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Posts posted by fansince88

  1. 4 minutes ago, Tiberius said:


    So hard no or wait and see?

    7 minutes ago, Golden Goat said:

    I held my nose and voted for Trump in 2016. While I respect the fact that millions of Americans died for my right to vote, they also died for my right to not vote, should that be my choice. And this year, that's my choice.

    Was there a bad stench at your poling place? Ours is an old banquet hall. Musty!

  2. 1 hour ago, bdutton said:


    Soak a cedar plank for about 2 hours in water.  Heat grill to 300-350f. Place Salmon skin side down on the cedar plank.  Slice some lemon and place on top of salmon.  


    grill for about 20-25 minutes or until the salmon easily separates from the skin.  Avoid over cooking as it may dry it out.

    Ever try it on charcoal? I really like the flavor with steak and chicken. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  3. He us innocent.  End of THAT story. That said, I have someone very close to me that was arrested for a very embarrassing situation that I am not going to get into. After his arrest his accused crime made the news via radio, newspaper, tv and internet. Took him 2.5 years and thousands of dollars to clear his name but will never clear his reputation. We in society too quickly rush to judgement rather then let the case shape out. Just as Ed said, guilty untill proved innocent.  

  4. Just now, Deranged Rhino said:


    Trump had some of his club's members in attendance at the presser since it was at Bedminster. He invited them to watch him wrestle with the press, telling them prior to going on that "all the bad ones are here, watch what I have to deal with every day". So there were members there behind the press, watching and drinking. Some (not most, not all, some) did not have masks. Acosta was the reporter who complained about them, and Trump said they were peacefully protesting. 


    It was hilarious :lol: 

    Got a link to the whole thing? That would be great to see.

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  5. 6 hours ago, Buffalo_Gal said:

    All churches, weddings, funerals, etc should do this... "peaceful protests"  (And my goodness is leftie-twitter melting down)


    Excuse me....two questions. 1) What protests are they talking about 2)60k died this week? Nooooo.

    5 hours ago, Tiberius said:

    No way red states and rural areas are recording all the deaths from covid 

    Suicide,  untreated illness because people are afraid to go to the hospital. This has been documented. Look into it.....but be carefull.... you may stumble upon the truth. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  6. 7 hours ago, LeviF91 said:



    I don't vote, and if I did I wouldn't vote for traitors.


    That said, the fact that Republicans are so snowblind they can't see what's right in front of them is why they're going to lose the White House this November.  What exactly do you think is "winning" about this strategy?  Do you think "never Hillary" voters give a ***** about whether Joe is a racist or not?  Or black people, for that matter?  Is pushing for a 2% increase in black Trump voters really the way to win this election?  


    Let's be honest about it: Joe is right, black folks vote as a solid block.  Black folks are why Prop 8 got passed in California and 90+% of them reliably vote blue every four years.  Trying to win over a few of them is NOT how Trump can retain the WH in 2020.  It just isn't. 


    The only thing about this election that's more feeble than Joe Biden is the RNC's strategy to keep him out of Washington.

    So you dont vote but you say those who do and vote their convictions are dumb? Ok.

  7. 5 hours ago, BillStime said:


    Devout Catholic? Stong supporter of abortion. That cancels the other.

    5 hours ago, Koko78 said:


    I fail to see the 'sad' part of this. She was throwing Molotov cocktails to intentionally destroy property while engaging in a riot. He certainly assisted, and apparently purchased some of the materials.


    They both ***** know better. While a mandatory 45-to-Life sentence is egregious and excessive based on the facts here, I have zero sympathy that they both threw their careers and law licenses away.

    It was a Bud Light.

  8. 10 minutes ago, HappyDays said:

    Color me surprised. After yesterday I thought for sure I would wake up to the news that he had opted out. As the day went on I kept waiting for the ball to drop. Thank goodness because this would have really put a damper on the season for me.

    You slept till 4?

    • Haha (+1) 1
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