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Posts posted by fansince88

  1. 8 hours ago, Big Blitz said:



    You forgot to mention obesity.


    Yes, we're going to have a national conversation on working out.  


    Sorry if that "shames" anyone but if I'm going to be over masks, you can suck it up with your lack of proper nutrition and exercise.



    And no, I don't want numbers to look good.  I want policy that justifies the risk.  We clearly don't understand statistics.


    Well, the one the left did understand was Trump had a 90% chance of winning in March.  They understood that.  

    When he wins in November they can use those masks to dry their eyes.

    • Like (+1) 1
  2. 1 hour ago, machine gun kelly said:


    RKA, it’s ok, Beane and McD paid off Flutie under the table to get his Greg Brady tiki and dig it up from the 50 yard line in 2017.  We’re good now.  Flutie asked if he could back up Taylor, and McD said don’t push it or I’ll go MMA on you.


  3. 18 minutes ago, Rocky Landing said:

    QB of the future? Fromm was taken by Buffalo, 167th in round 5. In that same round, with the 159th pick, NE* took placekicker Justin Rohrwasser, who currently seems to be behind Nick Folk in what Bellichick* has described as "an open kicking competition."


    So, do you think Bellichick* coveted his placekicker of the future over his QB of the future? I don't buy it. If Bellichick* valued him highly enough to "give up this year," he would have drafted him.


    And, I just don't see any team poaching a rookie, with zero NFL game-tape, from another PS this season for anything other than immediate need. 53-man roster spots are too valuable to risk on rookies, of whom so little is known. There are 31 teams in the league who know just as much about Fromm now, as they did when he was drafted.



    There was talk at the time of the draft that Bills swept in ahead of Pats plan to draft him. That is my thought. When you font expect to have a great season picking up a draft pick like that is like picking up a free draft pick. 

  4. 2 hours ago, Rocky Landing said:

    Bellichick* could only poach him to put him on the Roster. I can't imagine a team, including the Pats*,  poaching a backup QB to their 53 for the purpose of development-- not this year. Poaching will be done on a need basis, and if any team feels like they need Fromm, then they (and the league, for that matter) are in trouble.

    Not this year? Dont be fooled. Bill would give up this year if he knew he had the QB of the future if the rumors are true and he coveted him.

  5. Just now, Tiberius said:

    Yes, people can make BS arguments. Maggot has proved that again and again. Yes. I agree with you 

    Your reply says otherwise. Had you agreed and understood the enire thing you answer would have been just. "Great advise, thanks". Instead you went into a tirade about another poster. 

    Just now, Niagara Bill said:

    Never suggested to shoot into the car...maybe a tire...?he is not a bear, he is a human being, sexual assault is not a reason to shoot a man in the back 7 times, he did not have possession of a knife.

    Not suggesting this guy is not a criminal, or even potentially dangerous, just saying any good cop would not shoot 7 times in the back unless he is sick, shouldn't be a cop or is a racist.


    Have you ever shot a tire up close? Never works as seen on tv.

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  6. Just now, Tiberius said:

    Case closed? Says the guy who also thinks Qanon is serious and thoughtful. In other words, if you say it’s ok, it’s probably not. 


    You have zero zero credibility with anyone with a brain. 

    My grandfather used to have 2 sayings when he was alive. 1)there are always 2 sides to baloney no matter how thin you slice it. Meaning fully look at both sides before deciding the case. 2) Dont run your mouth a lot. People begin to ignore you after a while especially when you repeat the same thing over and over. Say less with more substance.

     Just a bit of advice. Hopefully it helps you in the future. 

    • Awesome! (+1) 2
  7. On 8/24/2020 at 12:43 AM, Augie said:


    I won’t hold my breath, but that would be a fabulous story.  

    Yes it would!

    On 8/24/2020 at 8:04 PM, JoPoy88 said:

    A single 3rd round pick is “a lot of capital” lol ?

    I agree with your reply. Devin taking a back seat to Moss seems absurd but still possible........but absurd. 

  8. 3 minutes ago, RiotAct said:

    so he’s do “whatever it takes” to save lives in the COVID -19 crisis.That’s sounds commendable, but... what does it entail?   Shutting down everything deemed “non-essential” for a couple more years, devastating millions more economically?  Mask mandates until we get a vaccine with an effectiveness over a certain percentage or until the last case nationwide is cleared?   What, exactly?

    In a word, control. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  9. 37 minutes ago, arcane said:

    The idea that non-immunoligical legislation can make macroscopic impacts on this virus, short of having a finger on each and every one of 380 million people, is what is pie-in-the-sky. There is a reason that an abundance of pandemic planning literature advises against strict lockdowns. 

    Apologies. It is tiresome seeing unscientific nonsense masquerading around as "science says!!! Reddit and bill Nye and IFLS facebook page told me!!!"

    Agreed as it is for both sides of the isle on every issue

  10. 8 hours ago, RocCityRoller said:

    It is August 22, 2020. The great scourge of COVID-19 has roamed the lands for 6+ months.


    One thing COVID-19 has shown to be true is a terrible understanding of statistics by the common Joe/Jill in the USA.

    We may want to focus on STEM and not 'White Rage' in our school districts, but I digress. I want to provide facts.


    My stats are from the CDC as of 8/22/2020, except US Population


    US Population: 330,000,000 (Google) (it's between 328.5 and 331 million depending on source, I round up to account for the undocumented)

    Tests Reported: 74,830,464 (CDC) - (there have been 74.8 million test results submitted to the CDC)

    Positive Tests: 6,633,000 (CDC) - (of the 74.8 million tests submitted, 6.6 million have had positive results)

    COVID 19 Deaths: 175,000 - (the CDC reports 174,645, I rounded up for folks who may have died prior to testing)


    So according to the CDC,  between 1 in 4 and 1 in 5 Americans has been tested for COVID-19. This is the media narrative.

    74.8/330 = 22.7% of the population tested.


    But we know that a number of people have been tested twice or more. We also know a lot of tests were rushed and yield false positives (shows an infection when one does not exist) .


    74.8 million test results have been logged with the CDC. Some people have been tested 2,3,4 or more times. Still 74.8 million tests have been conducted in the USA. Show me a country with more test results turned in. Is it possible that with more tests conducted more come back positive? What a concept! A country of 330 million has more COVID positives than a country of 60 million, no way!


    The news blasts: 'USA leads the world in Coronavirus cases'. We are 3rd in population, and 1st in testing. What a wonder.


    The only European country with a population greater than the 74.8 million tests done in the USA is Germany (83.2). Have 74.8 million tests been collected in Germany? No.


    74.8 million tests are more than the entire populations of countries like the UK (66.6), France (66.9) or Italy (60.3). It's no wonder our 'confirmed COVID-19' cases are higher than any other country. We have more people, and more people are being tested than any other country.


    The USA is way ahead of the entire world on testing. We are the 3rd most populous country, and have the most vigorous testing.

    Only China and India have more people. Have they conducted 74.8 million tests? Show me the proof. Indonesia is  close 4th, where are their numbers?


    Let's go with a false Domesday scenario where tests are 1:1 to a person.

    This would mean 6.63 million people have been positively identified as infected with Coronavirus.

    6.63 million of 74.8 million is an 8.9% infection rate. That seems bad.


    But that is the number of those tested, not of the general population.

    Most of the 22% of people tested are at high risk (medical workers), or show symptoms (very sick).

    Even then it is less than 1 in 10 TESTED. (those at high risk or with symptoms)


    For the general population we need to look at positives vs the population.

    6.63 million positives/ 330 general population = 2.0%

    2 percent of the USA population has tested positive for Coronavirus. That includes 'positives' like Matt Stafford.


    The actual chance of an American having COVID-19 lies in between these numbers.

    Between 2.0% and 8.9% of Americans have been infected with Coronavirus.



    175k is the number of COVID confirmed deaths. It's actually 174.7k, but I will give some allowance to under reporting of deaths early due to COVID-19

    when testing wasn't available, but COVID-19 was also isolated to a few cities. It seems a fair trade.


    175k is a bad number. The flu and related illnesses from flu, like pneumonia kill 40-70k every year. COVID-19 is more dangerous than the flu for those that have it.

    But then again we do not close down society for the flu.


    2.6% of those who test positive for COVID-19 die of COVID-19 and related illnesses. This is @10x higher than the normal flu.


    But let's put that into perspective

    0.23% of those tested for COVID-19 die from it

    0.053% of the general population are dying from COVID-19


    1 half of one tenth of one percent of Americans are dying of COVID.

    Six months into the 'Panademic' and your odds of dying by Covid-19 are 175,000 out of 330,000,000 or 1 in 1886.

    You are 10x more likely to die in a car crash, fall or suicide than COVID-19

    You are more likely to die by drowning or in a fire than by COVID-19.


    Everyone dies.

    The government can't fix it, and we don't shut down society for any of the below causes:



    Your odds of dying by:

    Heart Disease and Cancer 1 in 7
    Chronic Lower Respiratory Disease 1 in 28
    Intentional Self-harm 1 in 95
    Unintentional Poisoning by and Exposure to Noxious Substances 1 in 96
    Motor Vehicle Crash 1 in 114
    Fall 1 in 127
    Assault by Firearm 1 in 370
    Car Occupant 1 in 645
    Pedestrian Incident 1 in 647
    Motorcycle Rider Incident 1 in 985
    Unintentional Drowning and Submersion 1 in 1,188
    Exposure to Fire, Flames or Smoke 1 in 1,498
    Choking from Inhalation and Ingestion of Food 1 in 3,461

    Nice work. Thanks. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  11. 7 hours ago, B-Man said:



    Meanwhile, if you go to NC to send a week with your boyfriend, as a young lady I know did, you are met at the airport by the cdc requiring your phone number so they can call you. Asking personal questions. Then 2 days later they called her to make sure she is following the rules. Insisting she not leave her room and not share the bathroom with anyone else in the house.  Told her to never share the laundry and not use the kitchen utensils that others may use. Possibly use paper and plastic if it is available.  She really started to play with them when she asked if she could burn her bedding. 

    • Haha (+1) 2
    • Thank you (+1) 1
  12. 23 minutes ago, bilzfancy said:

    I'm a Curly guy too, did you know he wasn't an original stooge? Shemp was, and when he quit to become a Hollywood actor, Curly took his spot, sadly he passed after multiple strokes in 1952, I believe, my birth year.

    You are not sure if that was the year he passed or you are not sure if that was the year you were born?


  13. 1 minute ago, Buffalo_Gal said:

    We will know more after the RNC convention when those numbers can be compared to both 2016 and the 2020 DNC convention numbers. 

    There are many reasons the DNC convention ratings could have been down from 2016 from the innocuous more people watched online, the low-energy lack of convention goers had people not as eager to watch, or the prerecorded speeches turned people off, to the hair on fire Biden sucks and no one is gonna vote for the Biden/Harris ticket reason. 

    Agreed, That said, I will be on vacation so I will not be adding to that number. Nor did I add to the DNC number. Im afraid that would have made my eyeballs explode from the pressure.


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  14. 5 hours ago, Tiberius said:

    Like I said, you won't accept the facts. Thanks for confirming 


    @Reality Check is a sh it eater btw 

    Like I said, I didn't ask you and what does what @Reality Check  eats have to do with you minding your own business? I have asked @Buftex, his or her reply. I dont need you to reply. I don't want your opinion. I don't even trust your sources. 

    3 minutes ago, Buffalo_Gal said:



    Welp, thats that! 

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