemblage of inordinate suckitude.

  10. There is always hope that with a slight change in the front office and a change in the coaching staff that things would get better, unfortunately, things have gotten worse. Buddy Nix is an utter and complete buffoon. There is no other explanation for a huge drop off in talent from a very untalented team. The draft picks were a complete joke, and the new coaching staff is nothing to write home about either. Gailey was hired because he was cheap and had no other options. Anyone who believes he was hired because his coaching bona fides is delusional. The guy was mediocre at best in Dallas, and he failed at Georgia Tech. More importantly, the Bills hired as head coach someone who was fired from a coordinator position at KC, at a time when KC was utterly horrible. Ralph, God love him, is a terrible owner. He has kept the team in Buffalo, but every move he makes results in the Bills being non-competitive. There is no silver-lining, there is no "darkest just before dawn." It is December 21st at the North Pole and there is no sun for about 23 hours.

  11. Whether it's the first, second, or whatever pick, the incompetent front office will screw up and there will be no improvement. Hiring Nix and Gailey was a giant FU to the Bills' fans. Please sell the team Ralph, please. Let someone take it over that knows football and is willing to spend to do it right (see, e.g., Kansas City, another perennial doormat that hired a great coaching staff and seems to have turned things around very quickly). Utterly utterly depressing.

  12. No doubt, since we were just loaded with talent when he arrived 9 months ago.....

    And the team has less talent than 9 months ago. Please explain why you don't draft an offensive lineman in the first few rounds. Please explain a receiving corp that is much worse than last year. Please explain three QBs that are proven non-NFL talent. Nothing was done to address the team's needs. Oh, and the head coach they hired is a retread who was less than successful in the NFL and a failure in college. Please, Mrs. Nix. no lame excuses.

  13. How bad will it be against GB in GB? It's going to be a train wreck! A tough game for tough guys my a%%! they looked anything but tough today.

    The early part of the schedule is brutal, which is why this game was so important. Now, they get bulldozed and will be just a bunch of glassy-eyed psych ward patients by the fourth or fifth game. This could easily be the worst Bills team since 76-77. The lack of talent at virtually every position other than the secondary is startling.

  14. There were two major areas of weakness going into the draft, QB and O-Line. the elderly Nix choose not to address either of those early in the draft. Edwards is shell-shocked, but I'm not sure Peyton Manning wouldn't be a sucky QB with the OL of the Bills. It really doesn't count as time in the pocket when everyone is being pushed into your face. Bills won't win more than 3 games this year. Miami stinks and the Bills couldn't beat them at home. I honestly don't think the Bills will make the playoffs again as long as the team is in Buffalo, which probably won't be all that much longer. Depressing as hell.

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