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Posts posted by IronyAbounds

  1. Can you please tell me what EJ, Sammy, Mario, Goodwin, Gilmore, etc etc have to do with the past 14 years? Many of them didn't even know how to ride a bike yet, let alone play football 14 years ago.


    They are NOT responsible for your 14 years of misery...maybe, just maybe, this fan base needs to not take out their frustrations of the previous regimes on this young group of prospects, which is probably the most raw talent this team has had in the last 14 years overall. Maybe, just maybe showing these young players support will help them get over the hump...and just maybe, showing them support will make them want to stay when their contracts are up and we can stop losing young talent after their rookie contracts.


    You have an issue with the last 14 years, then go boo them and complain about them. Stop taking it out on the young talent trying to change the losing culture and support them through their growth to help get there.


    I wonder if you noticed that the guy calling out the Bills' fans, the guy who has done very little in his time on the Bills, and one of the guys you claim is trying to change the culture in Buffalo has a Twitter page with him in his Texas uniform? Who the hell is he to question any Buffalo fan when being on the Bills apparently doesn't mean squat to him.


    How can the O-Line be a strength when the leader of our team keeps shifting players around? You had 21 days in pads at TC, you should know who your best 5 linemen are and stick with them in every practice and preseason.


    I agree completely. They seem obsessed to find O-linemen that can play every position they can't find anyone who is really good at one position. Jack of all O-line positions, masters of none.

  3. EJ, his second season in the league and it's a make or break season. Wow, expectations gave really changed.


    First round picks don't get multiple seasons to come through. Another mediocre season and the new ownership and new head coach will try and find someone else - although the Watkins pick pretty much nailed that coffin shut for the next draft.

  4. Me too, although I like it more when both teams wear throwbacks.


    It would be hard to tell with the Dolphins. Even the change to the dolphin on their helmets is just a minor tweak. In any event, more than the uniform, it's the standing buffalo that is the real throwback for the Bills. I love it because that was on their helmets when I went to the Rockpile to watch the Bills as a kid all those many many years ago (and it was on their helmets when they won their two championships in '64 and '65). I recognize that other people's mileage may vary.

  5. The Browns only kept their name because Cleveland was clearly screwed over by Art Modell and holy hell was raised because of the move. What is more likely to happen is like what happened to the Oilers. They moved to Tennessee but Bud Adams was a dick and changed the name to the Titans but retained the rights to the Oilers so the new Houston team could not use it. The Oilers helmet was so beautiful in its simplicity it is a shame it wasn't able to be resurrected. The Texans' helmet is just so Arena footballish. My guess is that when the team leaves Buffalo it will use a new name and the Bills name will be lost forever, not that Buffalo will ever be able to get a new team.

  6. Well, I guess somebody has to reshuffle the deck chairs on the Titanic. Taken aback about questions regarding SJ; Crossman not fired on Black Monday; Moorman coming back; EJ already annointed starting QB.


    Blithering idiots, the lot of them, just a terrible organization. If either Hackett or Crossman are still on the staff next season Marrone should be instantly fired.

  7. It's not just Marrone, although there is absolutely nothing about him that suggests he is a head coach who can take a dismal franchise and lead them to the playoffs. The whole organization is just a steaming pile of turds. The talent level on this team screams 8-8 at the very best, and that lies completely at the feet of the front office. $20M of unused cap space screams dollars mean far more than winning. Marrone's assistants are mediocre at best with the possible exception of Pettine (Hackett and the special teams coach are absolute clowns unworthy of being associated with an NFL team). This year has produced nothing that an unbiased observer would point to that gives hope for the playoffs in the near future. The whole organization needs to change, from the owner to the waterboy. Bills' fans deserve so much more than the crap teams this franchise produces.

  8. The jury is still out on EJ, maybe he will develop and suddenly develop the accuracy that was missing in college and thus far in his fledgling NFL career. Even though it was a stupid pick, they made so they need to find out if it will pan out. What concerns me the most is Marrone saying they may have to simplify the playbook for EJ. I mean, wtf, they have been coddling him all year, and now they want to make it even simpler? That is a big warning flag.

  9. Who's anointing anyone?


    The only question for Bills fans is Hogan/Graham or Rogers? Who would you rather have? I'm leaving Easley out of the equation because he truly is a good ST's player... B-)


    I thought I made my disdain for Graham clear. If the choice was Rogers or Graham, give me Rogers. Graham is pretty much useless and Rogers has more upside. Still, one game with Rogers with Indy and having Luck to throw to him doesn't mean he will be productive in the long run.

  10. That is even MORE unlikely. Even if Fitz was obviously not the guy, he was under contract and the Bills decided to release him. No need for "panic" as they could have just kept him as a stopgap until 2014 or as they groomed a younger replacement. They also had TJax under contract, and signed Kolb to replace Fitz on the roster.It's widely known that the 2013 draft was Whaley's, not Nix's. So Nix did not make a mistake. While the Bills have lost for many years and had some dubious Coaching/ GM hires in their past, this is no reflection on Whaley or Marrone. Both seem widely respected by their peer group and Whaley was viewed as on the way up by the Steelers organization, which is thought of as a well run franchise. Thinking that everyone at OBD are dunces has little basis in reality. It is an NFL franchise, I doubt they hold job fairs at the mall to fill high level poistions You clearly dislike the Manuel pick, but your theories of how it transpired sound juvenile and irrational. It's not like they took some division III product in the first round or something. They liked a certain player and you don't. It's no more complicated than that.

    If your franchise doesn't go to the playoffs for 14 straight seasons, and you have one winning season in those 14 years, comparatively speaking your organization is full of dunces. There is no way a well run franchise has those kind of results (and the evidence you cite, the releases of Fitz and Jackson and the signing of Kolb only bolsters the case that OBD is full of people not capable of making NFL quality decisions. Moreover, suggesting that EJ shouldn't have been picked is the first round is hardly the same as saying he was some D-III product. Suggesting that I said that or even implied that is, in your words, juvenile and irrational, not to mention just plain stupid. I still hope EJ turns out well, but nothing I have read or seen to date indicates that EJ has demonstrated that he will be a star in the NFL.

  11. Don't you think IF there was a QB the Bills were hugely excited about that would be available in 2014, that they WOULD HAVE passed on drafting a QB in 2013 and shored up another position of need with a potential impact player? Perhaps they just aren't that impressed by any of them, or did not see them as being appreciably better. No one was exactly forcing them to take a QB. They had (still have) big needs at WR, TE and the OL, plus LB on the defensive side. There isn't exactly an Andrew Luck-type prospect in 2014. They must have felt 2013 was as good a time as any. Then there is the highly unlikely theory being thrown about that they drafted one knowing they could blame Nix if it didn't work out in 2013, then just use another first rounder in 2014. Which do you think is more likely?


    Neither. I think it was clear that Fitz was not the guy and they panicked. Plus, we can't dismiss the notion that Nix was never GM material so he just made a mistake. I don't think they wanted Nix as a fall guy. It is not unlikely that no one at One Bills Drive is all that bright. Let's face it, the organization has been hapless for a long long time.

  12. thank you for this link http://www.tomahawkn...l-florida-state ,it confirms what I thought when watching EJ in college


    I too thank you for the link, It confirms in my mind that the Bills drafting EJ in the first round was a bridge too far. I was ready for Fitz to go, but given the lousy QBs in the 2013 draft and the Bills being under the salary cap this year, they would have been better off waiting a year to draft the franchise QB. As many have noted, they won't draft another QB in 2014, so unless EJ turns things around the Bills are stuck with mediocre QB play for the next few years.

  13. Born in Buffalo, still have the program of the first game I can remember attending (1962 game against Denver), sat in the stands in freezing weather watching the Bills lose to the Pats in the 1963 playoff game, the last real game I attended in Buffalo. Watching the Bills be so inept over the past 14 years is hard. It's like watching a child who has turned bad, perhaps like an addict that keeps going to rehab and you hope he is better this time, only to see them slip back into the same mistakes. Gotta keep loving them though.

  14. EJ has not yet had a game anywhere near as bad as Geno's worst...so what do you want me to compare? How many rookie QB's are playing this year...oh yeah, 3 and 2 of them are on our team.


    In a thread claiming tout facts, I'd think you would be better about the facts you are presenting. Today's game was as bad as anything Geno has done. Also, Mike Glennon, who was drafted well after EJ, is starting and playing better than EJ has. I understand the desperate desire that EJ be the answer at QB, but so far he has not shown that he is the guy to lead the Bills to the promised land, or even a .500 record for that matter.

  15. More than anything it is the front office. Jauron was a bad hire, the Gailey and Nix hires were just laughable, and even if Marrone and crew turn out ok, they still have to deal with the numbskulls in the front office. No excuse whatsoever for ending up with EJ and Tuel as your top 2 QBs. No T Jax would not turn the team into a Super Bowl contender, but he was there for not that much money, which they instead gave to Kolb, who is brittle as a banana dunked in liquid nitrogen. I understand the concept that releasing Fitz, another mediocre starter but capable backup, saved some cap room, but then you go into season 20M below the salary cap. They stick with just the 2 QBs and leave Thad Lewis, yet another decent backup, on the Practice Squad so you have no option other than Jeff Tuel to take over in the very winnable Cleveland game, well, it was winnable except you had to play Tuel, who likely would have trouble making another team's Practice Squad, let alone the active roster.


    Of course, I guess why should the team care. You have plenty of fans shocked, just shocked that someone says that a 3-6 team sucks. Of course it sucks. 3-6 teams by definition suck. No playoffs in 14 years suck. 13 out of 14 years with a losing record sucks. The fact that it is the only team I will root for is what sucks the most. It's like having a child who really isn't a good kid. You have to love them, you want to see the bright side of everything, you think it will be different this time, but at the end you're just left with a rotten kid. Well, as Bills fans we are left with a team that sucks.

  16. Being a fan of 2 teams is something harder to decipher than rocket science (to me). It either means you're just not that much of a football fan or you're just (I'm sorry to say) a fake.


    I'm just not a fan of people who "love and follow" 2 teams in the same league... When they face each other, you need to ask yourself, who do I want to win and your answer lies there. THAT'S the team you should follow...



    I love how someone thinks they know how someone should be a fan. Goodness, this isn't something where there is one right way and one wrong way.


    Bills always have been and always will be #1 for me, but the Browns were my team in the NFL before the NFL-AFL merger and I continue to hope they do well. When they play the Bills I want the Bills to win, as long as the Bills aren't just playing the spoiler role. Of course, the past how many years both teams suck so it hasn't made much difference.

  17. He also hasn't played a game as poor as the one Thad played yesterday IMO.


    Apparently you removed the Baltimore game from your memory banks. EJ in that game was terrible.


    I have to laugh at this whole discussion. You would have thought EJ was Tom Brady Part 2 given the comments about him. His play and Lewis' play have been remarkably similar. EJ was a bit better on the short game, Lewis has been better in the long game, but essentially their stats and the way they have moved the offense has been virtually the same. With that said, EJ will always get the starting nod if both are healthy simply because the FO would never allow some journeyman off the practice squad to take over in place of a #1 pick. It just doesn't work that way in the NFL, let alone Buffalo.

  18. The problem with Bills' fans is that we are like abused spouses. We are abused on an annual basis with crap teams that show occasional glimpses of promise, so we tell everyone, no no, it's ok, it will get better, the team means well and really will be good in the future, only to face the abuse of watching the crap rear its ugly head again and again. We stick with the Bills because we do not think there is any alternative (and in reality, as long as the team is in Buffalo there will never be an alternative to being a Bills' fan) no matter how heart-breaking it is year after year after year of rebuilding and tearing down and rebuilding again. Some people blowing off steam on a message board should be the least of a Bills' concerns.

  19. Compared to the Bills' last game against the Patriots, in New England, btw, the Bills' offense gained 195 fewer yards while its defense gave up 84 more yards. Clearly progress has been made.


    Seriously, however, I love how everyone is blaming the Bills' turnovers for the loss while ignoring the fact that the Pats turned the ball over as well, at a greater cost. It is also indisputable that the Patriots did not have anywhere close to the weapons on offense that they had last year and they still gained well north of 400 yards. I was foolishly pessimistic going into this game, thinking Brady would pick apart the Bills' lousy secondary. With the crappy receivers NE had available for this game, the Bills should have won. Everyone who is saying Pettine is the greatest should also consider that a guy who had 304 career yards in two seasons just rushed for over 100 yards. Sorry, the defense was not stellar today, not by a long shot.

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