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Posts posted by IronyAbounds

  1. Hard to believe that the Bills with its secondary are going to win this game. The offense could score 35, or it could score 3, there is absolutely no way to know how EJ will perform given his limited playing time in the preseason (two series against starters is not a sufficient amount of time to get ready for the NFL). What EJ needs to do is enough so that the Patsies can't load the line and shut down Spiller. Anything beyond that is really expecting too much at this point. I'm thinking NE 38 to 17.

  2. 4-12 3 home wins, 1 on the road. It's hard enough to win in the NFL with just one good CB. For almost half the season the Bills will not only have no good CBs, but all lousy CBs. Also, EJ may well turn out to be a good QB, but anyone thinking he will be anything above barely average the first half of the season is smoking some very powerful stuff. He's raw, he's had a truncated pre-season, and he really has yet to face a real starting defense playing at regular season speed. How the Bills' young receivers will perform is another complete unknown. The Bills could easily be 0-8 heading into the home game with the Chiefs.

  3. Feel bad for the fans that actually paid to watch this game, yikes


    It's despicable that fans have to purchase these games as part of their season ticket package. The Bills should be sued for fraud since the product on the field today in no way resembles a professional football team.


    DISCLAIMER: Before anyone gets their panties in a wad, I know it's preseason and this game is meaningless. I don't want Marrone fired and I'll be rooting for the Bills all year no matter how much they may end up sucking.

  4. Given the injuries, the problems in the secondary, questions about the OL, and adapting to a new system, I see 4-12, with home wins against the Jets, Dolphins, Panthers and Chiefs. The Bills got unlucky with the schedule this year having to play Cleveland, Tampa Bay and Jacksonville on the road. Those would have been winnable home games. Conversely, having to play Baltimore, Cincinnati and Atlanta at home provided games that are likely losses no matter what. Flip the venues of those six games around and they go 7-9. I still think Marrone will work out in the end, but this year is going to be fugly.

  5. Considering we just picked up two QBs, I'm not as confident as this guy is.


    Yep, it is not at all unusual for a "minor procedure" to ultimately end up being a major problem. Not saying that is the case here, but essentially putting "a QB Needed" listing on Craigslist - NFL is a good indication that EJ's minor procedure is not a trifling matter.

  6. The fact that some people are citing "Lack of deep passes" is laughable to me. Why? Because there hasn't been a 50 yard bomb in either of the first two preseason games yet? Goodwin seemingly can't go a single practice without catching one, and Graham and Rogers have too, so obviously it's a big part of the playbook. Not a worry for me what so ever.


    And practice conditions exactly match regular season game conditions.

  7. 1. I had no clue who Marrone was when he was hired, but I like what I've seen since.


    2. I think the defense will prove to be far more improved than the offense and the key to a better season.


    3. A big reason why I think #2 is true is that the offense has sputtered early in the two preseason games against the starters on defense, with both EJ and Kolb, even though those defenses have been pretty vanilla. EJ has looked good, but it would have been nice for him to have had the time in game 3 to play against the starting defense for an extended time. Being thrown in on Week 1 of the regular season with only 2 series against starters is a scary proposition.


    4. It would have been nice to see EJ at least make one attempt downfield before the season starts. Dinks and Dunks will not cut it against most starting defenses, particularly if the offense has no credible deep threat. With Goodwin on the team, the Bills can stretch the field as long as the QB is capable of going deep. Maybe EJ can do it in real game conditions, but we simply don't know.

  8. The way sports works, Tuel could be the second coming of Peyton Manning and EJ will get every chance to succeed and then some simply because he was a No. 1 pick and teams don't want to be seen as blowing a No. 1 pick. EJ looked ok yesterday, although one could not tell if he can throw a long ball since EVERYTHING was dink and dunk, but in any event Tuel looked much better, although the guys on Indy's defense at the time may have had something to do with that. I just hope the Bills keep three QBs, because it is not hard to imagine Kolb getting hurt (Christ, the guy will probably break a foot getting out of bed), and Tuel will be needed at one point or another, and there is no way he stays on the practice squad if he isn't on the final roster.

  9. I certainly hope the Jets crash and burn, and I don't think Geno will do much, but as a Bills' fan, before I go bagging on the Jets or any other team, I want the Bills to do something, you know, like make the playoffs for the first time in an eternity. Given Buddy's crappy drafting I'm going to hold my tongue and see how this crop of draftees perform before bashing anyone else's draft acumen.

  10. Getting rid of Gailey was an absolute necessity. At some point you'd have to fire him since he is an incompetent head coach (and I'm not so sure he was a great coordinator either, after all the Chiefs dumped him just before the regular season started), so whatever year period the firing starts it is better to start it now rather than one or two years down the road. Nix also needs to go. His drafts have been mediocre at best and his handling of the QB position has been atrocious.


    I'm sure Gailey is a nice guy, but you have to wonder what the heck he was thinking when he said he done a turn around at two other places. His work with the Cowboys was not generally considered a success (fired after two years), nor was his tenure at Georgia Tech (again, fired after a bunch of middling seasons. He wasn't successful as a head coach ever, and aside from a decent last half of the 2010 season and a good start to the 2011 season the Bills have looked terrible under Gailey. 7-19 in the last 26 games speaks volumes about what direction Gailey was taking the Bills.


    Like I said, he may be a nice guy, but praise the Lord the clown is gone as the Bills' head coach.

  11. 5 games against 2012 playoff teams and 8 against 2012 teams with non winning records. The sky is falling.


    Pittsburgh got bit by the injury bug this year, Tomlin is a good coach and they'll be back. Saints will regroup after this year, and only the Chiefs and the Jets are likely to be clearly worse. If Gailey is the coach, 5 wins max, perhaps 4 if Rancid Futzpathetic is the QB. With a new coach and a new QB, they might make a play for 7. The tragedy of this year is the wasting of an incredibly easy schedule. I'm sure Gailey and Nix are nice guys who might make good company over a beer, but they are horribly over their heads in their present positions and the Bills' fans have been royally screwed over by the ineptness of this organization once again.

  12. I honestly would rather be hung by my toenails than stick with Fitz to do anything other than hold a clipboard...He's not good enough, he never was, and he never will be...No Fitz...Please for the love of all things good...No Fitz in 2013...I'll take my lumps with any Rookie...And I mean ANY Rookie over Fitz... B-)


    Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding - we have a winner here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. Nix is responsible for bringing the talent. The Bills have no QB even close to an NFL caliber starter, they have low quality receivers, linebackers, corners and safeties, the drafts have been mediocre at best, and Nix has supported Gailey, who is just a bumbling clownish joke as a head coach. Sorry, the old man doesn't get my vote. As for Gailey, obviously only people who are brain dead could support him.

  14. Yes because Jackson will amazingly enable the defense to stop the run and keep the opposing offense from scoring touchdowns on 4 of their first 5 drives.


    Anyone that says the Bills have the best, most knowledgable fans in the world obviously doesn't read this board.


    Apparently you haven't watched the Bills' QB the past season and a half. The chronic inaccuracy. The stupid decisions (especially puzzling coming from a Harvard guy). The decidedly unNFL like arm. Oh wait, perhaps you were taking about your posts. Never mind.

  15. I'm not saying Jackson will succeed. In fact, I think it is highly unlikely he will (with that clown Gailey as HC anyone on this team will struggle to succeed). However, we KNOW Fitz will not succeed, so even if Jackson being a capable starter is only 10%, that is a 10% higher chance than with Fitzputrick at the helm. If he flames out, the Bills are not in any worse position than if they had stuck with Ditz.


    Of course, given the utter ineptitude of this organization, they won't make any decision that works out. A team that hires a first time GM who is already on Medicare and a head coach who flopped in both the pros and college, and starts a QB who has never shown starting QB talent is not destined to ever make the playoffs, let alone challenge for a championship. Losses are one thing, utter stupidity is another.

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