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Posts posted by IronyAbounds

  1. Good Lord, the Broncos are winning because of their defense and in spite of Tebow, not because of him. Not to mention the fact that they haven't exactly beaten great teams. If Miami doesn't botch that onside kick, Tebow might not have even played the next week he was so bad. San Diego is imploding, KC sucks, the Jets are mediocre and Oakland was going through a QB transition. The comparisons to Flutie are ridiculous. Flutie had talent and could pass the ball.

  2. I think Johnny Gold has been drinking a bit too much Jose Cuervo Gold. "Great Day to be a Bills Fan." Are you crazy? The team just insured no playoffs for the 12th straight year. They let a crap QB drive about 80 yards for a winning TD. The Bills will likely end up with 2 more wins than last year. Very little progress and with the brain dead brain trust in the front office drafting a bunch of losers, you really think they will win the SB next year? You are on some very potent meds buddy.

  3. The last two drafts have not yielded much talent. Dareus is a stud, but the 3rd pick would have been tough to mess up. Otherwise, Nix has not brought in much talent at all. Merriman was a terrible mistake. Smith was idiotic. He does get some props for Barnett, but otherwise the Bills are both thin and not terribly talented. There is a reason Nix didn't get a GM job until he hit 70. With the AFC being so mediocre this year the Bills would have had a shot if Nix had done a halfway decent job.

  4. So when we miss the playoffs are we supposed to mail you a dollar for calling it early?


    Hey, that would be great. Thanks for the offer.


    Seriously though, there is never a guarantee for what the future may hold. Even if the Bills are on the "upswing" this year, there is no guarantee that next year will be better. The team put themselves in the playoff picture and to miss out, yet again, will be very disheartening, even if it looks like they may be getting better. You have to take advantage of any chance you get because you may not get that chance again. Anyone happy with 8-8 or even 9-7 this year, after the way things started, is easily satisfied.

  5. You think that with the injuries to the receiving corp they'd find a way to get Chandler more involved, yet since game 1 Chandler's played an ever decreasing role in the passing game. Given his size he should be a good possession type receiver. Was he just a flash in the plan? Are we seeing why he didn't really stick with any other club previously?

  6. It makes an effin difference because plenty was said against and for the Dixie Chicks after their Bush statement. You had to be living under a rock not to know that.


    Perhaps I misunderstood your question. I knew the Chicks were in England at the time they made their statement. I just don't understand the relevance. I also realize the Chicks had both their detractors and supporters at the time. My point is that right wingers back then denounced the Chicks for saying terrible things about the President, urged boycotts, etc., but today have their panties in a bunch about everyone being so PC about Junior's statements. They're hypocrites.

  7. Lost in this whole flap is the seeming fact that nobody understands the difference between a comparison and an analogy. It was a stupid analogy to make, but in no way was Obama compared to Hitler.


    Good point, other than the fact that it's dead wrong:


    "Williams, whose song "All My Rowdy Friends" has been the Monday Night Football theme on both ABC and ESPN since 1991, told "Fox and Friends" that he thought Speaker of the House John Boehner playing golf with President Obama "would be like Hitler playing golf with (Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin) Netanyahu ... In the shape this country is in?"


    Told by anchor Brian Kilmeade that he didn't understand the analogy, Williams said: "I'm glad you don't, brother, because a lot of people do. They're the enemy." Asked who, Williams said: "Obama. And Biden. Are you kidding? The Three Stooges."


    "Later in the Fox interview with Williams, anchor Gretchen Carlson told Williams he used the name of one of history's most hated men to describe the President.


    "Well that's true. But I'm telling you like it is," Williams said."


    Seems to me he was trying to compare Obama to Hitler.

  8. If he was calling Boehner Hitler, NBC would have given him a 2 hour special


    Everyone whining about MNF pulling Hank Williams, Jr. is a hypocrite. Remember the outrage from the right about the Dixie Chicks saying they were ashamed to have Bush as President? All the calls for boycotts, the hatred and the death threats. I don't recall a lot of right-wingers standing up for the Dixie Chicks' right to speak their minds then. No whining about a PC nation at that moment.

  9. I mean at what point are people going to hold them responsible for what's on the field? I see lots of mention how Jauron and Levy really screwed the pooch (and believe me, I thought Jauron was a terrible pick for a coach from day one), but you can't use the rebuilding excuse forever. The offensive line is utterly terrible, and yet nothing was done in this offseason to improve it. I recognize the focus on the defense, but the OL is the single most important building block in football. To ignore the need for improvement there is unconscionable. Dareus clearly has the potential to be a monster, but it is hard to cite any other quality draft pick from Nix in two years. Spiller was unneeded and may well be a bust to boot. Last year's team was worse than the year before, and this year's team is likely worse than last year's. Hard to argue the team is headed in the right direction.

  10. It isn't enough that the Bills are considerably under the salary cap, Zombie Ralph has to save even more money by dumping Evans for a 4th round pick (in other words, garbage). Yet another big ol' "FU Suckers" to Bills' fans. Evans isn't great, but the team is clearly not better with him gone, and they could have gotten the same deal at the end of the year. Just plain stupid and miserly.

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