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Posts posted by IronyAbounds

  1. If I'm wrong about the difficulty of learning the position then I'm wrong, but the point remains, why the heck wasn't he active? All but two other receivers who were drafted in the first five rounds that weren't injured made their team's active roster (and of the other two, one was likely held out to insure health and the other had injury problems in camp and just fell far behind. Given the deplorable state of the Bills' receiving corp, you certainly expect that a receiver with even a modicum of talent would be on the active roster. Either the coaching staff is stupid, or Graham was picked far too early in the draft. Perhaps both.

  2. I have to shake my head at anyone who is surprised the Bills are constantly outcoached. Gailey has failed at each of his head coaching jobs, pro and college, and he was fired as an OC by the Chiefs just before the first game of the 2009 season. For some reason he has developed a reputation as an offensive guru, but it baffles the mind. Even if he were an offensive genius, it is clear he is not up to the task of head coach. Just the latest in a long line of cheap a$$ hires as head coach, that, in short order, are shown to be bumbling clowns.

  3. It speaks volumes that Graham wasn't on the active roster for the game. Wide receiver is probably the easiest position for a rookie to play, and a 3rd round pick should at least be able to make the active roster, particularly given Johnson's gimpy groin and the low level of talent in the other receivers. I am sick to death of stupid draft picks by the doddering senior citizen Buddy Numbskull.

  4. I think Fitz can be a solid starter in the league


    All evidence to the contrary. I'm flabbergasted that anyone thinks Fitz is the answer to any question other than "which QB gives their team the least bang for the buck?" Signing him to a contract extension last year was simply the dumbest decision a GM could have made. It wasn't like he was going to go anywhere midseason. Nix and Gailey are complete and utter clowns.

  5. QB is absolutely a top priorty next April. Feel free to update this thread weekly; I'd be interested to know how this kid does when the competition heats up.


    Actually, QB is absolutely a top priority next week. Unfortunately, Numbskull Nix and Clueless Chan have made addressing that priority impossible.

  6. Let's face it: the major problem with the Buffalo Bills is Ralph Wilson. And we all know what it's going to take to solve that problem. Pretending otherwise is pointless.


    To the extent that Ralph is responsible for hiring clowns like Nix and Gailey, I would agree. He has paid for talent, it's just that his Front Office and coaching staff wouldn't know talent if it crawled up their arses and let off a cherry bomb.

  7. FO has made some bold moves this year, but it will all be for naught since the powers that be somehow decided to put all their offensive eggs in the Ryan Fitzpatrick basket. He simply is not starting QB caliber. Period, end of story. This could be a breakout year if they had a mid-level NFL QB at the helm, but instead they have stuck with a Harvard QB who is at best a mediocre backup. What a shame.

  8. Gailey and Nix will be given at least one more year, little progress will be made, and eventually another round of hiring inept coaches and front office personnel will occur. Rinse and Repeat.


    I have to laugh at those who say a team that finished 1-8, and for the most part were blown out of games, is making progress. The word delusional immediately comes to mind.

  9. How anyone can be above despair is beyond me. Fitzpatrick is simply not a quarterback who can lead a team with marginal talent to the playoffs let alone a Super Bowl. In fact, no team with Fitzpatrick at QB could win a Super Bowl, so at best a team with him at the helm can make the playoffs, but that is only if he is surrounded by a hell of a lot more talent than he is ever going to see in Buffalo. Who are the potential Pro Bowlers on this team? Dareus maybe, Jackson, if healthy? Then...


    Some one mentioned this is a four to five year process. Good luck with that. Teams don't stay together that long . By the time you get the final pieces of the puzzle in place the first set of pieces is off via free agency or injury or age. The teams that win consistently have great organizations that know good players when they see them and foster an atmosphere that draws in the quality free agents. The knuckleheads at One Bills Drive would have trouble finding their rear ends with two hands and a flashlight. I want to be optimistic, I really do, but as they say, fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me 12 friggin years in a row - I'm not that stupid.

  10. Crappy drafting leads to less depth. Remaining considerably under the salary cap leads to less depth. Bad DC leads to bad defense. Relying on a mediocre QB as your future leads to lack of improvement. Someone noted earlier that the Bills have a lot of FAs after the year end, some of whom may be resigned but others won't. The NFL is a continual rebuilding project and good organizations know how to deal with that. It not only shouldn't take 3 or 4 years to turn a team around, it almost can't because of free agency and injuries. It isn't like you can keep all your good players every year and only jettison the bad ones. Players leave, are hurt or otherwise don't pan out. The best organizations (NE, Pittsburgh, Baltimore) win consistently because they are always able to adapt to roster turnover. The middling organizations have ups and downs, but take advantage of the NFL's scheduling breaks and the draft to make the playoffs at least once every two or three years. The utter crap organizations, with the Bills perhaps being the poster child for that particular category, are ALWAYS in rebuilding mode and never are able to put together a quality team. They make stupid drafting errors (McCargo, Maybin and Spiller being prime examples), hire mediocre coaches that are rejects from other teams (Jauron and Gailey, come on down!) and for the most part make all decisions based on the perceived financial consequences - in other words, sucking on the tit of the NFL's socialist system, while ignoring the financial benefits of actually having a winning team. Add in an owner who has one foot out the door (or, if you are less tactful, one foot in the grave) and not willing to commit to a city, and the result is what you have with the current incarnation of the Bills. A team that never makes the playoffs.

  11. Doesn't matter where the Bills draft or who they draft, Nix will botch the pick. No other team gave him a chance to be a GM for a reason. Just like no other team gave Gailey another chance to be a head coach. They were cheap, stopgap picks to get Ralph closer to the point where he (or his estate) pulls the plug on Buffalo. The odds of Buffalo ever seeing another playoff team are growing dimmer and dimmer. Every day that goes by without a firm agreement for an extension of the lease is another tiny nail in Buffalo's NFL coffin. After all these years of futility it is virtually impossible to be optimistic about this team. Not that I'll stop rooting for them, until they move to another city, but frustrating doesn't come close to expressing what it is like to be a Bills' fan.

  12. Please welcome your LOS ANGELES JAGUARS!!!!!!

    The new owner has pledged to keep the team in Jacksonville. I was hoping the Jags would make the move in order to make it more likely the Bills will stay put, but doesn't look like that is happening. I just want to get some certainty into the Bills staying in Buffalo. Then again, if they moved, I wouldn't have to have my heart broken and sanity challenged every year by this putridly run franchise.

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